Jenny Grist Mill Plymouth, Mass. Burial Hill, Plymouth

Hubbards Past and Present

Hubbards In Wisconsin

Although the Hubbard name can be found in the earliest stages of English colonization of this country, our Wisconsin Hubbards came much later with the emigration of John and Anne (Clark) Hubbard in the middle 1800's from England. Any relation to the earlier Hubbards (such as Elinor Hubbard, the mother of Robert Cushman) here is a topic for further research at some later time. Upon arrival in America prior to 1850, they made their way from Carlton, New York to Wisconsin sometime in the 1850's. John died in Nora, Wisconsin 3 Feb. 1878 and Ann in 1883.

Descendants of John Hubbard

Deborah Hubbard6, Neal J. Hubbard5, Gayle Hubbard4, Silas Hubbard3, Clark Hubbard2, John Hubbard 1,

John and Ann (Clark) Hubbard (Our first Hubbards in Wisconsin)
The Family of Clark H. and Elizabeth Ann (Bower) Hubbard
My Grandparents Gayle and Winnifred (Oscar) Hubbard
Debbie Hubbard still alive and kicking

Other Interesting Hubbard Related Websites
One Thousand Years of Hubbard History
Prominent English Hubbards
Dane County Historical Society Wisconsin
Passenger Lists of 1635 Hubbard arrivals (from American Plantations and Colonies)

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Our Mayflower Ancestors
Descendants of Robert Waterman and Elizabeth Bourne
Descendants of Robert Cushman and Sarah Reder
Descendants of Robert Paddock and Mary Holmes
Daniel De Veaux Family of New York
Descendants of Launcelot Granger and Joanna Adams

Digital Pictures by Deborah Hubbard ©2002


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