
"Hey Ripley, don't worry me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you. Check it out... independently targeting particle-beam phalanx. Vwap! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical smart-missiles, phased-plasma pulse-rifles, RPG's. We got sonic electronic ballbreakers, nukes, knives..... sharp sticks"

"Knock it off Hudson!"


Similar to the AN/PVS-23/D, the -E version incorporates modifications by SSG technicians. The harness has been modified, to allow the system to be flipped up, on a rotating mechanism, so that the user can still have the system available, out of the user's vision. Inside the rotation mechanism are small micromotors that rotate it from the carry position to the ready position. The system can also be operated manually if necessary. The main difference between the -D and -E variant, is that the rear of the harness incorporates a modular system to incorporate various other electronics. Developed in Cape Town, South Africa, the current module allows the users to control the M6 recon drone. A non-cybernetic version of the Cranial Remote Deck has been modified for this use. Included is a M6 Remote Drone (Rating 6) skill chip to allow control. The neural system has been modifed to allow the user to recieve data from the drone, allowing full control. It has a built in transmitter, which is shielded to not affect the user while transmitted. It has an effective range of 5 kilometers. Encryption is included, to prevent the signal from being intercepted or jammed.
Concealability Weight
4/-* 2.75

Reaction and Initiative is the users unmodified (no bioware cyberware modifications) Reaction and Initiative. Initializing the program requires a Free Action. Use standard rules found in Rigger 2.

Fiber Optic Viewing Probe
Seen in Patriot Games and a standard item to many agencies worldwide, the FOVP is a simple tool for checking out rooms before entering. It essentially is a wand to a cord, and attached to a small monitor. When turned on, the FOVP transmits a video image to the monitor, allowing the user to see what's inside. It transmits in normal light, though Low-Light and Thermographic options are available. And due to the use of fiber optics, the wand is very small, and can be inserted under doors with relative ease, as well as similar tight spots. A cybernetic version is also available, allowing it to be strapped on, then run to the users Display Link. This not only reduces weight, but makes it more easily carried, as it can be mounted and used in a comfortable spot. A small datajack cord is run from the box to the users datajack, and operated mentally. It can have the same options as the non cybered version. The transmitting cord has a small wind to allow it to be pulled to a user's specified length (handy for trolls) with the average being 4 feet. This allows the user to comfortably move the system around, and the user simply has to pull, and the wand will retract into the housing, which is the length of the wand itself, allowing efficient storage, and less likely it to be damaged.

Type Concealability Weight Availability Cost Street Index
Non Cybered 5 (monitor)/8 (wand) .5 4/24 hrs 400¥ 1
Cybered 8 (control box)/8 (wand) .5 6/48 hrs 950¥ 2

Simply use the wand's Concealability when determining if someone notices the user sticking the probe through the door (GM's discretion).

Flash-Bang Grenade
The flash-bang grenade was developed by the SAS in the late 1970s for their job as a counter-terrorist (CT) unit. The device is quite simply a grenade body that holds a concussive explosive, and a quick burning flare. Additionally, it has a short fuze (3 seconds) for quick throwing. The flare portion burns at 1000 candelas, easily able to blind people that does not have flare compensation. The concussive element is another way to quickly subdue or slow down the opponent, so that the CT team can quickly take down their opponents. The current version, uses an IPE Concussion Grenade and a system equivalent to a one shot Flash-Pak.
Type Concealability Weight Availability Cost Street Index
Flash-Bang 6 .2 8/48 hrs 50¥ 2

The Flash-Bang uses all normal grenade rules, and is available in a mini-grenade version (.15 kg, 10/72 hrs, 100¥, Street Index of 3). For game effects, the cuncussive element does 15D Stun, and is reduced by -2/meter). The flash portion of the grenade has a Rating of 10, and the person witnessing such blast must roll their Body against this Rating. However, it may be modified by environmental factors (placement, etc.) down. For every success that the character gets, the character reduces the number of it's rating by one. The rating is equivalent to the modifier imposed by it (+10 base).

K6 Optical Sight

The K6 optical sight is a multi-use scope that has a full range of capabilities. Since drones are by far the most used assets and the use of either the Cheyenne or Fuchs III, SSG commanders wanted a system that can be mounted on a rifle, yet reliably perform it's job under combat. To this end, S-K engineers responded with the K6. This is a boxy scope, incorporating a Thermographic scope, with Image Magnification-3 as a way to see the target better. Cyber Optic Triangulation was added as an add on, allowing the firer to enjoy the benefits of his/her system, if so equipped. This added, they incorporated a system for full DNI (Direct Neural Interface) with the scope. However, this is not why this system is so unique. A Laser Designator was incorporated into the frame, along with the Battletac FDDM system to allow a Sectionmember to designate, and call in other assets he or she might have available. Nominally, the trooper assigned to the job also has those assets as well. And by using the standard universal mount on the bottom, it can be mounted on a wide variety of weapons.

Mount Concealability Rating Weight
Top -2 - 2.5

The scope has the nominal Thermographic and Image Magnification-3 features. The battery inside has the ability to "fire" the laser 20 times. Replacing the battery requires a Simple Action, and each battery weighs .10 kg. The DNI control allows the firer to designate/deactivate using a Simple Action, and using the FDDM a Free Action. The system follows the COT rules above.

M2 Cartridge Gun
Designed for quick entry forces, the M2 Cartridge Gun is the size of a standard mini-grenade. It quite simply fires a shotgun shell at a target. The first purpose was for using Doorbuster ammunition against locks, for targets that hide behind doors and such. It features a serrated edge to get the best angle on the door. Operation is that the round is inserted into the spring loaded chamber, which is accessed by a button on the device. Then the user slams the chamber shut, and places the M2 on the lock, and depresses the trigger on the end. It has a cover to prevent unnecessary firing of the system as well. When fired, the breech automatically opens, as the system uses caseless ammunition for more efficient operation. It can only fire 12 guage shells. It may be used as a weapon, though very limited.

Conceal Ammo Weight Availability Cost Street Index
8 1(breech) .5 4/48 hrs 1,000¥ 1

The M2 may be used as a weapon, but use Light Pistol ranges, and add a +2 modifier to all target numbers. Opening/closing the breech mechanism is a Simple Action each, and reloading takes a Complex Action.

M3A1 tactical headset (M3A2 shown above)
The M3A1 tactical headset is a headset designed for use when helmets are not worn on mission. It is a lightweight headset that has a Motoca PRC 489 camera on the right side, with a moveable eyepiece, and a Philips Personal Headset on the left side. The Motoca camera sends high definition images to the TOC mounted in the M577 APC, and to other recievers. This allows better tactical command through the ability to see what is going on in the battle and other actions. By itself, the camera sees in normal light. When the eyepiece is flipped onto the user's eye, the camera switches to thermographic imaging and displays the information in the eyepiece. Integrated with the M3A1 set is the goggle version of the Smartlink II for non-augmented personnel. The PRC 489 can transmit via it's internal lithium batter up to 5 kilometers. Additional range may be added through the use of retransmitting stations, and the battery can last up to 3 days through constant use. It has normal signal encryption (Rating 14) and the Phillips Personal headset is as standard. The only service variant, the M3A2, is modified for use with the M56A2 Smart.
Type Concealability Weight
M3A1/2 NA 2.0

Flipping the eyepiece over the eye requires a Simple Action. The system gives the tactical commander an additional die to his/her Small Unit Tactics skill through the ability to coordinate actions.

M6 Loral REMBAS (REMote BAttlefield Sensor)
The M6 REMBAS is a portable sensor designed for perimeter security. The system is 4cm in diameter, and is 7 inches in length. The sensor system uses modified electronics from the Sentry gun system. It can sense in thermographic, seismic, and magnetic bands. The top portion of the assembly has the multi-sensing band on the top. Four deployable "feet" are at the bottom, and can be adjusted for varying terrain, with a maximum of a 40º slope. After that, a probe is inserted in the center by pressing a button. This probe registers seismic vibrations, which can be affected by the terrain it is set in (GM's discretion). An antenna system can allow the sensor to be deployed up to 10 kilometers from the recieving station, and a program is installed in the users laptop (100 Mp) that reports the sensor readings. The program can monitor and display in seperate windows up to six sensor systems. A TAG FireForce sheath is provided for efficient carry of this system by personnel. A typical Platoon will have 12 sensors, and at least one laptop loaded with the program. The sensors have these detection ranges against these types of targets:
Type Detection Range
Tracked 25-700m
Personnel 3-100m
Wheeled 15-500m
Aircraft 5-300m

When hooked up to the local net, the system monitors a full 360º circle, and is also hooked up to a Battletac net if one is present, and has the standard DS3 encoding. It's light weight, being 2 kilograms, it is a favorite and reliable system deployed by the various Sections in all theaters and environments.
Type Concealability Weight

The REMBAS has a total sensor rating of 8. Roll this number against a target number of 6. This number can be modified through so many ways, that I'm giving it to GM's discretion. The TAG sheath requires 1 point.

M12 Portable Camera
The M12 is a recon tool for long duration surveillance missions. Though there is still heavy use of drones around the world, the static surveillance camera has always been a staple of any force. Light and portable, the M12 has many features. It is stabilized by a four folding prongs that level the camera, and are adjustable to terrain. The camera is operated on a 360º rotating base, and has an elevation/depression of +45º/-10º. The main feature is that it has both Low-Light, and Thermographic imaging with image enhancement software. The software can store up to 24 hours of high quality video. This can be stored on the camera, and retrieved, or sent to a recieving with two options. The first option is microwave, such as a field site or a van. The second option uses a low power satellite uplink for burst transmission. The camera has software to automatically uplink to a friendly satellite. However, it can only send up to LEO based systems. Usually there is a network set up for efficient transmission. It measures 4 cm x 3 cm x 5 cm and weighs only 2 kilograms.
The M12 is powered by efficient lithium batteries that enable it to last 48 hours on continous operations. However, as a safeguard, the back of the camera housing mounts a retractable solar panel for sunlight to power the camera. This is normally to keep the batteries fresh, to prevent any degredation of image quality. There is some remote control of this system, however is not possible with satellite transmissions. This is only usable with the microwave version, due to the inherit lag time that satellite transmissions entail. It can be set either way to monitor a specific arc of view, to get the best coverage.
Along with this package is a handheld control device that can operate the camera either with a microtransciever with 5 kilometers range, or a 150m cable that is stored inside on a reel on the control device. This measures 4 cm x 6 cm x 2 cm and can be put in a regular cargo pocket. It is able to be operated via datajack, and has a chip port for storing video data. However, the chips can only hold 6 hours worth of data.
Concealability Weight
4 2

The M12 can send up digital transmissions via satellite using these rules. The Camera has a Barrier Rating of 5, and can be set up almost anywhere. Normally, camouflage is applied to prevent easy exposure and detection. Use the Sniper Range table for determining target numbers for Perception tests. GM's discretion on modifiers, etc. Setting up/removing the M12 requires 2 minutes. The handheld control device covers all the functions of the camera. Treat the camera as having the IPA ClearSight Autosoft with a Rating of 3. It also has a Pilot Rating of 3. The SunCell system can recharge at a 2:1 ratio, or 2 hours recharge for each hour. The camera has a Rating 8 program to access the satellites.

M20 Satcomm Unit
The M20 is a takeoff in respect to the Personal MedKit below. Using the same size of case, but modifying it drastically, it is a whole new system. The M20 is designed for behind the lines communication using satellites. It contains a port to accept a collapsible satellite antenna on the left side of the case, and has a dust cover to prevent dirt from fouling the system. The keyboard is touch sensitive, and has luminous elements while operating in the dark. The screen itself is standard shockproof liquid crystal display and folds onto the keyboard for efficient stowage while carrying it. Full text, as well as a letter lock enables the user to send or request data. Naturally, there is a full menu with options for use. It is powered by a lithium battery that enables it 72 hours continious use.
Along with the M20, the kit also comes along with a collapsible antenna. Two feet long when collapsed, this has an inbuilt tripod that stabilizes it. The elements fold along the main body, and are easily put in place and removed. It uses full software correction algorithims to get the best signal. However, due to the power constraints, it is only capable of reaching LEO satellites. An inbuilt reel at the end of the antenna dispenses up to 150m of control cord to allow the user to be away from the antenna, especially while in a hostile country. This is a new system, and is being tested out by Section FOUR.

Concealability Weight
5 2

The M20 has a Rating 8 Satellite Acquisition program to access satellites. It also has a Barrier Rating of 4.

Collapsible Antenna
Concealability Weight
4/-* 1

*When fully deployed, and requires 5 minutes to set-up/breakdown.

M78 DPMS (Dual Purpose Mine System)
Developed as an addition to perimeter security, the M78 is a portable mine system using the latest technology. It is only the size of a light pistol, yet is very powerful. Dual purpose, in that it can be selected for Anti-Personnel (AP), or Anti-Vehicle (AV). When arming the mine, the user can select either type, then arm it. Other features include the use of the patented "Bouncing Betty" system to launch the mine up to 2 meters, catching the target in the top portion of the body, or exposed sensors. It is also directional to get the best effect of the warhead. For best effects, a pre-set proximity fuse is set to explode the mine when the target gets within 6 meters of the target. This is linked to an IFF system that has a radius of 12 meters detection range. Setting up the mine is simple. There are four legs on the bottom that fold up to level the mine. Then the operator presses the type needed, whether AP or AV mode, then the "Arm" switch to activate it. The mine has enough power for 72 hours continous operation. After that time, the mine deactivates.
Damage Concealability Weight
12D (-1/meter) 6 4

It requires 3 Complex Actions to set up the mine.

M83 Camera
Developed for the MSG55 and the MSG67, the M83 is a camera system developed for reconnaisance missions. The camera system is mounted like the night sight system. The camera is operated via COT or Smartlink system prevalent. The image is presented in the COT window and in the scope with the Smartlink system. It has full Low-Light and Thermographic imaging as well as a rangefinder. It has 30x zoom capability and can be mentally adjusted via the COT/Smartlink. The camera has a chip port that allows it to accept digital chips that can record up to 60 minutes of data. It is shockproof and weatherproof, offering SSG snipers and recon elements a valuable recon tool.
Mount Concealability Weight
Top* 4/-2 1

Use the Sniper Range table for determining target numbers for Perception tests. GM's discretion on modifiers, etc. Installing/removing the M83 requires a Simple Action.

Miniature Breathing Apparatus
The Miniature Breathing Apparatus is a small, compact device being issued to Section FIVE. The system comprises of two small oxygen tubes connected to a pipe. The pipe has a lever, and a mouthpiece. The user simply puts it in his mouth, flips the lever, putting oxygen, allowing extra time underwater. The system lasts for only five minutes, and is designed for emergency situations. A TAG FireForce pouch is sewn into the operatives Combat Harness, thereby providing quick access to the system. Furthermore, the system can be carried in a large pocket or similar sized carrying area. The whole system is reusable, with the user unscrewing the air tubes off, then simply replacing them. Additional tubes can be carried, with the carrying system on the Combat Harness holding four extra tubes.
Concealability Weight
7 .2

Replacing tubes requires a Simple Action per tube.

Motoca AN3600 Rangefinder Binoculars
Made by Motoca Optronics in Switzerland, the Motoca AN3600 is the most commonly used binos in the SSG inventory. The system uses a standard eye-safe laser that can reach out to 5 klicks. This laser is incompatible with laser guided weapons, so the system cannot be used for laser designation. However, this is equipped with a GPS system, with a slot for mapchips. The usefulness of this is that the laser rangefinder can get grids on a standard map. Another chipslot is used to store grids that the user may need. The system can also save the grid where the user is, for added measure. This allows most FO's in the UCAS Army, whose military designation is the AN/GVS-25, call in very accurate artillery fire. The AN/GVS-25 also features the Battletac FDDM system, which requires the AN/GVS-25 to be hooked up to the local Battletac net to be effective. However, a small aerial may be added to transmit data. It has a range of 10 kilometers and can be encrypted. The viewing system can see up to six kilometers and also has an inbuilt Low-Light capability.

Type Conceal Magnification Weight Cost Availability Street Index
Binos 5 6x 2.25 2,200¥ Always 1

The AN/GVS-25 costs 5,000¥ and has an Availability of 10/2 weeks, and has a Street Index of 3. It has the FDDM system installed, as well as the detachable aerial for a transmission range of 10 kilometers. This adds .25 to the weight, and the battery is good for 6 hours continuous broadcast.

Personal MedKit (PMK)
The PMK is a new first aid system designed for the Special Security Group. Using new nanotechnology, this is designed to provide better field first aid. It has dimensions of 10cm l x 4cm h x 6cm w. Compact and efficient, this is issued to every soldier and a pocket is provided, and is mounted on the right side of the TAG Combat Harness that is issued to those personnel. The PMK has a flip up monitor, which covers a six function keyboard. It has a "DIAG" button for diagnosing the problem, with "REPAIR" self-explanatory, once the diagnosis is complete. An up and down arrow key is provided to select items on the menu displayed. An "ENT" key is the Enter key to start the selected item. A "STAT" button is also provided to check the status of the supplies of the nanites.
The PMK has a non-cyber version of the Nanite Hive (pg. 91, Man and Machine). This has a removable tray on the bottom of the case that contains several types of nanites. This module carries the software to produce the nanites, as well as the specialized gel to manufacture them. It has these programs to manufacture both Free-floating, and Transient types:

Nanite Hunters (Cutters)
Nantidote (Seven-7)
Nantidote (Green Ring, both versions)
Anti Coagulant Nanites
Healing Nanites

The listing above is the common configuration. However, despite this tool, it cannot do as much as standard MedKits, such as dispense painkillers or stimulants. While needed, this cannot do everything. The nanites are inserted in the bloodstream by a removable injector with a flexible tube that is a half a meter in length. Once positioned on the skin, hooks are sprung to secure the injector on the skin, and dispense the nanites. The injector itself enters a needle into the skin simultaneously, in order not to seriously frighten the wounded soldier. If capable, the wounded soldier can hold the device while moving to more capable facilities, such as a field hospital or a clinic. It should be advised that forcibly removing this can incur a Light wound, but if commanded via the menu, it will not cause a wound. This is all backed up by an expert system, a Rating 6 Biotech program that diagnoses, along with the nanites, which gives it a -1 to any tests in diagnosing problems.
Power is provided by the heat given off the nanites, through a heat-to-energy transfer device, powers the device as long as the nanites are still "alive". It is still insulated to prevent the heat from causing any burns or thermal reduction.
Type Concealability Weight Availability Cost Street Index
PMK 4 2 10/2 wks 6,000¥ 2

Use standard rules presented in the Nanotechnology Section of Man and Machine.

Phillips "Freehand" Headset
Developed at the request of the Special Security Group. Sold in a limited version on the public market, the Freehand is more compact than the Personal headset in Fields of Fire. The Freehand simply is inserted in the ear of the user, and the boom allows efficient communication. Offering up to 10 channels with full encryption (Rating 14), the SSG version sports the DS3 encryption system for completely secure transmission. The channels can be selected manually by a clip on control system which also holds the battery. It is lighter, using more current materials. It is half the weight of the standard headset offered on the market. It can do full laser link, or microwave options.
Concealability Rating Weight Availability Cost Street Index
6* 14 (20)** .25 18/1.5 wks 15,000¥ 3

*This is for the belt power system, as well as the headset when put away. The headset itself is obvious when worn.
**For Special Security Group only.
Using the control system on the belt, it requires a Simple Action to perform.

Return to SSG page.



Copyright 1999, Fresh Productions. The items on this page are purely fictional, and should not be considered real. Any relation to any real life item is purely coincedental, and should not be construed as fact. 1
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