Angelic Thoughts

"Angel' means 'messenger'; so, in a sense, we really can be angels of God when we express His love to those around us.

Angels always make their messages clear, because they are the best communicators in the universe.

Angels never interfer with our free choice.

When our days on this earth come to an end, and our eyes close for one last time, our angels come and help to open our spiritual eyes and escort us personally into the presense of God.

Angels come into our lives every day, but we rarely recongize them.

Angels are servants of God. They can remain invisible or may appear as God sees fit for their mission.

The moment that we are born, God sends his angels to walk with us through this life. To protect us and draw us to his loving heart.

Could it be that the 'invisible' playmates that children have, are not ficticious, but actually angels sent from above?


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