Special Security Group Drones
Special Security Group Drones

Note: Vehicles are not to scale.

M6 40mm Recon Drone
Even with the Special Security Group's arsenal of surveillance devices, even they still need information on the ground. Engineers in Section FOUR and with feedback from the operatives, that local reconnaisance is always needed. However they felt, that the Condor (LDSD-23 and -41) series were too bulky for field operations. So the engineers devised a smaller package for easy carry and use, and is developed to be fired from the Seburo M55 40mm grenade launcher. The M6 is scaled like a normal 40mm grenade, and is launched the same way. It is shockproof to handle the immense pressure when launched. When launching the M6, it is fired almost like any normal grenade, in that the user simply points the launcher up and fires. It flies upward, and at 250 meters, the reinflatable air bag inflates, using s a small canister good for 5 uses, and is refillable. The launching charge is modular, allowing a new one be placed on the drone to make it re-usable. On the bottom portion of the drone, is a camera that can see in daytime, Low-light, and thermographic. It is transmitted in realtime, either to a HUD on a helmet, or through the rigger controlling the small drone.
Due to the design, it has full stabilization that allows it to orient itself properly after launch. Propulsion is a small compact ducted propeller that can orient the drone in any direction necessary. Tracking software allows the camera to lock onto a target, and stay on it despite environmental conditions. IPA ClearSight Autosoft is incorporated to enhance it's reconnaisance value. Incorporated into this is the Battletac FDDM system, allowing the operatives to call fire on a target if necessary.
Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav
2 40 1 0 0 16 3

Economy: 5 km per PF (Idle: 2 hours/PF)
Fuel: 10 PF Sensors: Standard (1)
Other Features: Rigger control adaption, remote control interface, IPA ClearSight Autosoft (Rating 4), Battletac FDDM.
Weight (Combat): 2 kilograms.

The M6 can be used in the TAG FireForce II system on the SSG Armor page.

M8 Cargo Vehicle
Specifically designed for the UD-4L, the M8 is a specialized vehicle designed to carry supplies to forward units. It is a wheeled, 24 x 24 vehicle with a system to raise the height of the vehicle through the use of hydraulics and offers limited cross country mobility. It can raise the vehicle an extra 10 cm to clear most obstacles. The main feature is it's 7 meter long cargo bed that allows most supplies to be carried on the bed. Numerous securing points are mounted on both sides to secure the cargo to the bed. Mounted behind the cargo bed is a crane that can handle up to 5,000 kilograms of supplies. Like the M33 below, it has a full 360º range of motion, and can reach to the middle of of the cargo bay. This drone mainly sees most service with the 321st Support Company, who which developed the drone for their use. However, each Platoon has one for general cargo duties.

Handling Speed Accel Body Sig Load
4/5 60 5 2 6 8,000

Fuel: Diesel (500 liters)
Economy: 3 km per liter
Other Features: Rigger Adaption, remote control interface, Crane (5,000 kg).
Weight (combat): 17,220 kilograms.

M23 Support Drone
Designed as a heavier alternative to the M70, the M23 is designed for mobile fire support. Using a four legged chassis, the M23 can go most anywhere and uses a finer range of motion in the footpads to allow it to grasp terrain, and provide a stable firing platform. When fully compressed, the drone is 1 meter high. It can raise up to 2 meters to allow it to fire over obstacles. It is protected by the latest in composite armors, and can be equipped with ablative armor should the tactical situation demand it. Electronics consist of Loral Finetrac sensors, and uses the Battletac IVIS system to increase it's capabilities in a rigger network. Additional pilot programming is installed to increase it's effectiveness on the battlefield. The Battletac FDDM system is also installed to call in additional fire support on the battlefield.
To provide the support, the drone mounts the M49 Medium Machine Gun system. Built off the M56A2 and firing the same round, it is mounted on a swing arm mount similar to the Arena IV CIWS, allowing full engagement. Designed to be fired even when the drone is at full depression in a full 360º engagement area. Unlike the M56A2 however, the electronics are preset to fire the M250 round on "Delay", allowing the round to penetrate, then explode on the target, allowing effective engagement. Gunnery Recoil Adjusters are mounted to reduce the recoil of the weapon when firing.
Deployment of the M23 is one per Platoon. However, Section SIX deploys the drone with 4 per Platoon, to take into account thier defensive posture and the nature of the area. It can be carried inside the M577 and the MV-80 vehicles.
Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Load
2/2 15 2 2 3 8 4 4 200*

Economy: 0.5 km/PF
Fuel: Electric (140 PF)
Sensors: Advanced (3)
Other Features: Battletac IVIS, Battletac FDDM, remote control interface, rigger control gear, Pilot (Fire Support), Level 3 Gunnery Recoil Adjusters.
Armament: One anti-aircraft capable mini-remote turret with a mounted M49 Machine Gun that is fed from a 300 round clip.
Weight (Combat): 159 kilograms (359 kilograms*)
*Reduce to zero when ablative armor is mounted. Likewise, add 200 kilograms when the ablative armor is mounted.

M49 Machine Gun
Designed for the M23, the M49 is a redesign of the M56A2. Using the same barrel, but the barrel is extended to increase the engagement ranges. Firing the same 10 x 28mm round, the weapon is made of advanced alloys to reduce weight. It is fed by a 300 round clip mounted on the right side of the weapon. To reduce the recoil generated by the round, the barrel mounts an Improved Gas-Vent IV system. It mounts Smartlink II as standard, and is combined with a barrel mounted Image Magnification-3 scope to allow easier targeting at longer ranges.
Type Damage Mode Ammo
MMG* 12S BF** 300(drum)

*Use MMG range table, but increase ranges by 150%. It mounts a barrel mounted Imp. Gas-Vent IV offering 5 points of compensation.
**The weapon fires four round bursts that do 16D per burst.

M33 Remote Rearming System
The M33 is a purpose designed drone to perform both garrison and limited field reloading for the Cheyenne. It uses a similar chassis of the LAV-45 to have some commonality between the two. The major difference is that the top of the vehicle is now flat, and there is a deployable crane (similar to the one on HEMTT�s) to effect reloading. This vehicle can hold up to 3000 kilograms of weaponry, and is used to load Mk.16I bays, as the vehicle is wide enough to hold two fully loaded pods on it�s cargo bed. All other ordnance may also be carried of course, even carrying supplies If needed. The rear mounted crane is fully deployable, allowing it to reach out to the middle of the cargo bed, and full 360º range of motion, and fully capable of lifting any required ordnance. Additionally, two robotic arms are mounted at the end to manipulate objects as required. This feature has been used to load pods on the AIM-85 SLLA system on the Cheyenne. This can also be used to support other units as well. This drone sees most service in the 321st Support Company.

Handling Speed Accel Body Sig Load
5/9 35 3 5 2 3000 kg

Fuel: Diesel (5 liters)
Economy: 2 km per liter
Other Features: Rigger adaptation, remote control interface, Crane (2,000 kg capacity), 2 Strength 10 arms.

M70 Security Drone
A more, "updated" version of the Doberman, the BMW M70 is the standard patrol vehicle in use. The vehicle is a wheeled electric chassis that mounts a suppressed SMG. The intention is to provide a light, carryable vehicle for site security, defensive, or offensive deployment. The vehicle is also designed for airborne operations, allowing the vehicle to be broken down into two parts (main body, turret) with a special harness. Due to the heavy weight of armor, the vehicle has none. If the situation permits however, appliq�e armor may be used. The turret mounts a modified Seburo J4 submachinegun as the main armament, and is designed for this vehicle, and features a sound suppressor, as well as a coaxial Motoca Series 7 Image Magnification-3 scope. This allows more efficient targeting, as well as the use of Smartlink II integration as well. BMW technicians however, are looking for a modular variant, allowing the drone to carry a wide variety of weapon systems to accommodate a wide variety of situations. Deployment is two per Platoon, for a total of six per Section. These are deployed among all the Sections (to include SEVEN).

Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Cargo Load Cost
3/3 50 5 2 0* 6 4 4 2 470* 99,950�

Fuel: Electric (70 PF)
Economy: 1 PF per kilometer (Idle: 2 min/PF)
Sensors: Security II(6)
Other Features: Rigger Adaptation, Remote Control Interface, Battletac IVIS, Smartlink II Integration.
Armament: One micro-turret with Level 4 Gunnery Recoil Adjusters.
Weights (combat): 33.73 (with J4 turret), 30 kilograms unloaded, 20 kilograms without turret mounted.

*With appliq�e armor, reduce Load by 200 kilograms, and Armor value is 2.

Airborne Drop Harness
Designed for airborne dropping of the vehicle, it consists of a harness that incorporates a GPS guided canopy arrangement, allowing the drone to be deployed to a specific site. This can be remotely disengaged upon landing on the target site.

See this page for information on weights and types

M29 Machine Gun
Intended for the M70, this is designed for infantry support during offensive operations. The turret consists of a three barrel, 5.56mm caseless machine gun. It is a belt fed, ceramic framed weapon. The barrels each mount an Improved Gas-Vent IV to reduce the heavy recoil the weapon can generate while firing. In addition to that, it features a shock absorbing system to additionally help in compensating recoil. It is equipped from the factory with Smartlink II, and includes a rangefinder. It is fed from a 100-round ammunition drum on the left side. It also mounts the Motoca Series 7 camera system on the right.

Type Damage Mode Ammo Weight
MMG 7S BF/FA* 100(drum) +13.7 + ammo weight

The M29 mounts on each barrel an Improved Gas-Vent IV that offers 5 points of recoil compensation (no, not 15 total points!). The shock absorbing system itself offers 2 points of compensation. It is fitted with both Smartlink II and a rangefinder.

Seburo J4
The main armament is the Seburo J4 submachinegun, exclusively designed for this drone. The weapon fires caseless .45 ACP rounds and is modified to fire from a 100 round drum mounted on the back of the turret. The weapon is suppressed, providing sound protection, if needed as quiet fire support. It mounts a hydraulic bolt to reduce the recoil any further, as well as a coaxial Motoca Series 7 camera system. The Series 7 allows full view of the area, and provides more precise targeting by allowing the system to zoom in via the Image Magnification-3 system built in, as well as Low-Light and Thermographic functions as well. It also has a rangefinder built in to provide proper distance calculations for the weapon, and even having an extended barrel for extended reach. The whole system is mounted on a detachable turret system, allowing the squad to break down the vehicle and carry it into battle.

Seburo J4 Statistics

Type Damage Mode Ammo Weight
SMG 8M SA/BF/FA 100(drum) +3.73 + Ammo weight

The weapon comes equipped with an extended barrel that increases ranges by 25%.

M577 (MALD)
This is similar to the Northrup UAV-44 MALD, in only that it uses an Mk.16I body and has more fuel and can be launched from the UD-4L.

Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor
3 40/480 30 1 0 6* 4 4 1

Fuel: Jet (320 liters)
Economy: 0.5 km per liter
Setup/Breakdown Time: 1 minute
Landing/Takeoff Profile: Special
Other Features: Learning Pool (2, Threat Emulation), SAS.
Weight (combat): 50 kilograms

M691 Tacit Rainbow
Similar in appearance to the M577 MALD above, the M691 is designed to loiter over a target area and attack air defense systems. This is the same technology applied to the AGM-136 Tacit Rainbow project that was never bought by the USAF in the 1980s. The body features ESM (Electronic Sensing Modules) sensors mounted to detect emitting radars. Once detected, the drone attacks the target. It has a tandem warhead in case the vehicle has ablative armor. When mounted on the M20 MMR, the drone accepts ATLIS data for threats, and may be used as a normal AARM in this case. The other mode allows it to loiter over a target area, waiting for a radar to emenate. The drone can be programmed before launch to loiter in a specific area. The drone has a long range, and is good for areas that have expected IADS (Integrated Air Defense System) resistance. To prevent detection, the body has been made extensively with composite materials, and a low level of radar absorbent material as well. The drone has a 330 kilometer radius of action.

Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor
3 20/175 30 1 0 11 4 4 3

Fuel: Jet (110 liters)
Economy: 3 km per liter
Setup/Breakdown Time: 1 minute
Landing/Takeoff Profile: Special
Other Features: Learning Pool (4, Radar Detection), ESM sensors, Radar Absorbent Materials, Signature Improvement, rigger adaptation, remote control interface.
Weight: 67 kilograms

Motoca P90 Recon Drone
Developed specifically for the Special Security Group for use on the UD-4L Cheyenne, the P90 is a lightweight VSTOL drone used for forward recon of an area, as well as a forward observer. The system mounts a radar designator that has a coaxial laser designator mounted on a mini turret that offers 60º panning to the left and right or a 120º cone in front of the drone. Also mounted is a video imager that is able to see in the low-light, thermographic spectrum augmented by the IPA ClearSight system. Information obtained is sent by an encrypted (Rating 10) datalink capable of satellite transmissions. This also has the Battletac FDDM system installed to transmit targeting data should it find a target. It also has a Smart Avoidance system to ensure it�s survivability. This is further enhanced through the use of radar absorbent materials.
The uniqueness of the system is the method of launch and recovery. The wings are a two part system that fold against the drone when it�s in storage. When launched, the wings fold and allow full flight, as well as two rear mounted stabilizers near the engine. This is stored in an M31 Combined Launcher Landing Module (CLLM) that is mounted on only the 2 and 9 stations of the UD-4L (when going left to right, and looking towards the nose of the aircraft). The drone is ejected from the UD-4L through the use of a gas canister, clearing the drone from the aircraft. It can only operate when the UD-4L�s secondary bays are folded, since the system is unable to orient itself when deployed, and is usually fired from this position anyways. To perform this, the CLLM has a retractable track that also serves as the attachment point. The drone lands, then the CLLM retracts, and readies the drone for the next launch. The system is now improved with an air pump that builds up the necessary pressure for launch. It requires 10 Combat Turns (30 seconds) for preperation. It should be noted that self protection missiles cannot be mounted on the 1 or 8 stations when this is mounted.

Handling Speed Accel Body Armor Sig Autonav Pilot Sensor Cargo Load
2 40/200 30 2 0 8 4 4 6 1 10

Fuel: Jet (220 liters)
Economy: 0.75/kilometer
Sensors: Security II (6)
Setup/Breakdown Time: 1 minute
Landing/Takeoff Profile: Special
Other Features: Learning Pool (2, Avoid Detection), Level 2 RAM, Battletac FDDM, mini turret with mounted Radar Designator with coaxial Laser Designator, VSTOL capability, IPA ClearSight software.
Weight (combat): 217 kilograms. The CLLM weighs 267 kilograms.

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