One of the more striking aspects of Kirlian photography is its reputed ability to illuminate the acupuncture points of the human body. An experiment advanced as evidence of energy fields generated by living entities involves taking Kirlian contact photographs of a picked leaf at set periods, its gradual withering being said to correspond with a decline in the strength of the aura

Acccupuncture & Kirlian Photography

A study performed in 1981 at the California Acupuncture College Clinic showed pre-acupuncture and post-acupuncture effects with Kirlian photography. Pre-chiropractic adjustment and post-adjustment changes have been observed by this writer.

Research with Kirlian photography has been performed by very reputable scientists. Its application to clinical sciences is still very much in its infancy. In the book High Voltage Photography, author H.S. Dakin concluded: " ... in special cases there are apparent correlations between the shapes and intensity of high voltage photographic images and physiological conditions."

Measuring Qi

Qi is so easy to measure that it's a puzzle how scientists ever missed it (unless, of course, they never looked for it).

On a recent trip to China we conducted a most interesting experiment with CHI tour participants. We took Kirlian photographs of 25 blindfolded test subjects then let participants apply whatever non-contact healing methods they were familar with, which varied from Therapeutic Touch, Qigong, and Reiki, to no formal training at all.

Most of these participants, whether physicians, chiropractors, massage therapists, or researchers, were able to change the Kirlian images of blindfolded test subjects significantly. (2) Thus, the ability to influence energy fields at a distance appears not to be limited to people calling themselves healers.

While some healing practitioners were able to cause spectacular changes in the Kirlian images, such as shown above, most were able to cause some increase in brightness. (t<.0005) (2) After the initial tests, group participants completed an 8 day Qigong training, then the test was repeated and it was discovered that their ability to increase the brightness of a blindfolded test subject's Kirlian image had doubled. Thus it appears that training increases this healing ability.

The full report is available at:

Kirlian photography has two distinct methods, one requires physical contact with a plate, the other does not, is not as well known, and is more expensive. All of those that have try to discredit Kirlian photography have relied on attacking the plate method, and no nothing of the non-contact method, perfected in Berkeley, California, in the early 1970s.

Kirlian Diagnostics

Parapsychologist Thelma Moss popularized Kirlian photography as a diagnostic medical tool with her books The Body Electric (1979) and The Probability of the Impossible (1983). She was convinced that the Kirlian process was an open door to the "bioenergy" of the astral body. Moss came to UCLA in mid-life and earned a doctorate in psychology. She experimented with and praised the effects of LSD and was in and out of therapy for a variety of psychological problems, but managed to overcome her personal travails and become a professor at UCLA�s Neuropsychiatric Institute. Her studies focused on paranormal topics, such as auras, levitation and ghosts. One of her favorite subjects at UCLA was Uri Geller, whom she "photographed" several times. She even made several trips to the Soviet Union to consult with her paranormal colleagues. Moss died in 1997 at the age of 78.

Moss paved the way for other parapsychologists to speculate that Kirlian "photography" was parapsychology's Rosetta stone. They would now be able to understand such things as acupuncture, chi, orgone energy, telepathy, etc., as well as diagnose and cure whatever ails us.

Infrasonic Training,

In our efforts to verify infrasonic emission from healers, we conducted a second research experiment during our latest trip to China. We had each participant "emit qi" into an infrasonic microphone. Then, after attending an intensive Qigong training, and repeating this test, we discovered that their ability to emit infrasonic sound increased by a factor of 5! (10)

This suggests that even a relatively short duration Qigong training session may significantly increase healing ability.

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Aura Corona in Kirlian Photography

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