Preparations For Rune Readings

To do readings you will need a set of Elder Futhark 
rune cards, wood squares, or stones. If you choose to 
make these yourself there are links to pages that can 
help. Some experts feel that rune lots need to be of 
the same size, shape, and material, so that you are 
not able to identify them individually. This has not 
been my experience, one of my favorite rune sets is 
made of assorted stones collected from my local beach. 
Just select a set of runes or rune cards that you feel 
personally drawn to.
 You need to keep your runes in a bag, pouch, box, or 
other container that has a wide enough opening so that 
you can put your hand inside and mix the runes easily 
and completely. Because it holds the runic symbols, the 
rune pouch represents the entire cosmos.
 Before doing a reading, arrange the settings so that 
it induces a harmonious state of mind, body, and spirit. 
I suggest you clear out the area by smudging (sage and cedar) 
or burning incense. You can also clean the energies of the 
area by visualizing a bright royal-blue light flooding through 
the space like a blue wave of water, washing everything clean. 
A clean area encourages clear and concise answers to your 
 Physical conditions such as distracting noise, constant 
interruptions, and unpleasant odors can disrupt the natural 
flow of a reading. High-voltage lines, ELF's (electromagnetic 
fields), and even electronic equipment can all negatively 
alter rune readings; so can adverse weather. It is customary 
to avoid doing rune readings when the weather is volatile, 
for example, when it is raining, especially cloudy, or very 
windy. This isn't always possible, especially if you live 
in an area where it rains a lot or is windy most of the time, 
so use your intuition and good judgment when choosing the best 
time to do runecasts.
 Your state of mind also greatly affects a reading. Make an 
effort to calm and balance your emotions as well as to let 
go of distracting thoughts. Take a few minutes and get into 
a meditative state of mind. Begin by letting go of the tensions 
and worries of the day by breathing deeply. Bring energy and 
bright light into your body as you inhale, and let go of any 
negative thoughts and feelings with your exhaling breath. 
Breathe in to the count of three, hold your breath for three 
counts, and then exhale completely to the count of three. Do 
this three times before mixing the rune stones or cards. This 
breathing exercise is useful when casting the runes: before, 
to focus the energies, and afterward, to cleanse the energies 
and disperse them.
 Like your mind, how your body feels and your general physical 
condition have an impact on readings. Do not do readings when 
you feel ill or are under the weather. Again, depending upon 
the situation, you may have to do a reading under adverse 
circumstances, but do be aware that wrong conditions can greatly 
reduce the success of a rune reading.
 When doing a runecast for another person, make certain that 
person is rune-friendly and genuinely curious. In addition, 
make sure the people who are present during a reading are all 
as harmonious as possible. In this way you can avoid a lot of 
potential problems with critics, cynics, and skeptics-people 
who can negate and block the energies in rune divination.
 Timing also makes a difference in the divination process. 
Some people feel that special days such as New Year's Day, 
birthdays, anniversaries, and weddings are auspicious days for 
runecasting. One practice that has been carried forward by 
several traditions is doing readings on the Eight Sabbats, 
which are the quarter and cross-quarter days of the year-winter 
solstice, Imbolc (February 2), spring equinox, Beltane (May 1), 
summer solstice, Lughnassad (the first week in August), autumnal 
equinox, and Samhain (Halloween). Divination is also practiced 
on the Full Moon.
 Norse tradition states that a rune reading should take place 
"in the face of the sun, and the eyes of the light." Again, use 
your own judgment, as there may be times when you prefer to do 
readings during the dark hours of the night and early morning.

The Runes

Rune Interpretations

Spiritual Runes

Divination With Runes

How To Make A Rune Cloth

Rune Reading Checklist

Rune Readings

Rune Layouts

Ceremonial Runecasting


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