A Section in Profile: Section FOUR
A Section in Profile: Section FOUR

Section FOUR is the Special Security Group's premier long-range strike unit. Constituted in Essen in early 2040. Though in it's infancy, Section FOUR has beared the brunt of most of Saeder-Krupp's intevening politics when it comes to tactical strikes, insertions, etc. Designed along the similar lines of all the Sections, Section FOUR has gone little relative organizational change, unlike the others, which have changed over the years. Their first commander, Major Jerry Mckee, how himself was ex-CAS Green Beret (served in the org as a Captain), likened the unit to follow his old former unit's traditions. Such an organization didn't go unnoticed, as Maj. Mckee volunteered the Section for any mission that he felt was "long-range". If the unit had to globe-hop for objectives, so be it. He did the same, and did not expect any less from his unit. All sorts of training programs were introduced, some rejected, some used. What he complained to his closest friends was the fact that he was also training them for CT operations. His reasoning was simple: Special Forces only do CT when they're designed to do, or have seperate units or attachments that fullfilled that objective.
However, his complaints finally reached the internal politics of the whole SSG, somewhat sparking a low level "What the?.." among personnel. Some of the bickering was kept on the downlow, until around 2044, a soldier was almost killed in a training accident, to which he vehemently retorted in essence: "Well, if you didn't have us so <blank>ing going every which way and that, we wouldn't have this problem!". This reached the highest levels after this, and Lofwyr again had to step in, before any more damage had been done. This came at a bad time, since the Operation RECIPROCITY action had died down, and the earlier problems of no real control on who delivers the missions, so therefore making the various Sections anybody's playtoy. Section FOUR and the other Sections eventually, around 2046, became better organized and task oriented (to a degree) on who did what, and where. This forced Section FOUR's new commander, Maj. Jane Marlenko (former Espetznaz) to align the unit. Taking a footnote from her past unit, Chief Marlenko realized that it would serve Saeder-Krupp better if she made them almost like the Espetznaz. During 2047-48, Section FOUR never deployed, only the training areas to Essen, and as well to Kubyinka (who originally came up with the idea, the site had until then served as a regular training area, and Chief Marlenko persuaded the Sections to rotate there, despite the belief that such a posting would only bring them into the spotlight, Maj. Marlenko successfully got Section FOUR and the other Sections to be able to participate at Kubyinka. Despite the lack of direct action, the Section hired out, sending mercenaries to do their jobs. Machiavelli notwithstanding, they ensured that their lackeys did their job to standard. Some mercenaries, however, did not fulfill their contracts, and therefore some members of FOUR were pulled from Kubyinka to test their skills. This only happened a few times, and never to be repeated again.
During this training period, there were a few developments that were reaped and exploited. The first was the development of the UD-4 stealth transport. This was to be a VTOL transport that allowed deployment of a Platoon anywhere, and at anytime. The original version, shorter than the current UD-4L by 1.5 meters, was armed only with the folding pylon weapon bays common to today's variant. Deployment of this version (known as the UD-4B) lasted until around early 2049, where training with this was successful, it gave the SSG unmatched capability and range, through field problems to implement this new aircraft. There were a few more modifications over the years, with the UD-4C incorporated in 2051 the nose mounted machine gun and the secondary weapon bays. The UD-4E variant featured improved engines only. Then in 2053, the definitive design was introduced, the UD-4H. This turned the UD-4 not only into the best stealth transport, but a well armed one as well. Design on armament had been done since 2047, but that had only been it's rocket system. However, new technologies and weapon systems had been introduced, improving the aircraft's firepower. One modification that had really tipped the scales was the 1.5 meter extension on the frame. This made commanders think that if it had all that space, then they could try and make a vehicle to go inside, and be used by the UD-4H to give their platoons more firepower. The lift capability of the UD-4 had been impressive, but never really exploited. Thus in late 2053, the M577 had been developed, to do that. It was deployed later in 2055, with training beginning on the vehicle commencing in the summer of that year in Kubyinka. It had a good firepower mix, and allowed commanders to command their soldiers better through the addition of more electronics, and other stuff.
After 2055, the tempo of Section FOUR's operations increased twofold. They were either on a mission, relaxing, or training. This of course puts strain on soldiers, especially family since thier husband/wife is not there. To remedy that, Section FOUR demanded and got better housing conditions in Essen, along with the other Sections as well. Morale of course improved, and then in 2057, Maj. Marlenko died of a heart attack, at the age of 46. Maj. Skor Erikson, a former GSG-9 operative, assumed command of the Section, with the normal restructuring of the command chain. The events leading up to 2060 have been relatively unchanged, however with the Renraku Arcology situation, some Section personnel were deployed to Western Trans-Polar Aleut to be able to strike at the Arcology if strategically necessary. This operation, named Operation Hammer, did not be activated and currently, most operatives are going back to the day to day missions that they were used to.
Section FOUR's most recent deployment coincided with the deployment to the Northrup airfield, North Two-Four. This is the company's main aircraft repair center, and the 405th's UD-4Ls were deployed with conventional cruise missiles on standby alert. Should it become necessary, they would deploy and attack the Renraku Arcology. However, for the one month they were there, the soldiers of the attached platoons supplemented the standard security to protect these vital assets as needed. Then 2/4 Section's sole UD-4L deployed back to Germany to transport a team for an extraction in the Scandinavian Federation. However, the target was killed before the team even penetrated the country, and re deployed after a few days in response to terrorist attacks on Saeder-Krupp facilities. They were deployed to the Middle East, where elements of 2/4 conducted some raids to remind certain people whose toes they were stepping on. Subsequently they were sent to Vladivostok, and then to Northern Africa to deal with another threat, then brought back on a two week vacation.
In March 2060, Section FOUR also recieved prototypes of the Northrup MV-80 Osprey IV, a new tilt-rotor transport. Designed to fill where the UD-4L cannot do. Since the UD-4L in some situations would be cumbersome, Northrup engineers developed this for other duties. As per the Section FOUR mission, it can perform tactical insertions, as well as performing a CT and HR role by allowing them to more easily access spots that use of the UD-4L would be prohibitive. Currently, the Section's UD-4Ls have been modified to the newer UD-4M standard. The major improvements have been the addition of radar absorbing material defeating processors. This enables better acquisition against radar evading targets. Other improvements include improved ejection seats, as well as more improved safety features to further increase survivability. This made 2/4 Section more highly recognized, as the Platoon was chosen to test the new vehicle under combat. However, this has been tested only in a counter-terrorist exercise.

2/4 Section

2/4 Section, or "Two Quarter" or "Half" Platoon, has become the Section's leading expert in getting to places where it needs to be. Commanded by Capt. Jenny Witherton, herself a former SAS member, she has sent the Platoon to Hell, stopped by Pluto, then did a quickie in Jupiter, scoped out Mars, then sent them back to Hell because they went the wrong way. This attitude stems from the simple fact that Col. Witherton herself experienced this during her ten year tenure in the SAS. She knows how it works, and trains them like them, giving them a different, "British" flavor than most. Soldiers of the Platoon are used to her giving briefings over tea and crumpets, all the while in a bay filled with heavy machinery.
Regardless, she expects no less devotion and motivation in getting the job done. However, she has started to sideline the Platoon, by keeping them in the European and Asian sectors, where she has little love for the North American continent, whose bias has been from her own father, who he disliked the UCAS from helping them in the Euro-Wars. Capt. Witherton herself feels the same way, with some dislike for any American operatives in her Platoon. She does not go overboard, but there is some dislike always there. To this end, she keeps their missions "local" as she describes it. Thus, 2/4 Section is expected to be seen in these sectors, doing Saeder-Krupp's work constantly. Training is more geared towards the tactical, and maintain's Section FOUR's reputation for doing these jobs.
However, at the current situation, 2/4 is understrength, now only two teams instead of the authorized three. Capt. Witherton has tried to address the situation, but so far to no avail. Until then, she has to make due with what she has. Despite this, she has redone the designations of the teams, to better control her elements. Keeping the "PACER" callsign for the admin assets only, and assigning "color codes" to each team, slimming down the command chain. Along with this streamlining is the capturing of enemy equipment. This is not designed to turn the operatives into looters, but provides extra equipment for the unit.
Late March of 2060, Section FOUR decided to discard the cumbersome M577 APC, through which no missions have been carried out with the vehicle. Along with this, the LAV-62A1 will also be removed from thier service. They will be transferred to Section SIX, where their role as guards on the Panama Canal supports this role. They are however, keeping the MV-80 as a short-range transport, to be used for missions in the European area. The UD-4M will continue to provide long-distance transport for the Platoon. In addition to this, Threat Levels were instituted for the on-site commander to utilize, to set the level of force necessary for an operation. These Levels are:

  1. Level One: Threats, pushing, shoving, etc.
  2. Level Two: Broken bone or two.
  3. Level Three: Serious Encounter, may end up in hospital for awhile.
  4. Level Four: Cripple.
  5. Level Five: Terminal.
Due to the nature of the Platoon, Level Five is the current SOP as determined.

Commander: Captain Jenny Witherton (ex-SAS)
Aide-de-Camp: Commander Jules Hampton (SSG)
Administrative NCO: Sgt. Jenkins (ex-82nd Airborne)
Administrative Assistant: Cpl Tower (SSG)
Arms Room NCO: Sgt. Kelly (SSG)
Arms Room Assistant: Gfc. Jones (SSG)
Supply NCO: Sgt. Kemp (SSG)
Supply Assistant: Cpl. Harris (SSG)
CIB Officer: Cmdr. Nielson

Total Members in Platoon: 21

2nd Platoon (PACER) Composition
and Callsigns (Admin Personnel):

Name Callsign
Sgt. Jenkins PACER 1
Cpl Tower PACER 2
Sgt. Kelly PACER 3
Ofc. Jones PACER 4
Sgt. Kemp PACER 5
Cpl Jones PACER 6
Cmdr. Nielson PACER 7
Armor Qty.
ECS 14
M38 LCS 14
Assault Rifles Qty.
HK G80 Weapons System 14
Model 09 14
HK G80K 7
Drones Qty.
M23 1
M70 1
Equipment Qty.
AN/GVS-25 3
AN/PVS-23D 3
Fiber Optic Probe 6
Heavy Weapons Qty.
HK G-6K2 2
M56A2 2
M66A2 HFW 2
Other Weapons Qty.
Seburo M31 UBWS 6
Seburo M55 40mm Gl 14
Pistols Qty.
HK USP V Mod 0 14
Special Munitions P-61 14
Shotguns Qty.
Heckler & Koch CAWS-SG 6
Sniper Rifles Qty.
HK98UK 3
MSG55 3
MSG67 2
Submachineguns Qty.
MP5/10-NA6/Model 329 14
MP9SD 14
Special Issue Qty.
SMC Combatmaster 3
Seburo M44a1 3
Seburo M7 2
Seburo Light 20 2

2nd Platoon Composition and Callsigns (Combat Personnel):
Name Callsign
Capt. Witherton (PL)
Cmdr. Hampton (XO)
1st Team (RED)
Cmdr. Morov
Sgt. Palmer
Gr. Deraganou RED 3
Gr. Hunting Wolf RED 4
2nd Team (GREEN)
Lt. Haussmann-Dale
(Heavy Weapons Officer)
Cpl. Talltree
Cpl. Hannover
3rd Team (BLACK)
Lt. Rommel
Lt. Powell
Sgt. Kainn BLACK 3
Cpl. FitPatrick BLACK 4

Total Personnel: 11

2nd Platoon 405th Transport
Company Attachment (DANCER):
Name Callsign
Cmdr. "Maryland" Garner DANCER12A
Lt. Harriman DANCER12B
Sgt. Armand DANCER14A
Cpl. "Vampire" Martinez DANCER14B
Lt. Daniels (pilot) DANCER12C
Lt. Morrow (co-pilot) DANCER12D
Sgt. Jern (left door gunner) DANCER14C
Cpl. Mersen (right door gunner) DANCER14D
Total Personnel: 8

Captured Weapons and Equipment Qty.
Glock 20 2
Hughes WK-2 Stallion 1
2/405 Authorized Vehicle
and Weapon Authorized Levels,
January 1, 2060
Vehicles Qty.
UD-4M Cheyenne 1 + 4 (UD-4L)
MV-80 1
Type 200 SIV 1
M8 Cargo Vehicle 1
P90 1
M577 MALD *
M691 Tacit Rainbow *
Weapons Qty.
HK G80K 4
M66A2 HFW 2

*As needed.
Naturally, these aren't the only weapons used by SSG personnel, there's really alot out there. Usually an operative prefers a certain weapon over another, but for game purposes, this must be bought, yes bought by the character, they get paid enough! Additionally, all weapons (unless otherwise equipped) that are considered on the "open market" (the ones that actually have a price to them) to have Smartlink w/COT and a rangefinder. The ones that do not have a price tag are "standard", and are not considered modifiable, as really, they're practically hooked up. They also all have non-corrosive marine finishes so they can be used in underwater environments. Additionally, it shouldn't be said that they have access to anything and everything needed for the job....

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1999, Fresh Productions.

I know I'm gonna get some nasty emails about this file. Deal with it, this is how I look at the Section, and been running it now in a campaign. If this contravenes any of your established SOP's, I'm not saying this is totally de facto. If you did something different, I'm not going to hunt you down and tell you you're "wrong"!
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