Matches made in Heaven

'Meeting my own soul mate'

For over twenty two years I was married to someone that would have been considered my 'soul mate'. That is according to friends and family. But not to me. I had married young maybe out of a sense of not wanting to be alone, maybe out of a need to 'do what was right', but definitely, for the wrong reason. You see, my ex-husband is a very wonderful man, but not the right man for me and I knew that as I took the first step down the aisle on my wedding day. But I was very very young, and was not strong enough to stop the tide of happiness and expectations that were put on us by family and friends. I tried many times to get out of the relationship, but having two small boys, and the security of a good job, I was unable to. That is until last year. My 'ex' was in the Navy and had been out to sea for 8 months. During that time I bought a computer and started to 'chat' to a man from half way around the world from me. From the first time we spoke I could feel a strong pulling of my heart. He seemed to sense every thought of mine, every feeling. For once in my life I really felt that I was 'connecting' with another human being on this planet. Now, I know that allot of you may find this very offensive and that I was wrong for continuing and getting involved in this type of relationship. And that is ok. But behind the story, I was praying for many years that God WOULD send a special man into my life. A man that could 'connect' with me both in the spiritual world as well as the world in which we live. And He did. He sent my my 'soul mate' via the internet. After many months of talking on the phone and 'chatting' over mIRC, we 'fell' in love with each other. It was then that we decided that the heart strings that we both felt were becoming encased in gold and that we needed to be together on a permanent basis. I then left my husband and travel across the country to be with the one God sent me. We have been together and both have went through divorce. We both miss the closeness of our children. But we both agree that a power beyond our control brought us together and is building in us a relationship that will last a lifetime. We may not have the 'earthly' things that we had when we were married to our spouses, but we finely have peace and happiness......something money can not buy. Both of our spouses are moving on with their lives too. And my children and their Dad are moving to within an hour and a half drive from us. We are all looking forward to that. :) I often quote to my sweetie a line from "Coneheads".......'LIFE ON EARTH IS GOOD' :) hehehehe and it is better and better every day. I have found the one that I love with all my heart and the most wonderful thing about it is he loves me the same.



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