Willam Bradford in Plymouth Plantation Mayflower Society House, Plymouth, Mass. built by Edward Winslow Mayflower II at dock in Plymouth Harbor

Branching Out From The Mayflower

The Mayflower and Allied Families of
Deborah Hubbard

Vast amounts of information on family histories seem to leak through the sieve of time only to be lost forever. This is especially true today with the enormous amount of divorces, leaving children and grandchildren deprived of the richness of their heritage. We are a nation of nuclear families with little connection to our past. Many of us are without extended families upon which to obtain information on personal family history.

This is why online genealogy is crucial in helping to reconnect us to our heritage. My purpose with this site is to share information about my ten Mayflower ancestors and related families with my Mayflower cousins and researchers so that future generations of cousins and descendants will not be left to wonder about their heritage. Genealogy always seems to be a continuous on-going project, so I hope to update my information often.


Photos taken by Deborah Hubbard - Florida Bradford Colony Webmaster

Our Mayflower Ancestors
Mayflower and Waterman Surname Database
Descendants of Robert Waterman and Elizabeth Bourne
Descendants of Robert Cushman and Sarah Reder
Descendants of Robert Paddock and Mary Holmes
Our Old Comer Ancestors
Daniel De Veaux Family of New York
Descendants of Launcelot Granger and Joanna Adams
Hubbards Past and Present

NEW (Work in Progress) - A Photographic Journey Through Plymouth and the Cape

Links to Other Mayflower Related Sites
Mayflower Society Webpages
William Bradford Colony - Mayflower Society of Florida
The Mayflower Compact
Caleb Johnson's Mayflower Web Pages
The Pilgrim's & Plymouth Colony-Duane Cline
American Plantations and Colonies-contains passenger lists of over 25,000 people
Plymouth County GenWeb Project
Cape Cod Old Burying Grounds
Rare Map Collection of Colonial America
Sail 1620 - Provides Mayflower Related Maps
New England History and Genealogy Free Books Online
Paul Stanton Bumpus, a Cushman cousin who shares All 10 of my Mayflower ancestors

History of the Pilgrims
Pilgrims vs Puritans Background
Landing of the Pilgrims
Mayflower Families - Through the Looking Glass
The Plymouth Colony Archive Project
Plymouth Archaeological Rediscovery Project
The Geneva Bible - The Bible used by the Pilgrims
Simonds History of American Literature (Earlier Colonial History - 1607-1700)
OurTimes.com Will show you a time line of major events in world history during this time period.
Map of Plymouth Plantation
US Highways from US 1 to US (830) - a historical resource, dedicated to the preservation and celebration of the US numbered highway system by my friend Robert Droz.

Links For Educators
Of Plymouth Plantation Lesson Plans for Teachers
Plymouth Colony Small Planet Teaching Resources
WorkshopQuest: Thanksgiving Resources on the Web for Educators
Wamanoag Guide for Teachers - Plimouth on the Web

The picture in the background is of the famous Angel Oak of Charleston which is believed to be the oldest living thing east of the Mississippi River, and most authorities place it at an age of over 1400 years.

Digital Pictures by Deborah Hubbard ©2002

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