behind the smiles there is the answer



It was the first day for me to enter the kindergarten. I didn’t feel hard during the class because I have able to read since I was 4 years old. It was because I always listen what my mom said to my sister *at that time my sister still couldn’t read until the third grader of ES*. She taught my sister every evening in the past and didn’t let my sister to go bed or do anything except read on the chair beside my mom. I learnt much from that by seeing and listening my mom how to spell the words when she was teaching my sister.

I saw my new friends here always be picked up by their father. And I really wanted to ask mom where’s my father.. but I know it will hurt her so I cho to be silent. I did anything well in my new class just like finished my “bubur kacang hijau” bean porridge every Friday, wash my hands before go to the classroom and finally...... in the report distribution time, I got the 3rd rank in the first semester in my kindergarten and the 1st rank in the 2nd semester of it.  I didn’t know that if we had received our report means that we’re going to continue our school to the next level. I didn’t realize that I need to go to Elementary school after the report distribution.

This was the new day for me in Elementary school number 6. Mom didn’t accompany me just like the other parents did to their children. Mom said that she needs to work while I was studying. Mom provided me fried banana inside my bag. When I openned my box, my new friends saw it and asked the fried bananas from me. I gave them because the were trying to hit me if I didn’t give them. And finally I didn’t get even a piece of those fried bananas, and I cried  until my teacher called my mom to picked me up from school L I didn’t know why did mom didn’t pick me up. So I just waited for the class to be end. When I was i  the canteen, I saw some parents there! They talked much about someone in kindergarten. And I was surprise because it is me! They talked about me!

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