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After the destruction of their homeworld of Mondas, the surviving Cybermen were forced to wander the galaxy in search of a new home. A large contingent of these Cybermen discovered the rocky, arid world of Telos. The native species, the Cyrons, were subjugated and used to build a vast underground city for the Cybermen.

Suffering several military defeats in their campaigns of conquest, the dwindling numbers of Cybermen entombed themselves in their underground lairs. They were not heard from for centuries, and many assumed the Cybermen were all dead. Some even believed the Cybermen had been nothing more than fanciful legends.

An archeological expedition was sent to Telos to discover the fate of the Cybermen. Solving a series of logic tests, the expedition was able to unlock the doors to the Cybermen tombs. What they discovered was not a city of the dead, but a series of huge cryogenic chambers containing rapidly awakening Cybermen.

The tomb complex had been built by the Cybermen as a giant trap for the curious. The logic tests were designed so that only an intelligent species could figure out how to enter the tombs. When the tombs were opened, a squad of the hibernating Cybermen would be reactivated so they could capture their victims and begin converting them into new Cybermen. Once their numbers were high enough, the entire Cyber-army would awaken to once again renew their reign of terror.

The Tomb of the Cybermen, Attack of the Cybermen




Cybermen, Cyberman, Doctor Who, and the Daleks are all property of BBC television and/or their respective creators. This is a nonprofit, fan site for Doctor Who's Cybermen, and is in no way affiliated with the BBC, the Doctor Who television show, or the Cybermen's creators, Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis. However, it took a lot of time and energy to find all these Cybermen photos and details, so please ask for permission before using any of my content. If you're willing to credit my site and provide a link back I'm usually willing to accommodate you.



























































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