behind the smiles there is the answer   

I’ve graduated from elementary school and continued my study at JHS no.1 Talang Kelapa. My name was the first of the whole student who accepted in this JHS. And mom proud of it. I also be the choosen one to be in the special class. Years left and I joined such of competitions just like speech, reading poem, making the short story, olympiad, first rank every semester and etc.  I never tought that I could be the winner for all the competitions and it made me to get such kind of schoolarship again. Mom never paid the school’s equipment needed by me moreover I got the money from the government regurally every month and every semester, I got Rp. 600.000,00 as a “Siswa berprestasi” in my region. And I’m proud of it. I also taught my neighbour in several lessons just like math, physic, biology and social lessons. Some of my neighbour paid for that even I didn’t ask it.

When I  was grade VIII. I felt that I need to continue my school without burdening mom. So I decided to looked for the schoolarship in some of the schools. But schoolarship for students in a good quality of education is rarely to  be given. So I just heard from one of my senior who planned to register her name in one of the International school in South sumatra. I felt interest with this school as well because my aim is to get the schoolarship so I looked for the information about the school. The name of the school is SMAN SUMATERA SELATAN (SAMPEORNA ACADEMY) and it is the school that provides the schoolarship for every students inside the school the school is a boarding school and located at BLPT building. I was working hard to increase my score as the requirement to get into this school. I joined many kind of competitions and trying my best in every single activities that I did.

    I was in 3th grade of JHS and it was the time for me to register my name in some schools and I chose to register my name in SMAN SUMSEL (SA) and made it as my priority, the registration was (is-_-) so complicated and I only hoped that I can pass the selection. I prayed all the day and hoped that I could pass the selection, but the announcement of the one who passed took a long time. And if I didn’t have any backup with other school, and if I didn’t pass to the selection, I might not able to continue my school because another school would close the registration time soon before the announcement of SMAN SUMSEL would be posted. I was confused at that time because mom asked me to continue my study in SHS Xaverius 3 Palembang but I rejected it. Mom looked so disappointed with my decision and without I know, mom registered my name to that school and the school accepted me without any test to be done before. I also got the 80% deduction of the payment for overall the school payment. Because it’s a private school, so the vee is high. I should pay about 10 million rupiahs but because of mom gave all the copy of my certificates so the school gave me that kind of deduction so I only need to pay 2million rupiahs actually. But because I really want to get the full schoolarship so I decided to reject it once more. Mom was disappointed with me very much until a day I tried to think about what school that I want to enter, I got stress and ill. I went to doctor and the doctor said that my mind is full of thinking and they blame me that I was thinking about my boyfriend -_- even at that time I didn’t have any. Because of that accident mom said to me that I don’t need to think hard about the school, just choose the school that I like. And I was happy to hear that.

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