Craddock, Craft and Creed of Tetbury in 1735

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Craddock, Cradock, Craddok

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1671 Mary Cradock 3 hearths Page 1

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 2/12/1 23-Nov 1717 Daniel Craddock attended Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups
D 566 L 7/8 15-Jun 1720 Daniel Craddock received 2-10-0 Brasington boy's apprentice money
P328a OV 4/2 17-Jul 1724 Daniel Craduck Master to Apprentice Sarah Price
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Daniel Craddock column 2
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Samuel Craddock column 2

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Daniel 46, and one Lodger
Samuel 60, and his son Samuel 21
Not in Census Thomas 25

Court Leet Roll 1735 - Daniel p4, Samuel p7 (Abs), Samuel Junior p7
Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Craddock Daniel 1689-44 House 6.14lg1 ch2
Craddock SamuelHouse 10.141cd ch2
He 1675-52Samuel 1714-

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 Z 20 column 2, about 1736 Daniel Craddock provided a horse, in a list supporting the Tetbury annual Races
D 566 Z 20 column 3, about 1736 Samuel Craddock provided a horse, in a list supporting the Tetbury annual Races
D 566 M3 1746 - 417 members of the Court Leet Page 7 Samuel Craddock
D 566 R 1/22 26-Dec 1749 Thomas Craddock wife received 1/- of the annual Langstrom and Maltby Charity money
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 3.1 George Craddock
P328a OV 4/3 28-Aug 1762 Thomas Craddock apprentice to George Swinerton
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1765 Thomas Craddock received a men's coat Langstom and Maltby Charity,
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1767 Thomas Craddock received a men's coat front side, Langstom and Maltby Charity,
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1767 Thomas Cradock received 6d at Christmas inside Column 2, Langstom and Maltby Charity

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Page 3 Daniel Craddock Payments each 4 weeks 06-00
1742-3, Ratepayers in Tetbury rate set at two shillings in the Pound,
Page 50 Daniel Craddock 1-00-00
Page 52 Occupier Craddock house 1-00-00
Page 52 Samuel Craddock 2-07-00
Page 65 Daniel Craddock to receive Monthly allowance, beginning April 26 - May 24, 1742, 4/-
Page 129 Samuel Craddock on Vestry members appointed Overseers of the Poor for 1744-5 26-Mar 1744
Page 409 Mary Craddock receives her allowance at Beverstone 06-Apr 1747
Page 421 Samuel Craddock Ratepayer of Tetbury Apr 1747

In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 04-Feb 1754 Thomas Craddock family received 8/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 04-Feb 1754 Thomas Craddock costs for wife buried at Beverstone 3/-
On 01-Apr 1754 Thomas Craddock family off the Monthly list
On 23 Jan 1758 Craddock boy received 3/6

Ann Craddock in 1803 was found wandering and begging in Bath. She was convicted and spent 7 days in gaol. Under Oath she said she was 41 years old, and legally married in Bath to Walter Craddock who now lives in Tetbury where he is legally settled. Bath made a complaint to Tetbury, she was sent to Tetbury. Reference P328a OV 3/5/1 dated 28 July 1803

Daniel Craddock was in the group of 43 who attended the Court Leet dinner at the 3 Cups on 23-Nov 1717

Daniel Craduck and Ann his wife Master for apprentice Sarah Price reference P328a OV 4/2 dated 17-Jul 1724

Daniel Craddock buried 17440126, buried his wife Anne 17330902 aged about 43, and buried his son Thomas 17140517. On 17 July 1724 he signed an Agreement with the Churchwardens and Overseers to take Sarah Price as Apprentice to him and his wife Ann

Samuel Craddock 16750114 - 17520126, aged 76, son of Daniel at Beverston, buried his wife 17110527.
Samuel Craddock baptised his son Nathaniel 17580808.
Nathaniel Craddock is called son in law in Joshua Wilkins's Will dated 1785, and Martha Wilkins leaves him her property, with bequests for his daughters Alice, Elizabeth and Jane

Thomas Craddock was buried 17140517.
Thomas Craddock married 17360307 to Mary Harvey.

Thomas Craddock, a poor child of Tetbury was placed in Apprenticeship with George Swinerton of London, in the trade of Vinter, reference P328a OV 4/3 dated 28-Aug 1762

Widow Cradock was buried 17030823.

Will of Mary Craddock 1703/229

Mary wrote her own name when she signed her will 29 Apr 1698. It was Proved 13 Dec 1703
To my daughter Mary Henderson, wife of Gawin (George) Henderson, my furniture
To my daughter Alice Mill, wife of Samuel Mill, my wearing apparel
My remaining possessions are to be divided into three. One part goes to my daughter Mary, one part to the children of John Webb (two born and one expected) and one part to the children of Alice Mill
I appoint Gawin Henderson and John Webb joint executors


The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
Oct 1672 John Craft 1 Poor Discharge Certificate
Oct 1672 Jonathan Craft Poor On Overseers list


John Creed wed Joyce Higgs 8 Oct 1663
Susanna Creed wed Nicholas Brooks 22 Feb 1663
Elizabeth Creed wed John But 26 Sept 1667

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
March 1664 John Creed Ladyday Not Chargeable
Oct 1671 John Creed 1 hearth, Poor Discharged by Certificate
Oct 1672 John Creed 1 hearth, Poor On Overseers list

In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P328a OV 4/2 22-Jun 1705 Obed Creed of Stroud Master to Apprentice James Scripture

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Not in Census William 15, Mary 7,

In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
P 328a OV 3/1/2 09-Sep 1751 The Overseers of Cirencester do hereby own and acknowledge William Creed wife Mary, John their son living at Tetbury

Mary Creed married on 17520519 to James Fowles.
Nathaniel Creed aged 84, of Norton in Wits, was buried 17621213.

Obed Creed of Stroud Master for apprentice James Scripture reference P328a OV 4/2 dated 22-Jun 1705

Ruth Creed baptised Susanna, her base daughter 17121015, and buried her 17141228.
Sarah Creed married on 17280421 to Daniel Baily.

William Creed baptised Mary 17470322 and John 17490212.
William Creed, his wife Mary, and John their son living at Tetbury had a Settlement Certificate reference P 328a OV 3/1/2 dated 09-Sep 1751 - The Overseers of Cirencester do hereby own and acknowledge them

William Creed was buried 17700703, aged 31 of Hinscot.

Will of John Creed 1812/80

Will written on 24 May 1810, and is Proved on 28 Apr 1812
To grandson Robert Hancock and grand daughter Charlotte Harrison 10 pounds each
To grand daughter Elizabeth Bartlett 5 pounds
Rest to Ann Creed and made her sole executrix

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