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Engineering contents

Solar energy

The Mobius strip

Skyscraper special
- Underground substrcture
- Vertical steel columns
- Horizontal girders
- Glass and concrete cover

Social contents

An economic analysis of Amartya Sen`s theories

Economic and social mind twister, Kerala, God`s own country?

The genius next door. . .

Extra. . .

A JavaScript example

JavaScript/HTML event handlers

Famous Indian people search


Indian legend from Denmark

External links


HowStuffWorks - Learn how Everything Works! - Superb interesting web site


Gulf Construction Worldwide - Online Edition

FT.com Home Europe - The Financial Time

Human Development Report 2

He speaks out his opinions without fear. He speaks for the common man. Against all corporate and political crooks.

He is the genius next door. . .

A political view



Finally it seems that political leaders of the world are speaking out against USA and the western civilization´s increasing global power. Kofi Annan without mentioning names said that some countries seems to think that they can do whatever they want without global support (Does USA ring a bell?). Other marking views have been Malaysia´s PM Mahathir Mohammed´s speech expressing his views of the western imperialism lead by the World Bank and the IMF, where developing nations are forced to give room to capitalisism in their economy which only gains the western nations.

External links

The Australian: Mahathir lashes out at critics [September 26, 2003]

When the World Trade Center fell, it was two legends of skyscrapers which fell. But how and why? How could these magnificent structures fall so rapidly into ashes and debris? To answer this we have to go an engineering route. Soon to come ; How skyscrapers are built, and extra on the fall of the Twin Towers.

The vulnerable Western world

This summer has shown the modern western world`s weak sides. . .First the hot summer, which gave abnormal high temperatures, with France coming out worst. With temperatures creeing up to 40 degrees this western industrialized country had see 3000 people die in a few weeks (that`s the total number of people who died during 911). Overcrowded hospitals, patients lying in the hallways, people not getting treatment, is this the signs of the western world?

40 degrees is a temperature Asia, Africa and South America´s people have coped without modern facilities for centuries (and even now), high temperature have never directly caused death, it`s has only indirectly influenced by ruining harvests, giving epidemcs etc.

But 40 degrees is still normal in many countries in the world, and none of these countries, though they are developing countries, face deaths of 3000 people becuase of the heat.

And then came the power-failure in USA and Canada which got headlines all over the world. People had to quit work because no electricity was coming, what TV showed was hordes of people walking along the road, trying to get home before dark. Power failed in two of the richest countries in the world and suddenly people were stuck in elevators, people couldn`t continue work, people were stuck in dark subways and airports had to close. . .yet power fails in for example India every day, and yet people are able to continue work, airports still have electricity and and life goes on like anything.

Update 29th Sept 2003: Now we have also seen power-failures in London, Denmark, Sweden and Italy which have caused havoc with delayed traffic, people stuck and people losing lives.

It shows only how vulnerable the western world really is, behind the happy fasade of development and high GDP.

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