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Most of the WAV sounds on this page were obtained from the UNIT News Doctor Who WAV Archive and the Doctor Who WAV Archive maintained by Mike Rogers. Both sites contain a large collection of classic Doctor Who sounds, so be sure to check them out! The other sounds were obtained from the Big Finish audio story "Sword of Orion", which I highly recommend to all you Cyber-fans.

"Anyone who moves will be killed instantly." 42K WAV
"When the tower is in our hands, he will be destroyed." 43K WAV
"Eradicate them!" 18K WAV
"Excellent!" 11K WAV

"You mean you wouldn't care about somebody in pain?"
"We do not feel pain."
"But we do."

"These things are irrelevant." 24K WAV
"So, we meet again, Doctor." 40K WAV
"I shall now kill you, Doctor." 32K WAV
"Promises to aliens have no validity." 24K WAV
"This is most rational, Doctor." 29K WAV
"We are proceeding according to plan." 38K WAV
"It is unimportant now." 31K WAV
"We are called Cybermen." 29K WAV
"Clever...Clever...Clever." 49K WAV
"The others are ready for conversion." 39K WAV
"And what do you ask in return for this?" 36K WAV
"There is loss of control." 33K WAV
"Realign the probe." 44K WAV
"Silence." 20K WAV
"Yes we know of this weakness of yours. We are fortunate. We do not posses feelings." 87K WAV
"Yes." 11K WAV
"Start probe generators." 46K WAV
"It was very simple. Only stupid earth brains like yours would have been fooled." 89K WAV
"Now you will see our strength." 30K WAV
"Have them programed at once." 22K WAV
"Who are you?" 20K WAV
Cybermen activation sound fx. 379K WAV
"Two humanoid intruders are present on this ship."
"They must be captured!"
"The humanoids have been sighted." 23K WAV
"A force has been assembled, Leader."
"They must board that ship. The humans are to be captured for conversion."
106K WAV
"It will be programed with new instructions." 41K WAV
"Your weapons are ineffective. You will surrender." 64K WAV
"A ship is drifting along side."
"It's crew must be captured and Cyber-converted."
"Yes Leader." 12K WAV



Cybermen, Cyberman, Doctor Who, and the Daleks are all property of BBC television and/or their respective creators. This is a nonprofit, fan site for Doctor Who's Cybermen, and is in no way affiliated with the BBC, the Doctor Who television show, or the Cybermen's creators, Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis. However, it took a lot of time and energy to find all these Cybermen photos and details, so please ask for permission before using any of my content. If you're willing to credit my site and provide a link back I'm usually willing to accommodate you.












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