London College of Printing - Stolen Goods Auction

Welcome to the former London College of Printing's unofficially stolen goods website. Now known as the London College of Communication's plundered possessions pool. Students, past and present, might have noticed many an item mysteriously dissapearing from our wonderful campus down at the Elephant & Castle. Funnily enough, these items might just as mysteriously turn up for auction at very reasonable prices on this here website. The educational bargain of a lifetime!

London Institutionalised

Please take a leisurely look at our stock, and please, dont call the police. If you are the police, dont forget, I play golf with the Chief Inspector, so if you dont want to go back on the beat, shove off.

How to do your Bidding

Maybe you would like to rumble through my auction items pages and choose your freshly fiddled item. Then, by way of some used fivers and an anonymous postbox, a discreet little transaction can be made. Delivered when the heat's off. Absolutely marvellous. See my contact details page to view a page of detailed contact.

Latest News

February 2007: Hello fellow students and ebay'ers. Welcome to the joke website that I set up in 2002, still taken rather too seriously by the LCC hierarchy, who see art as corporate cash, rather than beauty and fun. Speaking of fun... years after the stupid rebranding exercise of Linst and LCP, still nobody has heard of the new names that we've now been stuck with. Also, the new Icon of the new Uni is rather naff. I reckon it will be ten years before the great name of 'London College Of Printing' is forgotten, and until then, we will still be referring to it... constantly. What a silly rebranding idea it all was.

Actually, this isnt really a LCC revolutionaries site. I love my dear old college, and want it to be a success. But this rebranding was silly. Also, there's still a lot of correctness happening on campus, which isnt really artistic at all. Plus... where has all the money gone??? Also, why arent there gigs in the LCC canteen? Pink Floyd and The Who played there in the sixties... all we get now are awful DJ events off-campus... Dont you all know what you're all missing?

Anyway, good luck everyone... get a fab degree and a fab job, and retire early. Bye!!

September 2005: Made a big effort to induce the School Union into holding concerts, prefferably rock concerts, in the great hall of LCC. So far have no response. Net result: the freshers fair will be another ghastly affair, where 1000's of students pay top cash to watch and dance to some gormless DJ play selections from his MP3 collection, whilst dressed in a loud shirt he bought in Oxfam. Oh dear... I suggest that you all save your money and have a night down the pub instead.

January 2005: Hello, fellow students. Now where was I, since that Christmas closedown. I've been too long away, and i've forgotten everything about my subject. Maybe I should drop out, go work in a bar in Austrailia, or something with a future. Well, so far this year, there's been no stabbings at LCC. Quite a surprise. Maybe they've moved on to guns. Actually, it's no surprise at all that we had stabbings, considering all the lowlife that are enrolled here, here at this so called 'uni'. It's really only an Art School, or at best a Technical College, for all the Chav and Gangsta Wannabes of South London, who belong working on a building site, and dont deserve an education, and certainly dont deserve to pollute our beloved LCC. So now we're masquerading under the monicker of 'University', maybe they should expel anyone not acting with a modicum of decorum. And that includes some of the staff. Which reminds me, i'm fed up with refering to this place as LCC, as no-one, anywhere, has heard of the name. I've given up explaining the name change and just say I go to LCP, which everyone has heard of. Certainly after decades of branding. Yes... I'm a student at the LONDON COLLEGE OF PRINTING It was a stupid idea to rename it. And whats more, all the top brass know it. I shall continue to always refer to our gaff as the LCP, a mild protest to keep the name in the consciousness of the capital. And why not?

December 2004: Oh hell, these bloody assignments. It's not like the good old days, when you could turn up for lectures once a week, then at the end of the year, cram all the knowledge into your over-taxed brain and, by means of caffeine overdose, complete and pass your final exam. Now, it's projects, assignments, god knows what. You can't even sleep in class now, because the tutor always hit everyone with a "Devide yourself into groups" or worse, the "Devide yourself into pairs" quip. Whatever do they mean? You look around to see that you're partnered up with the total ass-end of the class. Why don't they just let you alone to sleep through it? So, I came in early last week, catch up on some work. It was 09:30 hrs, and I was here at LCC ready for action. Damn Library was shut! Stupid staff meeting again. Notices for which went up after the meeting was finished. I've overheard those crap meetings, those that should be held in their own time, just so the rude library staff can discuss Union issues, tea rounds, gossip, jokes, whilst we all wait outside waiting for them to ineptly try and open those silly glass Library doors, standing on a box with the ill-fitting bunch of keys. Then, when we're allowed in, hardly any computers work, theres not enough computers to go round, the monitors are too small, and there's 2 complete rows where they've taken the computers away. Make a suggestion, and Basil Fawlty and co will bite your head off. I should have stayed in bed... Oh well, soon be Christmas, but I just heard that LCC have cancelled it, case it be offensive to other faiths. Oh well, happy holiday, everyone!!

November 2004: Hello, fellow students. And welcome to Londons only Monster Raving Uni... I came, crawling to the front door, some years ago now, desperate for knowledge, eager for support to my artistic cravings. I said to my tutor: Why hello my good fellow, I search for a place where I will not be stifled... And the man said: Well.... search on, my boy...

June 2004: Hello, fellow students, and welcome to the bigger, better, and renamed London College Of Communication, right here in the centre of London Town. Even our mother Institute, now the Uniformity Of The Farts, has bought itself a new name and greater status, and an all round selection of greater top-up fees. Here at the LCC, it's all rebranding and new buildings and a tough management structure. But it's all a sham really. This is no proper University at all, and certainly won't be until the demeanour of some staff and students is rebranded with more suitable decorum.
Jokes aside, however, here I sit in the same old LCP. Now it's called the LCC, an abbreviation stolen from the London Chamber of Commerce. It's another misguided rebranding exercise, wiping out decades of product history, marketing, and confidence. It's a naive move to modernise from the ignorant who see misnomers at every turn. So what if we were called the College of Printing? I think we will always print hard copy. So what if we do other things? Do they think Currys Electrical stores sell vinderloo? This name change is the dumbest idea since 20th Century Fox thought they were going out of date. LCP was a wonderful, romantic, and well known reputable name, and it's all been trashed for a bland rebrand.
Actually, I thought they could have renamed it something like the Elephant College of Entertainment, you know, in keeping with the area. But maybe I still prefer LCP.

April 2004: Greetings, lovers of great litrature. It's me again. And to all the students of the world, hello world. If you're on the other side of the planet about to fly over to blighty and join this humble establishment, i've created a little on-line gallery to introduce you to our centre of the arts universe. LCC/LCP GALLERY Do take a peak. Otherwise, we here in London are preparing for the worst, that is, this silly name change from LCP to LCC. Celebrity parties will take place at the Tate and Whitehall in May (Students not invited). I have been trying to forge some tickets for myself, but they look very unconvincing. Maybe i'll just have to sneak in as a waiter instead. Would you like to see the wine list monsieur?

March 2004: I have noted, with displeasure, these recent ventures by intruders and crooks into our hallowed establishment, and would like to say, with great emphasis, that these cowardly acts are nothing to do with this website. I mean to say, is there no honour amongst thieves any more? I used to be a contender, but right here, under my nose, villains are coming in, and stealing from my very own patch. And they're probably not even enrolled. Not even doing a bolt-on. Such shameful behaviour. So pardon me if those such swiped items are not for sale here. You'll just have to make do with our collection of novelty goods. For instance, does Doctor Bridge realise he's missing his belt and braces yet? Ah well, Happy Easter everybody!

February 2004: Received a cynical letter from one of LCP's senior staff, not too much in praise of my innocent little website. What a shame. I would have thought they would have surely been proud at my efforts. Which begs the question: Does humour belong in Art? Maybe not with the college's money driven heirarchy, but at least some tutors here do, thankfully, have a fun perspective. Others really think they're working at Grange Hill. I would like to auction off the whole college now, give it a more useful function, like a home for asylum seekers, and pension off the Victor Meldrew element here, who would be more suited to accountancy.

December 2003: The Duke of Gloucester was in attendance recently, as the LCP sadly is forced to change its name to LCC, an idea stolen from the old London County Council. Anyway, as the Duke sat down for Canapes, I lifted his Monocle from next to his very nose, before the old boy dropped it in the soup. An excellent item for fancy dress. What am I bid?

August 2003: The Institute has talked its way up to University status. Apparently it was between us and the Feltham Young Offenders, but we just edged it. Meanwhile, hundreds of nice new computers are arriving at the LCP's front door, only to be wheeled out by myself via the back door, ready for auction on this wonderful website. Resources Now, anyone?

April 2003: LCP Security guards were on my trail yesterday, as they spotted me removing their front security desk for delivery to one of this sites clients. I made my excuses, posing as a drunken student who'd lost his assignment. I easily got away with it. Ironically, I ended up hiding in the Boiler Room bar, where I really did get pissed.

LCC  © Archiebald Sinclair 2008
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