Kevin's Adventures in Japan 2001

(Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Tofu)

Welcome. This site is a log of my travels and happy fun in Japan. Check often and see how I'm doing. There will be pictures and stories and whatever else I feel like adding. Have fun!


5-19-2005: Anyone come here anymore?


11-20-2002: Make sure you all go to No Brand Con 2003

8-26-2002: I know I havn't been coming here but the counter keeps going up. I guess I will have to put more stuff on this site. 3 months ago I went on another trip to Japan and I have lots of new pictures of that, so once I get back to school I will start storing them into something website-able. If you are someone who stumbled onto this site ramdomly or while looking for something else, please post on the message board, it would be wonderful to hear who is coming here.

2-4-2002: WOW, It's been a while. Since people are still coming here, I will keep updating. I am working on a number of updates right now, sorting through the 1000+ pictures I took while in Japan. As I was doing that I came across a unique series of photos that I simply must share. I will probably put this in the "Wild and Wacky of Japan" section later, but for now view it Here. Also I fixed some links, cleaned some stuff up. Now I just have to dust the site off and start working on it again.

1-5-2002: I am currently in the McDonalds Break room. There is a computer here for training new employees. I was surprised to find that it also has Internet capability. So I thought I would see if I could update my site before they notice. Looks like I can.

12-30-2001: Now that Aoi has gone back to Japan (sad), I have time to update this site again (in case anyone still looks at this). I am working on a Kumamoto update now, but for today, the long awaited "Hedge Clip". The kids you see are from Yoko Elemetary School. They were waving goodbye like we were movie stars. But I should look where I am going...

12-16-2001: Back in America... umm... yup.

12-14-2001: Tomarrow is my last day in Nagasaki. I am filled with sadness at leaving this land of wonder. But at the same time I am filled with hope that I can finish the 12 or so updates to the site I have been meaning to do. And since my suitcase is just big enough, I will bring Aoi home with me. If you happen to be near Wausau during the holidays stop by and meet her. The next update will probably be announcing my safe return to the states.

11-29-2001: Lots of stuff going on right now, (tests, reports, etc.) so there is no update right now. But In a few days I will have this really cool one. It includes a video of me running into a hedge! It'll be well worth the wait.

11-21-2001: I real update! The one I was working on a long time ago! It's here. Take a look.

11-16-2001: Pics have been uploaded but I am too busy to write about them right now, but I have something even better for you! Ben Eats an Orange!

11-15-2001: Sorry I havn't updated the site as often as I used to, I have been busy. But I am working on a page about the school festival where Hats With Belts and Tambo the Great performed. As for me I have changed my look again. Here's a current photo.

11-14-2001: Today I walked around with a sissy pink umbrella. People made fun of me.

old news...


Visit Message Board Email me ([email protected])

Travel Plans My Classes Engrish!

The Wild and Wacky of Japan Peace Park

Kyoto MovieLand Life before Japan Nagasaki Halloween Party

Karaoke Bash! Poll 11-3-2001 Togitsu Festival

***New-ish*** Gaigo Tandai School Festival


JASIN Home Page

UW-Plattville Study Abroad in Japan Page

Nagasaki College of Foreign Languages (Japanese page)

Nagasaki College of Foreign Languages (English page)

Nagasaki City International Affairs Homepage

You are one of brave souls who want to know more about Kevin's life.
All content is Copywrite 2001 by Kevin Tambornino. Pictures and text on this site are not to be used without permission from the author.
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