The sections on herbal remedies and aurus; were learned from Mildred Jackson, naturopathic doctor and healer, at her home in Albany, California, in the early 1970s. Her experience includes work in obesity clinics, convalescent hospitals, with undernourished children, and more than 35 years of private practice. Mildred has studied both drugless and chemical nursing, has taken thre years of dental schooling and more than 300 courses in various types of healing, including iridiagnosis, color and flower healing, American, European, and Eastern herbalism and massage.

The following, is for informational purposes only, and is in no way to be interpreted as diagnosis, treatment, or to take the place of training; whether from a Nutritional Doctor, Medical Doctor, Healer, American Red Cross, Accupuncturist, or Herbalist. It would best be used, by those already trained, to augment there knowledge base.

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Mildred could look at you and tell you what was wrong with you, and many times what you had eaten during the last 1-48 hours. Mildred had wanted to give her classes for free but did not since she found theat Americans did not value anything that did not cost anything. Inital cost was a quarter (25 cents), and came with free cookies home-made by her. She was the porverbial good grandmother to all that she meated and taught, as she was in her 90's when I trained with her. Later to keep up with inflation (Ha Ha), the class cost was raised incrementally to a dollar. Basically, this women was a saint.

Mildred aslo had practiced the laying on of hands, for healing. Her classes were interupted periodically with calls for assistance and advice, form all over the world.

In the early days, jealous doctors, with backing of the American Medical Assoication(AMA), would attack her methods. Sometimes her house was physically attacked. Massage, and electrical therapy equipment was vandalized, stolen or destroyed. The police did nothing. Now herbalism is popular, gained respectability, but not in her pioneer years. Herbalism used to be equated with witchcraft.

For a long time, the AMA opposed chiropractory, accupuncture and herbalism, for no other reason than it cut into their profits, and public perception that a Medical Doctor was god. The AMA stands for profit first, this emphasis being on pills and surgery. Alternative Medicines emphasize prevention and maintenance, and well being. In days of old, Traditional Chinese Medicine, a doctor was paid for when you were healthy, rather than when you were sick.

Another negative force, was christian fundamentalism, that would relegate all, not invented by them, as work of the devil. Even today, these so called 'christians', profess such things as yoga, are tools of the devil. Christ himself, used yogic postures, the most obvious one is the pose of Jesus Christ in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, using the yogic posture for opening the heart chakra.

Mildred Jackson had given lectures for the Wholistic Health and Nutrition Insititute of Mill Valley, California, the Berkeley Holistic Health Center and retreats sponsored by California School of Herbal studies in Guern. Articles have been published in various magazines such as Alternatives, Well Being, and Rain: Journal of Appropriate Technology.

Sources for Herbs

Jade Dragon Alaska
Last updated April 05, 2008
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