Avalon tours

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This is often a question. In SE Asia the weather is suitable for touring all year round because the temperature seldom drops below 30 Degrees Celsius. In recent years we have not experienced a typical "rainy season" between May and November.  I personally prefer this season because of lush bright green vegetation, magnificent waterfalls, clean rain-washed roads and ...no tourist hoards. Occasional rain shower is a blessing that has a cooling effect.





Has the bike got a carrier for my daily personal luggage?

Bike has two detachable GIVI 33 liter side panniers for single rider and three for rider and pillion.

What is required to meet any local regulations and to meet the riding gear requirements of your tour?

You are free to wear anything that you consider comfortable (shorts/T shirt, flip flops - jeans, long sleeved shirt, trainers). Take good sun block (SPF 30 up). You can start in the morning without sun block and apply it at the first stop (about 10 a.m.) Helmets are mandatory. 

Do you provide helmets?

We have light open face helmets suitable for this climate and our touring speeds. But most riders bring their own because they are most comfortable with them. 

Are the bikes fitted with water bottle carriers? 

We make stops regularly, every 100 km or 1,5 hours at the places where you can buy any drinks - cold water, Coke/Fanta, Red Bull style drinks ( all at 10 THB a bottle)... 

Are laundry facilities available on route?

Yes- you need to pack only six days clothes (maximum). 


We would like to buy a lot of souvenirs along the way. How do I go about this?

Your luggage space is limited. But most of the shopping you will do in the evening on Night bazaars. Everything can be posted next morning for second to nothing to the base hotel. Thai Post provides reliable, fast and inexpensive service. We shall assist you with this.


We would like to extend our holiday. Can you arrange this?

Holiday extension is no problem. We have clients that take a holiday on the beach before or after the tour. Once you made your flight arrangements let us know the day of arrival and departure and flight particulars. Let us know if you needed a motorcycle for local sightseeing. Transfers will be arranged accordingly.

Are exchange facilities readily available? Are credit/debit cards acceptable or should Traveler's Cheques be used? 

Exchange facilities and Cash point machines are available every day. Exchange rate is everywhere same. It is better to take traveler's cheques. Credit cards are accepted but not in small shops.

Does the tour include any medically qualified staff & first aid facilities?

Tour manager has first aid and some basic medicines with him and is also trained in first aid.


Are the areas we are going to considered safe from over the border terrorist activity?

 Areas that we are visiting are safe.


Do we have a back up van to carry our main luggage, or is all carried on our bikes?

We do not use support vehicles on our tours as they take away the adventure spirit from motorcycle touring. Your suitcases and any items not needed on the tour, remain deposited in the hotel where you will spend your first and last nights.


What sort of rain conditions are we likely to meet?

Hardly any rain. A short tropical storm is possible - will cool you down a bit (at 30 Degrees Celsius even rain is warm). If it is too bad we shall stop for a drink. Roads and clothes dry up in 20 minutes.


Will there be high humidity?

Yes -well it is tropical climate. More humid from June until October.




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