behind the smiles there is the answer

27th August 1997.... it was in the night. My mom felt that she was going to poop inside the hospital. She called the nurse #because at that time my father was in Java# by herself. The nurse said that she needs to be polite because it was the process to bear. So my mom only tried to prevent the “poop” action.

3.00 am... my mom couldn’t prevent it any longer so my mom tried to wake up and wanted to go to the toilet but the nurse was coming and prohibit my mom to go the the toilet and forced my mom to bear -_-

“3.15 am I was born..... with the height 3,15 metres. And the story is begin. Mom was confused because.... I’m a girl .___. The toys were being donate to the orphanage as the previous plan”.

I’m growing very well in physical side. I was very active and didn’t have any problem with my body’s growing. But, in the deeper or even deepest over my heart, there’s something which has been lost. It is the sense of having a father. A sense of caring. A sense of loving. A sense of sharing. A sense of being spoiled, from a man who made us exist in this world. :’) .....

I was 4 y.o, and someone came to my house, he bring his car, a really great car at that time because at that time, no one have a car around my house or even only motorcycle, my neighbours didn’t have it. He was so amazing in front of me with his wife. They are Chinese people. I thought that they must be that rich. And I was correct! Bingo! They talked much with mom. Talked about their assets and said that they would give half of it to my mom. “WOW amazing,” I said in my mind. They tried to talk politely to mom. They should be nice people But, after one half hours, they said that they really want to have a child. They have been married since 5 years ago but up until that time, they didn’t get a child. So actually they tried to ask my mom to give me to them -_- and my mom asked me to go to my room and I didn’t know the continuity of this story. Mom deny to answer my questions about this moment. 

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