A little about me.

Hello world :) Who is this person who sits before you? Well, I am a conglomeration of many different beings......a mom, a friend, a teacher, a learner, a gather of facts, an entertainer, a philosopher, a counselor, a confidant, a creator, a believer, a lover, a child....and so much more.

The main focus of my life up to this point has been children. I have two sons, Steven, 18 years and Chris, 13 years. I have taught preschool for almost 10 years and I love being near and with people of those years. THEY ARE THE MOST INTELLIGENT PEOPLE ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH :) ("A child will lead them" "You must become like a little child to enter the Kingdom of Heaven") Currently, I am working at a retail position waiting for an answer to an application made to Graduate School.

As much as I love working and being with children, unfortunately, I can no longer make enough money to live. I am a divorced woman in her 40's who was married for over 22 years. I reaped the benefits of my husband being in the Navy with all kinds of benefits, and now I have none. It is a sad state of affairs in our country when a good teacher can make more money standing and running items through a scanner than to be touching hundreds of lives for eternity. Wouldn't you agree? But this is life, right? So, as a result of all my adult life and my experiences as a working being, I have come to realize that I must have a talent for 'people management' and 'problem solving' because no matter what type of job I have had, I have always ended up working as a laison between management and the lower ranks. I love being able to help both sides come to an agreement. And it is for this reason that I am applying to Ball State University in the Graduate School of Applied Psychology. I hope to go into Industrial Psychology where I can use this 'talent'. It has not been easy getting in, mainly because, when I was in college (many many years ago) I was there to have fun and not to apply myself and do to that. My GPA is too low according to the school's standards. Soooooooooooooooo, now I must 'sell' myself as a probationary student. And do my best in order to create a future for myself. IF YOU ARE IN COLLEGE NOW, PLEASE, PLEASE CONSIDER HOW VERY IMPORTANT YOUR GPA IS!!!! It is something that you shouldn't take lightly. Well, that's my preaching for now :)

I have also spent over 3 years as a phone counselor for a Suicide and Crisis Center. I love this type of work..... the stress, the unexpectedness of each situation, the learning about others and self, and the realization that maybe 'I don't have it as bad as I think' are all reasons that the experience has been good for me. The training was the best thing I have ever gone through. It taught me that I have boundaries and that I must use them, not only to help others realize themselves and theirs, but also to protect me. For most of my life I was a woman who could not say 'no'. I guess I am allot like you, right? But now I understand that it is not 'healthy' for me to say 'yes' all the time to all people. I thank God that I had this wonderful experience with helping people in this way.......I helped myself through them :)

I was born and raised in the small town of Piqua, Ohio. I went to college in Anderson, Indiana. I was married during my years there and followed my husband back to Ohio where he was a Youth Minister. After a few years he enlisted in the Navy and we spent almost 14 years in Hawaii, (MY SPIRITUAL HOME!) We then moved to Silverdale, Washington where he was then stationed at The Puget Sound Naval Base. Our divorce happened and I met someone and am back in Anderson, Indiana.

I wanted to return to the subject of Hawaii for a few minutes......it is THE most wonderful place on Earth!!! It is my SPIRITUAL Home. I don't know if you know what that is, so I will tell you what it means to me.....it is the only place on Earth that I feel 'connected' to the land, the air, the very being of the environment. I feel such peace and love and joy there. And you ask, "Then why aren't you back there?" Simply because it is very expensive. To put it bluntly. But, really.....when I am on the east coast of Oahu, and I look out over the wonderful ocean and back at the beautiful mountains, it truly is as if I am in Heaven sitting at the feet of God. I hope, if you have never been there, that you will be able to travel to MY most special place and see what I mean. Now, just because it is MY spiritual home, does not mean it is YOURS and I understand that. YOU have to become aware of your HOME just as I have. It is a grand adventure and if you would like more information, just email me. I love talking and helping others discover their place on this planet.

Some of my most favorite things, besides my own children and those of others, are of course any thing dealing with angels, counted cross stitch, reading suspense novels, or anything about Heaven, walking, and generally, anything where I can be creative :)

Well, I guess that about sums it up about me. I am constantly changing and evolving into what I hope is a better person. One that is useful to self and others around. :) I love being able to share with you!

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