T h e  w o r l d   t h e y   m i r r o r e d   i n   t h e i r   g l a s s !

Caravaggio: The Flagellation of Christ (1607) exemplifies Caravaggio's exaggerated use of chiaroscuro (dark and light tones) to produce dramatic effects. He sought realism in the depiction of human figures, and used as models people from the slums and lower classes


My Favorite Contemporary paintings:

Italian paintings
French paintings
Spanish paintings
Indian paintings
Bangladeshi paintings

My Favorite Classics:

Leonardo da Vinci's Last Supper (c. 1495-1497)
Burial of Phocion: Nicolas Poussin (1648,Louvre, Paris)
This scene on the River Stour, John Constable 1817
The Gleaners (1857) : Jean-Fran�ois Millet
Eug�ne Delacroix:  Liberty Leading the People,1830
Sacred and Profane Love (c. 1515) by Titian
"Annunciation" by Robert Campin, 15th century
Tempera: Fra Filippo Lippi c. 1455
Th�odore G�ricault: The Raftof the Medusa;(1818-1819)
J.A. D. Ingres: Grande Odalisque (1814),
Antoine Watteau: Embarkation for the Island of Cythera (1717)
�douard Manet: Le D�jeuner surl’Herbe(1853)
Peter Paul:The Judgement of Paris (c. 1635-1637)
Pablo Picasso: Guernica (1937)
Salvador Dal�: The Persistence of Memory (1931)
La Grande Jatte: Sunday Afternoon on the Island of (1884-1886)

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