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Tyrian's Dark·Sun Player Characters 1991-2002

Below is a list of my current Athasian characters, as you might have guessed many have died since I started playing Dark·Sun. When I first started to play I had a Mul Gladiator known as Darkmoon (Crap name I was too used to playing Greyhawk). In his second outing in Athas Darkmoon ( level 2 ) heroically jumped off a ruined battlement onto a desert giants back and tore out his throat with a pair of bone wrist razors. As the giant was dying Darkmoon lost his footing and fell 20 feet to the ground and broke his neck, that was my first taste of Dark·Sun and I was hooked and have been ever since.

I replaced this character with another Mul Gladiator called Kran Danach (you must agree this name was much better than the last), This character is still alive ( 29th level ) and I have played him since late 1991 although due to his level I normally play one of my lower level characters, but Kran Danach Gallant of Tyr is my favorite PC.

Taus Haxx - is my half elf Dune Trader / Psionicist , he has a passion for wealth but does not crave power. He is the wealthiest of all my PCs. After undertaking many successful trading missions for himself and some very powerful merchant houses he made a name for himself. He also managed to acquire the circlet of Kalak but he was made to trade it to the Oba of Gulg for the return of a companions child who was a prisoner in Sunlight Home.

Rallinna Darixa - My female Preserver. Originally she came from the city of Raam born to a noble family. I never did get the chance to play her much as she was on the same tree as Kran but in one adventure she did manage to raise the House Stel trade emporium in the city of Tyr when a Stel mercenary army was about to lay siege to her husbands fortress a few miles north east of the city of Tyr.

Danfarglidan - the human Air Cleric. This was a good character who loved to be strapped into his cliff glider and soaring high on the thermals of the tablelands. One adventure he had a real bad encounter with a ghost and it aged him many years (60) which in turn lead to an early retirement. At present he lives as a recluse in the Windbreak Mountains and he still manages to get out on his cliff glider from time to time.

Urgrand - yet another Mul Gladiator. This was one of my bad guys, he loved to kill too much, and caused so much trouble in the cites he visited that the bounty on his head was getting out of hand. He had to disappear and after spending a year slowly traveling north he found Saragar and decided to make it his home after a good (his first act of good) service to the lawkeepers. Due to his age he is considering retirement but who knows?

Arvaro Swiftwing - Elven Trader of the Swiftwing Tribe. He was a hot headed elf who would not trust anyone in the party he was adventuring with, This ultimately led to his demise as he ran ahead of the party after a dispute with a defiler and was attacked by phase spiders. When the party found his remains, he did get his wish to be left where he fell without burial although they did loot his corpse.

Rhyanna Danach - Female ˝ Mul Gladiator - I know Muls are born sterile but it is amazing what you get when you wish for it. This is the the daughter of the legendary Kran Danach and after the many years of her fathers training, she decided that she wanted to learn martial arts so her farther sent her to Balic to study under a new master in House Jarko School of Gladiatorial Combat. She did acquire the skills she needed then set off in search of adventure. She did not get very far as she got a job with House Wavir and spends most of her time being at the beck and call of the merchant house.

Volsis of Gulg - This is my newest character he is a half elven Templar / Defiler / Psionicist of Lawful Evil alignment. He is fanatically loyal to the Forest goddess and will undertake any mission she demands of him, and will use his powers without any qualms to complete missions for his queen. On a recent outing he found himself in the ruins of Kalidinay, there he found a magical deck of cards when he looked on the first card a magical sword appeared at his side and introduced itself to him.. .When Volsis asked the sword where it came from it told him that it had been created for Dregoth in the time of magic and that Dregoth had not used it through the cleansing wars as he favored a huge blade forged by the Warbringer and for centuries it had stood in the treasure hoard of the Ravager of Giants, when Volsis asked whether the sword would be missed it just said, I suppose so...

Click on a portrait to download

Character Tree One Character Tree Two
Download Kran Danach of Tyr Kran Danach Download Urgrand - The evil urikite slave gladiator Urgrand
Download Taus Haxx - Dune Trader Taus Haxx Download Arvaro Swiftwing - Now deceased Arvaro Swiftwing
Download Rallinna - Preserver Rallinna Darixa Download Rhyanna - Gladiator Rhyanna Danach
Download Danfarglidan - Air Cleric Danfarglidan Download Volsis - Templar of Gulg Volsis of Gulg

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