Angel Stories

My own

I was almost 8 months pregnant when we moved into military housing in Hawaii. I was ordered to complete bedrest. We already had a very active 4 year old and I was all alone. My husband was in the Navy, and out to sea. My family was half way around the world in Ohio. The movers had moved us into our quarters on a Wed. and were to be coming back to pick up the boxes sometime later that week. (Now, if any of you have ever been a military spouse, you know that we are only seen as our spouse's social security number. Names are not an important factor.) Well, as I said, I was confined to bed and I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it and there was a man with a moving van. He told me that he was there to pick up the boxes. I showed him where he could find them. In a storage closet off of the porch, on the outside of the house. I then told him that I needed to get back to bed and just to pull the door shut when he was through. A few minutes had past, and again, I heard a knock on the door. It was him. He said he didn't want to disturb me, but that he had an important message from God. He called me by name and he said "God loves YOU very much and is with you whatever you go through. He will never leave you." Then he turned to get into the van. He was almost there when he said....."The next time I see you will be in Heaven. You take care now." Needless to say I was at awe. How did he know my name? There was nothing in the storage area at all, nothing with my name on it, yet he knew it. And as I said earlier, in the military they do not include a spouses name with any kind of paperwork, and besides, I never saw any. brought me great comfort during the last month and a half of my pregnancy. Things seem to go not to badly.....that was until the day our baby Christopher was born. I was scheduled for another routine C-section and it was to be on a Mon. The day after his Dad's birthday. When I went to have all my pre-surgery tests done, the doctors would not let me go home. My blood pressure was elevated and they insisted that I be admitted for observance. It is hot in Hawaii in Sept. and the Trade Winds that blow go dead. I was in a very old Army Hospital and it had not been renovated at that time. I shared a room with a lady who had some kind of infection and was not allowed to have the window open. So, to say the least, I was miserable. It was on Sun night about 8:00 when they decided to put a fetal monitor on me. Within an hour I was being rushed into an operating room heading for an emergency C-section. They were not able to anastitse me and had to start operating to get the baby out. They tied me down to the table and a nurse stood by my ear encouraging me to be "stoic". When the baby was born he seemed fine, but within a few minutes, after my husband had gone home, the baby turned blue and went into cardiac arrest. As I lay in the recovery room I thought about the man who came to me that day in a moving van......MY ANGEL. I repeated over and over the words God sent with him. Over the next few months I clung to them to give me strength as my baby went through being on a resperator, pneumonia, and a collapsed lung. Eventually, Chris, did improve and became a wonderfully healthy, yet strong willed, child. You see, he had been born with persistant fetal circulation. Which means, that a valve in his heart never closed. But thank God, he was born in a hospital that had a machine that 'taught' him how to breath. There have been many more times since then, that I have felt alone and God's words come floating back to me.....the words this man, or should I say, 'angel', of God spoke to me. They have given me strength and encouragement and I have felt the presence of my loving and wonderful, caring God. I thank Him always for sending my special messenger to me on that warm day in Hawaii.


Angel songs to the children


It was my second year of teaching 4 year olds at a wonderful private Christian school in Hawaii when I encountered another brief experience with God's messengers. Every thing was going so well that school year. I had finely learned the secret of communicating with preschoolers. My class was a joy. They were all learning about themselves and their environment and we were all very happy to be spending most of our waking time together. But something unusual was happening right under my nose and I was too blind to see. For days the children had been singing these lovely songs about God. I was too 'busy' to take the time to really listen to them. I guess this had gone on for at least 3 days when things just couldn't go on any more. During a time when I was reading a story to the group, a little girl named Mari jumped up and shouted....YOU WILL LISTEN TO US NOW!!!!!! I was a little shocked, and of course, all ears. Mari continued....THE ANGELS HAVE COME TO US BEFORE WE SLEEP AND THEY TAUGHT US THIS SONG........THEY WANT YOU TO LISTEN TO IT! So, needless to say, I listened as 4 or 5 girls went into this lovely song about how God loves me and that He will always love me and be with me. I wanted to cry. I felt assamed that I hadn't taken the time to hear what they had said earlier. My supervisor had been observing all of this and she confirmed that the children had "tried" to tell me this for days. I asked the girls who taught you that song, that it was a lovely song....and they told me that it was the angels. I asked them if they had told their parents about the 'angels' and they said that they (the parents) wouldn't understand and that the song was for me.....that I WOULD KNOW WHAT IT MEANT. Out of the mouths of babes......:) I felt so loved that day, so honored that God would again remind me of His love and caring. How could I ever think that I were alone in the world when He sends such beautiful messages? From that day on, I listened with an open heart and open ears whenever any child spoke to me.




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