My Heavenly Journal


Hello World! I am going to do something with you that I have never done with anyone before. (Well, not on purpose, that is :) I am going to take the time once a week and record for you important and interesting events in my life. I hope that you find amusement, joy, laughter, tears, hope and happiness in the 'everyday' experiences that happen to me. It is my desire to inspire YOU to do your own 'journalizing' and in that way, you too, will get to know YOURSELF a little better. :)


(Jan. 25th, 1998)

This week I went back into the classroom. I have taught preschool and Kindergarten for 10 years and I was given the opportunity to return to a world I find great joy and peace in. I returned 'home', again :) The small people who occupy the seats are the most interesting people I have ever met. They have concerns and frustrations just as we all do, but they seem to be able to somehow work them out with less stress and energy then we adults.

"Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic........." Is that all that Kindergartners should be concerned with? I think NOT!!! I love talking with them, exploring their thoughts, and helping them to 'work' things out. It gives me great joy when I observe two children in conflict resolve their differences. I try not to get into the situation unless I see that one or both are having a hard time communicating their wants or desires. It is my 'job' to equip the children with these 'life' skills, not to do it for them. I find that many parents and adults alike, would rather do it, than to take the time to 'teach' a child how to get along. This is what frustrates me most about what I have seen in the teaching arena. A 'time out' is so much easier than to take the time to verbalize and then instruct on how we feel and what needs to be done in order for all parties to feel good about what has happened. And I don't mean that during a squabble or fight that both should 'feel' good about hitting, or hurting another, but what I mean to say is that both should come away from the situation feeling 'good' about dealing with their emotions and proud of themselves for working it all out with a peer. We can learn from these 'little' ones that in order to form a rewarding relationship with our spouse or partner, we have to be able to 1)communicate effeciently, and 2)to be able to give and take so there is no 'winner' or 'loser'.


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