Our Mayflower Ancestors
Isaac Allerton in Plymouth Plantation

Mayflower Passengers

The following is the list of Mayflower passengers from which one can document their lineage to the Mayflower. This is by no means the full passenger list since some of the passengers left no heirs. Membership is no longer solely derived from the male Mayflower passengers. Three women have been recently added. If you have wondered whether you are descended from a Mayflower passenger, these are the only names the Mayflower Society has approved lineage from:
John Alden
Isaac Allerton
Mary (Norris) Allerton
John Billington
William Bradford
William Brewster
Peter Browne
James Chilton
Francis Cooke
Edward Doty
Francis Eaton
Moses Fletcher
Edward Fuller
Samuel Fuller
Stephen Hopkins
Elizabeth (Fisher) Hopkins
John Howland
Richard More
William Mullins
Degory Priest
Thomas Rogers
Henry Samson
George Soule
Myles Standish
John Tilley
Joan (Hurst) Tilley
Richard Warren
William White
Edward Winslow

Full Mayflower Passenger List 1620
Fortune Passenger List 1621
Anne & Little James Passenger Lists 1623

Our Mayflower Ancestors

Brewster�Bradford�Warren�Allerton Ancestry Chart
Standish�Alden�Soule�Cooke�Hopkins-Allerton Ancestry Chart

This database primarily reflects my lines of the Mayflower passengers listed below. I have included a few additional lines of individuals who are also descended from some of the ancestors below, and who also wish to become part of the database.

The purpose of the above Ancestry Charts is not only to give a visual representation of lineage, but also provide documentation as to the final resting places of our ancestors. I spent some time in the Plymouth area during the summer of 2002, painstakingly locating and taking pictures of the headstones of the ancestors indicated in the charts. A Cemetery Legend is included in the charts to help identify Cemetery locations. I am very indebted to a Mass. Cushman cousin for helping me locate these headstones.

The following is a list of our Mayflower ancestors.

Back to Main Page
Descendants of Robert Waterman
Descendants of Robert Cushman
Descendants of Robert Paddock and Mary Holmes
Daniel De Veaux Family of New York
Descendants of Launcelot Granger and Joanna Adams
Hubbards Past and Present


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