Angel Facts

I think I have always been interested in angels and the study of them. But, it wasn't until '83 when I began to really delve and read everything I could get my hands on about the heavenly beings. This was a long time before angels became so popular. There were very few books written about them or concerning them. So, I read allot of books about near death experiences along with every verse in the Bible. I was fascinated by these wonderful beings. As time went on, more and more literature on the subject was being written and today you can walk into most any book store, be it 'religious' or other wise and find a substantial amount of volumes on the subject. On this page I hope to share with you my own beliefs on God's messengers. And to be honest, from time to time, my opinions may change as I gain new insight from reading or 'chatting' with others like you :) Please feel free to email me YOUR ideas on the subject so that I can share them with others who might visit.

The beginning

In the beginning, God created all living beings. Angels and man alike. Along with all the animals in His earthly kingdom. The angels roamed Heaven with God as free as the wind that blows. Their main purpose in being created was to worship and adore their Creator and to do His biding. At the time, they were His only companions. They loved Him as much as He loved them. For you see, whenever someone 'creates' something, He/She puts part of Himself/Herself into the object being created. Within the ranks of the angels, there were those who have more power than others. Each has its own place and purpose. Michael and Gabriel are just two of the more common angels. And since angels were created to be immortal beings they, along with their Creator, are just the same today as they were the day that God created them. But there was one angel that thought HE should sit on God's throne. His name is Lucifer. He wanted to rule where his Creator did. So, in His majesty, and loving him as much as He did, God sent him from his presence.....kicking him out of the Heavenly realms.

Please note: I will be updating this page as I have time :) Thanks for understanding :)

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