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When fighting Cybermen, one must a firm grasp of their tactics and weaknesses in order to have a chance of defeating them. Since Cybermen cannot reproduce by biological means, they often engage in wars of conquest in order to capture individuals and convert them into new Cybermen. In order to maximize their haul of captives and minimize their own potential losses, the Cybermen tend to use subterfuge and covert tactics rather than overt military operations. The following methods have been documented as being regularly used by the Cybermen:

Mind Control: The Cybermen have the technology to break down an individual's mind and broadcast commands that the individual must follow. However, the individual can regain the use of their mind if electronic jamming is used to disrupt the signal.

Poison/Disease: Using Cybermats, the Cybermen will introduce either a poison or disease into their victim population. Once the population has been significantly incapacitated, they Cybermen will move in and take them captive.

Traitors: The Cybermen will find a weak minded individual of a population and offer them wealth and/or power in exchange for becoming their operative. (Note: Cybermen do not consider promises to aliens to be valid and the operative will be betrayed in the end.) The operative will be used for sabotage, intelligence gathering, and as a front to disguise the fact the Cybermen are present.

Time Travel: Using stolen technology, the Cybermen have been able to construct a limited number of Time Ships. Though primitive when compared to the technology of the Time Lords, these ships have allowed the Cybermen to travel back in time and establish forward commando teams in advance of major operations. This gives them the ability to alter history, so that military defeats in their past could potentially be erased.

When forced into battle with Cybermen, hand to hand combat is best avoided. Though slower than humans, Cybermen are many times stronger than us and lack the ability to feel pain. Also, many types of Cybermen have built in energy weapons, so you can never safely consider them to be unarmed.

Small arms fire is generally useless against Cybermen. Large caliber machine-guns with armor piercing rounds may be effective, but more powerful weapons should be used if available. Rocket launchers, tank rounds, and high power explosives have all been used with success against Cybermen. Cybermen are also susceptible to energy weapons, such as lasers and high voltage electrocution.

Another weapon which has been proven effective against Cybermen are the Raston Warrior Robots. These graceful humanoid machines are designed with one purpose: when activated, they are to destroy any moving target within their sensor range. As such, extreme care must be used when deploying them. Though one of these robots can destroy a squad of Cybermen within minutes, the potential for friendly casualties is extremely high.

Cybermen are also vulnerable to attacks on their minds. As part of the cybernetic modifications, the minds of Cybermen have all emotions wiped from them. If emotions can be reintroduced into their minds, Cybermen will become overwhelmed and go insane. Though still dangerous in this condition, they will no longer be effective militarily.

Chemical attacks have been used with success against the early Cybermen models. Acetone and other solvents can be loaded into chemical spraying devices, such as fire extinguishers, and shot into the chest units. These chemicals will dissolve delicate metabolic regulators and "suffocate" the Cybermen .

Perhaps the most famous weakness of the Cybermen is gold (At least in our universe - it is unknow if the Cybus Industries Cybermen also have this weakness). Gold dust will clog the chest units of Cybermen and cause their metabolic systems to burn out, resulting in a gurgling death of bubbling green ooze. Getting close enough to a Cybermen to manually force gold dust into its chest unit is both difficult and dangerous. A better approach would be to either flood the air around the Cybermen with gold dust or prepare a projectile weapon to fire the dust at them.




Cybermen, Cyberman, Doctor Who, and the Daleks are all property of BBC television and/or their respective creators. This is a nonprofit, fan site for Doctor Who's Cybermen, and is in no way affiliated with the BBC, the Doctor Who television show, or the Cybermen's creators, Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis. However, it took a lot of time and energy to find all these Cybermen photos and details, so please ask for permission before using any of my content. If you're willing to credit my site and provide a link back I'm usually willing to accommodate you.







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