behind the smiles there is the answer   

FINALLY, the announcement is posted. Dag dig dug .... I saw it after gone back from church. I saw so many names on the list, but until the 40th name, I didn’t find my name.. I saw the downward of the list and I found my name ! I was so happy at that time and directly told my mom who was in Jakarta to join a reuni of her JHS students. Mom said congratulations but I need to study more to do the test in this school.

            The test was running about 3 days and I did it well. I cameback to my house with happy feeling and wait until the announcement will be posted.

            Finally, teachers from SA went to my house and do the 3rd test which is home visit. And finally the result is posted, I found my name at the 8th position

            Now I’m here in Sampoerna Academy as one of the students. And although I didn’t get a briliant score as what I expected but I will do my best for this. I have joined some kind of competitions here just like debate competitions and discussion competitions and I hope this will also help me to get another schoolarship in university later. I do feel that the atmosphere of compete in this school is higher than another school. But I will take it as a challenge not as something to be the reason for me to give up. My neighbours especially people who are the same age like me now are trying to do what I’ve did in the previous time which is teaching and sharing the experiences. They usually ask me about the material that they didn’t know by texting me or post it in private message of the social network. They also said that they feel encourage when I do something good and it motivated them to do so. I’m happy with those all things. I hope that I will not stop to trying my best evey single time. And I hope I can make mom prud of me and feel happy. One thing to remember....

"When you do something inmorally good, don’t stop it even people jugde you as a troublemaker. Believe yourself and reach what you have expected."

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