Xwibe tuyataq-Enleca tuyataq manitalataq

		The Xwibe-English wordlist

 * Adjectives do not have their respective particle in dictionary form;
   see their "Word class" for information regarding what particle is used.
 * Irregular verbs are listed as ir verb. In addition, they are
   linked to their respective paradigms on the Irregular verbs in Xwibe

 * As of currently pronunciations do not include allophony.
 * If you have troubles reading the greyed-out "Word class" or notes,
   highlight it.

 * Last update: August 5 2007 (added a lot of words that are
   in the grammar sketch but were not listed; general fine-tuning)
 word		word class	translation		pronunciation (X-SAMPA)
ahayina		na verb		create, make		ahajina
ahayinata	ta adj		created			ahajinata
alaceba		num		eight			alakeba
  * alatzu-cefuyin-ban "ten-remove-two" > alaceba
alacete		num		nine			alakete
  * alatzu-cefuyin-teo "ten-remove-one" > alacete
alah		la adj		whole			alah
alayin		yin verb	count			alajin
alataq		noun		list			alataq
alatzi		noun		whole, entire		alatsi
alatzu		num		ten			alatsu
  * alatzizumutla "whole [both] hands" > alatzu
alenu		noun		world			alenu
awana		na verb		hurry			awana
awasena		na verb		search			awasena
axizhiqi	qi verb		betray			axiZiqi
ayatana		na verb		say			ajatana

ban		num		two			ban
buyin		yin verb	cook			bujin

ca		pron		you (sg)		ka
cani		pron		you (pl)		kani
caolalqi	qi verb		die			kaolalqi
catzichuya	noun		culture (pl)		katsitSuja
caziqi		ir verb		walk			kaziqi
  * stem: ca-
cefuyin		yin verb	remove			kefujin
cilun		noun		name			kilun
ciqetaqi	qi verb		write			kiqetaqi
cuexin (qaz)	adv		lately			kuexin
cut		noun		house			kut

egetl		noun		fruit			egetl
enleca		noun		United Kingdom		enleka
ese		la adj		complicated		ese
etl		postp		from			etl

galuyin		yin verb	take			galujin
gei		adv		negation		gei
getlana		na verb		choose			getlana
getzena		na verb		require			getsena

hatl		noun		place			hatl
hala		noun		village			hala

ichiqi		qi verb		hunt			itSiqi
ichicoah	noun		hunting			itSikoah
ichitlan	noun		hunter			itSitlan
ilu		adv		many			ilu
ime		noun		thought			ime

lacatataq	noun		irregular verb		lakatataq
  * lan-caziqi-tataq "go-walk-verb" > lacatataq
lan1		pron		he			lan
lan2		noun		boy			lan
lan		ir verb		to be, copula		lan
  * stem: lane-
lana		pron		him			lana
lanya		pron		they (masculine)	lanja
lah		qu adj		big			lah
lalatzin	la adj		embarrassing		lalatsin
lali		la adj		small			lali
latlan		noun		child			latlan
layan		pron		them (masculine)	lajan
lucoayin	yin verb	break			lukoajin
  * translative

malyin		yin verb	mean; become		maljin
ma1		adv		question		ma
ma2		adv		but			ma
mana		na verb		speak			mana
mani		noun		word			mani
men		la adj		tall			men
meneti		noun		adult			meneti

neyetl		num		seven			nejetl
  * nez-yetl "four-three" > neyetl
nez		num		four			nez

qatlana		na verb		greet			qatlana
qatlanahe	qi verb		greeted			qatlanahe
qaz		postp		in; inside		qaz
qete		pron		who? (nom)		qete
qetz		pron		what? (nom)		qetz
  * also 'qetzi'
que		num		five			que
quete		num		six			que
  * que-teo "five-one" > quete
qui		noun		sacrifice, offer	qui

haqaziyeo	noun		adposition		haqazijeo

san		pron		you (sg, acc)		san
sani		pron		you (pl, acc)		sani
selalin		la adj		hopeless		selalin
setzu		la adj		blue			setsu
  * from Kaz. setsurun "purple"
sini		ta adj		kind, nice		sini
sucahqi		qi verb		cough			sukahqi
sulfuqi		qi verb		surf the web		sulfuqi
  * from En. surf
supilawtana	na verb		fly (in airplane)	supilawtana
  * from Kaz. spirouta "to fly"

tah		la adj		bad			tah
talbeyin	yin verb	make art		talbejin
  * from Kaz. tarbei "to paint"
tatzimata	la adj		time-taking		tatsimata
tec		noun		eye			tek
temeqi		qi verb		work			temeqi
teo		num		one			teo
tataq		noun		verb			tataq
teqe		qi verb		do, make		teqe
tequila		noun		priestess		tequila
  * tequiqi "preach" > tequilal "she who preaches" > tequila
tequiqi		qi verb		preach			tequiqi
teqwi		ir verb		see			teqwi
  * stem: teqi-
tewhayin	yin verb	know			tewhajin
tayclaqi	qi verb		fear			tajklaqi
tlay		noun		tree			tlaj
tuyayin		yin verb	speak (language)	tujuyin
tuyuqi		qi verb		stalk			tujuqi
tza-		root		female			tsa
tzalal		noun		girl			tsalal
tzahiqui	noun		woman			tsahiqui
tzuluyin	yin verb	exist			tsulujin
tzutlanyeo	noun		locative case		tsutlanjeo

watl		qu adj		green			watl
wo		pron		I			wo
woya		pron		we			woja
wuecatl		adv		maybe			wuekatl

xiah		qu adj		good			xiah
xiuh		pron		her			xiuh
xiuhba		pron		them (feminine)		xiuhba
xiw		pron		she			xiw
xiwba		pron		they (feminine)		xiwba
xoyaqi		qi verb		eat			xojaqi
  * intranslative
xoyoqi		qi verb		eat			xojoqi
  * translative
xoyocoah	noun		eating			xojokoah
xoyotlan	noun		eater			xojotlan
xwihaya		la adj		unworthy		xwihaja

ya1		ta adj		new			ja
ya2		la adj		kind;			ja
yan		noun		basket			jan
yeo		noun		addition		jeo
yetl		num		three			jetl
yiba		la adj		hard			jiba
yihaqi		qi verb		weave			jihaqi
yutal		noun		page			jutal

za		pron		it			za
zan		pron		them (inanimate)	zan
zay		pron		they (inanimate)	zay
zhiyan		la adj		cute			Zijan
zumu		noun		hand; arm		zumu

Back to The Index,
see the Irregular verbs in Xwibe,
or have a look at the Xwibe tuyataq grammar

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