Mill, Mills, Miles of Tetbury in 1735

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All dates are converted to new style (year starting on Jan 1st) and shown as year - month - day.
Men of 1608 - Richard Milles, Tall, draper, 40y, Trained Soldier.
Christopher Mylles, Short, Weaver,40y

Weddings before 1710
Stiles Miles wed Elizabeth Rowland 3 Nov 1633
Walter Mils wed Martha Curtis 3 May 1655
Mary Mills wed Richard Turtle 3 July 1655
John Mill wed Ane Whethead 31 Dec 1655
John Mills wed Joane Pinkcate 11 Feb 1657
Ane Mill wed John Amoz als Smith 30 Dec 1661
Ruth Myels wed Gils Larrence 20 July 1671
Thomas Mill wed Mary Davis 1 Feb 1673
John Myels wed Hanna Wright 19 June 1675
Joan Mills wed Nathaniel Bahen 23 Dec 1676
Thomas Myells wed An Jams 20 Nov 1678
William Mill wed Mary Evens 21 Apr 1679
Henry Mills wed Margery Peace 13 Oct 1687
Jane Mills wed William Sharp 27 Dec 1694
John Mills wed Esther Witts 8 Sept 1695
Margery Mills wed John Davis 23 Apr 1696
Elizabeth Mills wed John Wicks 21 July 1698
John Mills wed Ann Stowers 14 Sept 1701
Thomas Mills wed Martha Gantlet 16 Feb 1701
Elizabeth Miles wed William Ingram 13 Sept 1702
Alce Miles wed Edward Ludlow of Cirencester 22 July 1707
Mary Mills Mills Daniel Birt 4 Oct 1702
Richard Mills Mills Sarah Cull 27 Oct 1712

John Miles left a Will Proved in 1683

Will of John Miles 1683/57

Will written on 6 May 1683
He mentions daughters Ann and Hannah, leaves his wife his furniture and appoints her sole executor

Will of Thomas Mill 1693/193

Will signed by his own hand on 20 July 1697, and is Proved on 14 Oct 1697
To my daughter Mary my house for her life, then to my wife Elizabeth, then to my brother John Mill
If my wife should marry, I appoint my brother John Trustee
I make my wife sole executrix

Will of Eleanor Mills 1696/232

Will written on 12 Aug 1691, and is Proved on 17 Nov 1696
To Susannah Mills, my daughter,
Wording suggests Suzannah agrees to maintain Eleanor for the rest of her life in return for inheriting her property.

118 entries form a combined listing - only when the surname is ignored do the family groups fit the census record. There are nine houses for the family.

The Hearth Tax at Tetbury
A charge on the number of stoves, hearths in each home
March 1664 Edward Mills Ladyday Not Chargeable
Oct 1671 John Mills 2 hearths Page 2
Oct 1671 Widow Mill lost hearths Page 1
Oct 1671 William Mills lost hearths Page 1
Oct 1672 Richard Mills 3 hearths West Street
Oct 1672 Robert Mills 2 Poor Discharge Certificate
Hearth Tax families in nearby places
1671 Avening Giles Mills 6 hearths
1671, 1672 Avening Giles Mills 6 hearths
1671 Cherington Richard Mills 1 hearths
1672 Minchinhampton Elizabeth Mill 2 and forge

Miles - In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
P328a OV 4/1 06-May 1692 William Miles served as Apprentice to Thomas Chappell
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718
Page 07, Hannah Myles dwelling 8-0-0
Page 12, Hannah Myles her dwelling and 4 others 10-0-0
Dufton, Page 17, Thomas Myles owned by Gastrell 8-0-0
D 566 R 1/6 Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor
23-Apr 1725 Thomas Miles wife received 5/- and Widow Miles received 1/6
P328a OV 4/2 03-Sep 1726 Thomas Miles Master to Apprentice Elizabeth Smart

Mill - In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 2/12 17-Nov 1715 Thomas Mill was paid 1-10-0 for mending windows
D 566 B 2/4 22-Jan 1716 Thomas Mill and Toby were paid 1-10-0 for repairing windows of the school, market house and alms house
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 05, Thomas Mill for the Argot 14-0-0
D 566 B 24 April 1725 John Mill and Richard Mill signed a petition to use money to build an extension to the Market House
D 566 B 34 13-Jan 1728 Toby Mill signed as a member of the Thirteen
D 566 Z 20 Voter list 1734 Toby Mill column 1

Mills - In Tetbury Records, before Dec 31, 1735.
D 566 B 2/2 20-Oct 1705 Thomas Mills was paid 15/6 for mending windows at the School and Market House
D 566 B 19 The Tetbury Survey 6 May 1698 copied 1718 Page 15, Widow Mills for Alexander's house 7-0-0
D 566 R 1/6 24-Dec 1726 Breeches Mills received 2/- from Madam Hodges Charity of 10 pound for the Poor

At Tetbury 1735-6, ages to Dec 31, 1735.
Thomas (Miles) 36, his second wife Joanna 32, and his four children, William 12, James 11, Mary 6, and Joanna 3
Thomas 46, and his three daughters, Joanah 24, Martha 22 and Mary 20
John 54
John 50 and his wife 50
Samuel 37, his wife 35, and three sons John 4, Giles 2 and Samuel 1
William 20 (son of Robert), and two Lodgers
Toby 48, and his two sons Thomas 7 and Richard 4
Michael 35, his wife 32, and three children 5,3, and 1(a Quaker family) and one Servant
Richard 53, his wife 50 and two daughters Katherin 12 and Margaret 7
Not in Census Jane 13, Sarah 62
Richard's elder children, Frances 22, Daniel 17, Anne 15 and Elizabeth 13

Court Leet Roll 1735 - John Mill p2, John Mills p8, Samuel Mill p9, Thomas Miles p1 Abs, Thomas Mill p1, Thomas Mill p1 Junior, Toby Mill p9 Foreigh Jury, William Mill p2

Ted Prince research for 1735
Michael Mills
Presented to Court Leet by Town Jury for laying dung in the streets before his door.
To be removed by 5th Nov on penalty of 5s
John Mills
Overseers paid Hr Haywood 6d for bleeding him

Census at Tetbury, 1735-6.
Miles Thos House 1.02 &w *4cd - ch6
He 1689-71 Joanna 1703-48
James 1724- Elizabeth 1727-38 John 1731 Joanna 1732
Mill Thomas House 2.13 * 3cd - ch4
He 1703-45 Mary 1704- Mary 1729
Mill John 1682-44House 2.14 ch1
Mills JohnHouse 14.20 &w ** ch2
Mills Samuel House 15.06&w **3cd - ch5
He 1698-52Esther 1702-46John 1731-Samuel 1734-36
Miles William 1655-43 House 15.09* lg2 ch3
Mills TobyHouse 16.15* 2cd - ch3
He 1688-57Thomas 1728-Richard 1731-
MillsMichaelHouse 24.05 &w * 3cd sv1 qu6
He 1700-wife 1702-
one 1730two 1732-three 1734-
Mills Richard House 27.01 &w *2cd ch4
He 1685-55Sarah 1684-64
Francis 1713- Daniel 1718- Ann 1720-
Elizabeth 1722- Katherin 1723- Margaret 1728

Miles - In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 B 2/5 09-Nov 1741 Thomas Miles paid to the Trustees 2-5-0 for 11 years quit rent
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 1 Thomas Miles
D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury Thomas Miles as forestaller of the Market To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 2-0-0

Mill or Mills - In Tetbury Trustee or Town Records, after 1735.
D 566 Z 20 column 1, about 1736 Toby Mill provided a horse, in a list supporting the Tetbury annual Races
D 566 B 2/14 24-Dec 1737 Michael Mills was paid 1-15-6 made hats for poor people
D 566 M3 1737 Carnals (Meat Inspector) Toby Mill
D 566 M3 1738 Ale Taster in the Court Toby Mill
D 566 B 2/5 09-Nov 1739 Thomas Mill paid to the Trustees 16-0-0 for rent of the Shambles 1740-41
D 566 M3 1743, 1750, 1753, 1754 Carnals (Meat Inspector) John Mill
D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury charges Michael Mills for laying dung in the street, remove by Nov 5 or pay 5/-
D 566 M4 1746 417 members of the Court Leet Page 13 John Mill, Page 13 Michael Mills, Page 13 Samuel Mills, Page 9 Samuel Mill, Page 10 Toby Mill

D 566 M4 1746 Town Jury William Mill for erecting posts or rails before their respective doors, To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 B 2/5 - 1747 William Mill paid to the Trustees 14-0-0 for rent of the Shambles 1747-48
D 566 M4 1748 Wardsman of the Court William Mills
D 566 M4 - 1754 Town Jury charges John Mill for erecting posts or rails before their respective doors, To be removed by 5 Nov, or pay penalty of 1-0-0
D 566 M4 - 1754 18 members of the Foreign Jury John Mill
D 566 M4 - 1754 439 members of the Court Leet Page 4.2 John Mill, Page 6.1 Toby Mill

D 566 M4 1755 Ale Taster in the Court John Mill
D 566 M5 - 1755 Town Jury charges John Mill for erecting posts or rails Remove by Nov 5 or pay 20/-
D 566 M5 - 1755 20 members of the Foreign Jury John Mill
D 566 M4 1756 Ale Taster in the Court John Mill
D 566 M4 1757, 1760, 1761 Carnals (Meat Inspector) John Mill
D 566 M5 - 1762 507 members of the Court Leet Page 7.1 John Mill, Page 5.2 Moses Mills, Page 7.1 Thomas Mill
D 566 M5 - 1764 16 members of the Foreign Jury John Mill
D 566 R 1/7 28-Apr 1767 John Mill Page 1c, signed at a Vestry compaining about too many cattle in the Warren
D 566 R 1/7 Dec 1773 Moses Mills received 6d at Christmas inside Column 1, Langstom and Maltby Charity

In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
06-Dec 1742, Page 100 John Miles Account
17-Sep 1744, Page 229 John Miles Coffin 06-00, worsted and bran 01-04, grave and bell 02-00
17-Sep 1744, Page 229 John Miles Laying out, carrying him to the grave and ale 05-00

Mill or Mills - In Overseers Records, P328a OV 2/1, 1736-49
Poor relief Ratepayer, 20 Jul 1742, Page 49 Thomas Mill 1-10-00, Page 53 Toby Mill 3-00-00
26-Mar 1744, Page 129 Thomas Mill Vestry members appointed Overseers of the Poor for 1744-5
20-Apr 1747, Page 353 Toby Mill Vestry of 33 men who each signed their name
20-Apr 1747, Page 353 William Mill Vestry of 33 men who each signed their name
06-Apr 1747, Page 409 Giles Mill to buy bread receive an allowance each 4 weeks
23-Mar 1746 (old date), Page 414 Giles Mill lame
Apr 1747, Page 418 William Mill Ratepayer of Tetbury
Apr 1747, Page 422 Toby Mill Ratepayer of Tetbury
07-Mar 1747 (Old date), Page 478 Samuel Mill ill
16-Dec 1741, Page 5 Samuel Mills family 00-07-06
08-Feb 1741 (Old Date), Page 8 Samuel Mills in sickness 00-06
08-Feb 1741 (Old Date), Page 8 Samuel Mills witnessed Oath, paid 01-00
08-Feb 1741 (Old Date), Page 9 Samuel Mills witnessed Oath, paid 01-00
08-Mar 1741 (Old Date), Page 39 Thomas Mills for glazing Workhouse windows 01-06-10
Poor relief Ratepayer, 20 Jul 1742, Page 55 Michael Mills 1-00-00
24-May 1742, Page 65 Samuel Mills 10-00 Receive Monthly allowance,
15-Dec 1746, Page 387 Samuel Mills 3 children, Workhouse resident
06-Apr 1747, Page 406 Samuel Mills 3 children, Workhouse resident
06-Apr 1747, Page 409 Samuel Mill to buy bread receive an allowance each 4 weeks
Apr 1747, Page 424 Michael Mills Ratepayer of Tetbury
21-Sep 1747, Page 452 Richard Mills dead

Only Mill, Mills In Overseers Records, reference P328a OV 2/2, 1749-59
On 01-May 1749 Samuel Mill received 2/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 01-May 1749 Samuel Mills 2 children Workhouse resident
On 04-Feb 1754 Samuel Mill Workhouse resident
On 04-Feb 1754 Sarah Mill Workhouse resident
On 04-Feb 1754 Toby Mill received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 01-Apr 1754 Sarah Mill out of Workhouse mid March
On 01-Apr 1754 Samuel Mill Workhouse resident
On 20-May 1754 Ann Mill received 5/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 20-May 1754 Samuel Mill Workhouse resident
On 20-May 1754 Toby Mill received 3/9 allowance each 4 weeks
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
5 Church Street Upwards Toby Mills 3-0-0 deceased, occupier Mr Talboys
On 06-Apr 1755 Ann Mills rent of 10/6 paid to Giles Pike
On 30-Jun 1755 Samuel Mill Workhouse resident last month of the lists
On 23 Jan 1758 Ann Mill received 6/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 23 Jan 1758 Widow Mill received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 11 Dec 1758 Ann Mill received 5/- allowance each 4 weeks
On 11 Dec 1758 Widow Mill received 4/- allowance each 4 weeks
Rate set at 4/- in the Pound, listing by streets is new in 1754
70 Church Street Upwards John Mill 0-15-0 house

Bigland recorded
Tomb in the old church
Frances, Wife of Toby Mill, died 17 Feb 1732 aged 47 years

Ann Mill married 17311124 to James Holiday of Shirston.
Elizabeth Mill was buried 17150412.
Emme Millard married 17280215 to William Sharp 17030113 son of William, and baptised William 17281016 and Anne 17330417.

Frances Mills, 17131203 daughter of Richard Mill, married 17440619 to Thomas Morse

Hannah Millard 1725 - 17810924, married 17560511 to William Hinton 1720 - 17880512, and baptised Mary 17570411 - 17711206 lived 14 years, Sarah 17590131, buried Jane 17640416, baptised Jane 17650411 - 17760314 lived 10 years.

James Mill was buried 17250802.
Jane Milles was buried 17400612.
Joanna Mill, daughter of Thomas baptised 17321231, married on 17560723 to James Sharp.

John Mill buried his wife on 17011210.
John Mill was buried 17160504.
John Mill baptised Joan 17020821, and buried her 32 days later, Mary 17040115 and Hester 17070919. He buried John on 17161504, two children on 17160610, and his wife Rachel 17200502.
John Mill was buried 17381008. Is he the father born about 1675?
John Mill was buried 17381127. Is he the son born about 1718? or the son of Samuel baptised 17311212? The more likely choice, considering John married 1739 must be aged around 20, is Samuel's son.
John Mill married 17391008 to Anne Stephens, and baptised Mary 17410901 buried 17690915, Thomas 17441119, John 17481010, and Ann 17551014.
Anne is described as Widow of John Mill, a Woolcomber, when she was buried 17590312.

John Mill 16820325 - 17440823, son of John, buried as John Miles

Mary Mills was buried 17170328.
Mary Mill, Widow, was buried 17281124.
Mary Miles married on 17521227 to Charles Baily.

Michael Mill 17001026, son of Samuel and Elizabeth at North Nibley, baptised John 17480430 lived 12 weeks. His daughter Dinah, an adult, was baptised 17610820. There are no other details in the Tetbury Registers.
He is mentioned as his brother in law in William Reeve's Will signed by his own name on 16 Nov 1758

Moses Mills baptised John 17691105.

Richard Mill was buried 17290406.

Richard Mill of Charlton, 1671 - 17551208 died of Smallpox at Longfurlongs and his widow Sarah 1684 - 17641230 was buried aged 80. He baptised Francis 17130322, Ann 17140808 died, Bryant 17160810 - 17230129 died of Smallpox aged 6 years, Daniel 17180518, Ann 17200221, Elizabeth 17220128, Katherin 17231207 - 17281128 aged 4, Bryant 17250201 - 17270606 lived 2 years and Margaret 17280808.

Samuel Mills-Myles 1671 - 17370415, baptised Samuel 16981029, Dorothy 17001209 and Sarah 17030108. He buried his wife 17031022. He is mentioned in Mary Craddock's will as husband of her daughter Alice.

Samuel Mills 16981029 - 17520120, son of Samuel, married 17310531 to Esther Pike and baptised John 17311212 - 17381127, Giles 17330215, Samuel 17340820 - 17360528 lived 21 months, Sarah 17370609, Samuel 17401227 and Richard 17450327 - 17470919 lived 2 years.

Thomas Miles was buried 17120223 and his widow was buried 17130731.

Thomas Miles Master and Mary his wife to apprentice Elizabeth Smart, daughter of Gabriel, to teach her housewifery, reference P328a OV 4/2 dated 3-Sep 1726

Thomas Mill married 17020216 to Martha Gantlot, who was buried as his widow 17351205. Possible children are Thomas 17030721, Daughter 17051008, William 17070402 - 17500109 aged 43, John 17111124 lived 3 months and Mary 17150603.

Thomas Miles paid to the Trustees 2-5-0 for 11 years quit rent, reference D 566 B 2/5 dated 09-Nov 1741. Thomas Miles' lease was passed to James Stephens reference D566 T 2/3 dated 19 Nov 1754. On 9 Nov 1765 James sold it to Robert Clark for 31-10-0. The lease was first made 2 Jan 1741.

Thomas Miller living alone in 1735 could be the Thomas Mill buried 17460217 aged 65 and the person who made the following Will.

Will of Thomas Mill 1746/58

To my son John Mill I give my house in Gumstool Street
To my son William Mill and daughter Mary Mill and Thomas Stephens son of Mary Stephens widow, whoever lives the longest, I give my rights to the land left me by Thomas Escourt
My son Thomas Mill is now deceased
To my daughter Arabella wife of John Taylor of London, 10 guineas
To my son William Mill and daughter Mary Mill equally share my household contents. I appoint Mary Mill sole executrix

Thomas Miles 1689 - 17710330 aged 82, baptised John 17190321 - 17310302, William 17230127 - 17260107 aged 3 years, James 17241206, Elizabeth 17270105 - 17380405 aged 11, Mary 17290511

Thomas Miles-Mill-Myles 17030721 - 17450821, son of Thomas Mill aged 43, married 17291026 to Mary Graham, 1705 - 17320101. He baptised Jane 17310725 - 17400618 lived 9 years.
Thomas Miles buried his wife Joanna 1703 - 17480922 aged 45. He baptised Joanna 17321231, Elizabeth 17370413 lived 12 months and Sarah 17390211.

Thomas Millard 1680 - 17280328, married 17080725 to Ann Whithead 1685 - 17150321, and baptised Thomas 17090823 - 17520915 aged 43, Joanah 17120622 and Martha 17140724.
He married 17170127 to Jone Smith 1690 - 17311016, and baptised John 17190321 - 17260107, William 17230201, James 17241206 and Elizabeth 17270105 lived 10 days.

Toby Mills 16880828 - 17570218, son of Thomas, married 17180727 to Sarah Morton buried 17221211. He baptised Sarah 17200721 lived 3 weeks and Jane 17220408 - 17351230 lived 13 years. Toby married 17250627 to Francis Talboys 1685 - 17330218 aged 47, and baptised Thomas 17280919 born Aug 6, and Richard 17310422.

William Miles, a Fatherless child of Tetbury, Apprentice with Master Thomas Chappell and his wife Mary to teach him the trade of Worsted comber reference P328a OV 4/1 dated 6-May 1692.

William Miles buried his wife Mary 1660 - 17341129 and was buried 1655 - 17430426.

Thomas Mill left a Will in 1830, reference 1830/51

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