The Kazujisha flag


The People's Republic of Kazujisha is an European nation consisting of 4.5 million Kazujishans living on four islands located to the south of Iceland. The Prime Minister is Aruhikesa Kotaeivha.
The languages spoken in Kazujisha are Kazujisha and Zhytjetji (Žytje�ǩir galo), unrelated to other languages.

Newsflash!! April '09!!

Apr 06 2009 - So what's happening in Kazujisha, really? I haven't updated for a long while - but that doesn't mean that I've given up on Kazujisha. I still play around with it, currently trying to go back to basics with the grammar and writing an introduction to the syntax of the Kazujishan language. In addition, I've written a bit about trains in Kazujisha, especially the Rahean region.

Dec 25 2007 - The People's Republic of Kazujisha wish you all a Merry Christmas as well as a great Nergzukatlega to its inhabitants.

Oct 26 2007 - I've had over 1 000 page views!! That's very great!! Thanks to all you visitors!!

Sep 22 2007 - Not much of a newsflash, but I recently killed off the Tazjakuu. Zhytjetji will be more than enough for me! I'm working with Zhytjetji phonology at the moment. Describing prosody is hard, but it's worth it - it's fun and I've learned loads. Here's an out-of-date Zhytjetji sentence with a recording.

Older Newsflashes!! are available here.


The More You Know! Some facts for your amusement before you continue browsing!

Kazujisha language and related things


A translation of an Aika Loppuu page, Finnish comic.
A page with Nemi comic strip translations in Kazujisha.
CATURDAY: Cat trapped in shower!
CATURDAY: Happy cat ^_^!
CATURDAY: "WAIT - i'll fix it"
KIELMRAKU! Various translations.
Nomaga ni... - a read paragraph in Kazujisha

The Kazujisha lessons

The lessons are nowadays linked on the Kazujisha Textbook page.

The Kazujisha Textbook Table of Contents
The Kazujisha Reference Grammar (pdf)


General about dialects in Kazujisha.

Historical notes

These are some documents regarding older Kazujisha. I generally say there are four main variants of Kazujisha: Azuri, first Kazujisha, second Kazujisha and third (current) Kazujisha.
Azuri conjugated verbs, first Kazujisha had wacky orthography, second Kazujisha was current Kazujisha but without modern relative clauses, causatives and it had phonemic vowel length. Current Kazujisha saw daylight on August 1 2007, but I do not differ between second and third Kazujisha when it comes to translations, documents etc as they are fundamentally similar.

Documents from the old Azuri times.
The Yellow Notebook: Old Azuri and Kazujisha
Documents from old Kazujisha times.

Society and other Kazujisha things

Kazujishans are a weird kind of people. Perhaps reading some of these documents can give some insight on them.

Modern things

Internet in Kazujisha.
Kazujisha radio, with some spoken news from Kazujisha.

Religion in Kazujisha.
The creation myth in Talevalean religion.
The Gospel of John 7:53-8:11 in Kazujisha.
Genesis 11:1-9 (The Tower of Babel) in Kazujisha.

The Kazujisha regions and a poorly drawn map.
The Government of Kazujisha.
Read about the Kazujisha music scene.
Some facts about Kazujisha nuclear power.
Some facts about higher education in Kazujisha.
A list of Kazujisha family names with region of origin.

Kazujisha on other webpages

A Kazujisha language Wiki (Kazupedja) - no longer updated
Somewhere in Kazujisha - a blog about Kazujisha.


The Xwibe language is pretty dead. I might take it up someday and revise it throughoutly, but not at the moment. I still keep these docs for reference and such.

The Xwibe tuyataq grammar sketch. (pdf)
A Xwibe-English wordlist.
Irregular verbs in Xwibe (verb paradigms).
A Xwibe language Wiki (XwibeWiki). - no longer updated


Finno-Ugric related linguistics stuff

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