behind the smiles there is the answer   

Parent 1          : “it will be so great if we have daughter like her!”

Parent 2          : “yes. We will not confused when paying the vee. Haha”

Parent 3          : “what is her name? Ah I’m sure that in this school she will get the same thing because she’s really smart.

Parent 2          : “Sinta is her name if I’m not mistaken. Yah, I agree with you.”

Parent 3          : “maybe to get schoolarship is the easiest thing for her.”

Parent 1          : “but she’s truly diligent so maybe it’s the best treatment for her to appreciate her hardworking.”

I just smiled at that time and shaked my head which means I agree that I need to work harder than before to get other schoolarships in this school as what I expected before.

5 years left and I don’t need to pay for my study because the government program has been started which is free school for every single students in Indonesia. But, I also got the schoolarship from my school as the best student because I got most achievements rather than another students. I got Rp.75.000,00 every 3 month as my allowance money and Rp.325.000 for my equipments needed just like bag, shoes, books, pens etc. Mom said that it’s one of the presents from God to me because I did something good which is study hard. From that experience I felt that I need to work harder or even hardest to achieve more. And finally, when it was 2nd semester of my grade, I got Rp.500.000,00 as my prize from Banyuasin’s leader because I won one of the competition that brought Banyuasin’s name which was “Siswa Berprestasi”. When I was 6th gradear, I got the schoolarship about Rp.450.000 every 3 month regulary. Many things I did during my school in my school time. My teacher are rarely to come to the class so the students didn’t do anything during the class time. Because I do feel that I can understand with or without teacher because when there’s a teacher even they didn’t really explain about the material and they only give us some tasks to do so I felt that with or without teacher I can able to understand about the lesson. With that I realized something. If I can understand the lesson, while my friends have the posibility to not able to understand, why didn’t I teach them with the lesson that I’ve known. so everyday, if the teacher didn’t come to the class, I taught my friends with some materials, and my friends said that they understand more if I explain the material for them. That was running well until 1 week and the 15th day, unlucky me my advisor knew it and blammed me as a bad student because I took the teacher’s obligation to teach the student.

I felt that I really did a big mistake until I cried the whole day, but the next day when my friends saw my eyes was getting burst they directly understood what was happening to me. So they went to the office and clarified the problem last day to my advisor, and finally my advisor understand that I did it with a good aim.  1 2 3 4 5 end