After The Elven Empire

Book of Ages, Chapter 1:8
And man plagued the grasslands only in a relatively small region of land, that Guardian had named Vetrandus. Man bred like rabbits and their population grew ever larger.

The following stories are based on the intensive studies of wandering monk legend Wolverine.

| Human Expansion | Altyra | Finding Brimlan | The Dawn of The New Kingdom |

Human Expansion

After their big scale victory back in the capital, the humans reduced the city-state to rubble, then began their outward march from the center of Vetrandus, scattering all manner of races before them, especially elves, while gathering more humans to themselves from the ranks of the former servants to the elves. The giants, hobbits, and gnomes went with the humans, becoming servants to them or gathering into tiny bands to dissapear during the night. This spreading of the human race across the continent of Vetrandus unintentionally liberated some dwarves and made others slaves to the humans. In the mining operations of those that heard of the destruction of the two major city-states of the elven empire, dwarves banded together and drove out their elven masters, thus ensuring the humans victory by not allowing the elves the chance to muster together any great opposing force. Those mining operations which the humans descended upon ended up having those dwarves serve new masters but they didnt seem to mind since they knew no other life. In fact the dwarves who opposed the elves on their own went back down into the mines to work for themselves for just that reason.

With their enemies defeated the humans began founding settlements. The greatest of these was Midgard, which had a good source of water, built the first human temple and a set of protective walls to guard against marauding monster races and invading armies. These conditions made it favorable for trading and soon Midgard was a center for many important guilds. The next great accomplishments of the humans came from a small fishing village called Freeport. At this time fishermen caught fish using nets off the rocks, and Freeport has great reefs for fishing, so when the founder of the Freeport merchant guild set out on a rickety raft he was the butt of jokes from his peers, but when he brought in the biggest catch that day it was his turn to laugh. The use of water craft spread along the coasts and rivers of Vetrandus and soon Freeport also became a major center of trade. This was a very prosperous time for the humans and cities like Antharia, situated on a peninsula-island between Midgard and Freeport, would fund exploration fleets to distant lands looking to establish settlements which bring in wealth to their funding cities. Farthest north along a chain of islands starting from Freeport was the profiteering Savonville.


In the days of the Elven Empire, Altyra was but a single province located in the west part of Vetrandus. When the allerting news of the revolution was brought to the ears of the Elven ruler Dalivon the Altyrian, by the small hobbit race which had before now never been seen, but which seemed peaceful enough and was welcomed by both the elvish and human populations. However hordes of gigantic beings followed the hobbits and they were not as peacefull as their smaller cousins. For several weeks a campaign of terror and destruction was waged against the Altyrans by the giants, but in the end the giants were forced to retreat into a local group of mountains close to the Dwarven mining site of Altyra.

The Altyrans thought this must surely have been the destruction the hobbits had warned of but were quickly informed by the hobbits that this was not the case and that the giants themselves had merely been fleeing from the true destruction which grew ever closer in the form of the rampaging human forces of the now fallen Empire. It was immediatly commanded that all the greatest sages and mages come together in an attempt to find a way to stop the raging human hordes before they could reach the Altyran lands and ravage and destroy those lands as they had many of the others across the continent. In this the humans and elves agreed and worked in close quarters as the greatest minds of both races came together to find a solution while the human armies engaged in training elven volunteers to stand against the ever encroaching threat as the humans on the shores of Vetrandus prepared to cross the narrow waters and assault Altyra. Then it was found... a way to forever end the threat of foreign assault upon the Altyran lands, they would levitate the entire island itself into the skies. To do this would take time, time that was very short and would have to be bought by the Altyran military on the field of battle. So it was that the greatest mages gathered their energies to create focal points of planar energy in massive Spires made of the very fabric of the planes themselves. Five such Spires were created as the forces of Altyra left and fought the human armies on the high seas... and were pushed back to the shores of Altyra.

And as the armies drew closer and the fighting ever more intense the final knell of doom seemed to sound for the Altyran people as the five Spires were not powerful enough to raise the emense mass of the Island. A single focal point was needed to amass and direct the energies of the other five Spires, but the wielders of magic were exhausted and could do no more than had already been done, it was not enough. The many people of Altyra knew their end was soon to come and so raised up in prayer to the Gods asking for divine interference. One God of little true power and few followers heard their plea and used what energy he did have to create the sixth and final Spire, but even this Gods energy was not enough to meld the five existing Spires with the foreign divine energy flowing through the sixth Spire. A guide was needed, a link between the divine and the mortal, a conduit through which the powers might flow and be directed to the proper places. Thus it was that Dalivon the great Druid and leader of the Altyran peoples came forward and bonded himself to the final Spire so that his thoughts might guide and direct the energies of the Spires to the proper places, through this bonding he gained life eternal but in exchange he would never again be able to move very from the location of the Spire. As the island rose into the skies itself the battle between the Altyrans and the invading human hordes was ended even as the first human forces landed on the shores. With the island levitated above and isolated from the rest of the world the few human forces that had landed quickly surrendered and joined with the Altyrans.

Today ALtyra is a mixture of several races. The drow live in the eastern wilds of the island, dwarves and giants in the mountains and caves next to that. The elves have isolated themselves mostly to the northern forest regions, as the humans took many political and military controls of the city itself. The hobbits found their future in trading and are mostly merchants of the city.

The story of Altyra in details here.

Finding Brimlan

Once a merchant fleet was set out for Freeport. It was lost in a sudden storm and not a soul was believed to have survived until a full year later when a single ship, one of the lost merchant fleet, sailed into its destination. The ship's name is lost in time, but the following story has been passed from father to son for centuries.

Her captain was called Dalim, and he explained how three of the original five ships survived the storm to find themselves in a strange sea with a bit of coastline to the north (according to the position of the moon), so they set off north thinking they were south of Vetrandus. One of the three remaining ships sank on an unchartered reef the next day and it was then that the last two ships' captains realized they were no where near the southern shore of Vetrandus. If the storm hadn't blown them south, then where?

Having no idea where to go but realizing their ships were in need of repairs and supplies they continued towards shore. When they reached the shore they spotted a great river ford where the mouths of the two large rivers converged to the west of them which the ships could anchor in for shelter from the sea of "lost wealth" or Baecara, as the men named it. They had almost reached the river ford when the second last ship became stuck in a sand bar close to the headland east of them. It was nearly nightfall so Dalim's ship set out for deeper to wait for morning when they would try to free their fellow ship, but that night Dalim's horrified crew listened to the screams sounding across the water from the beach where the damaged ship was attacked by a band of trolls.

The men of Dalim's ship were so shaken they couldn't bring themselves to search for survivors the next morning but set out for the river ford immediately. Once anchored in the river ford Dalim's men set up a camp on the opposite side of the river from "troll swamp" or Miasma. They lived between the two rivers gathering supplies and repairing their ship for almost a year when a realization dawned on Dalim that if they had sailed north and found no settlements near their position on these rivers that this must be a "new land" or Brimlan. If this was true, then Dalim could sail south and reach a familar landmark near where that fateful storm had first struck. And so it was that Dalim found and sailed into Freeport harbor, and Brimlan became open to human settlement for profit.

The Dawn of The New Kingdom

By the time when Brimlan was found, the human race had not yet divided into different tribes with distinguishable features and habits as they are today. The large scape inhabitation of Brimlan took place mainly from the human communities living at the west coast of Vetrandus. The first settlement in the new land was about at the place where Grand City now lies, located strategically where the two big rivers meet the sea. As the first settlers arrived they made an astonishing discovery, humans were not alone in laying claim to Brimlan. Elves were already occupying the region and getting along quite well, having worshiped Gaea dutifully, meaning they lived in commune with nature and had built no cities. Dalim's men had not noticed them before because the elves had become greatly skilled in nature craft and thus too well hidden from view, but since the settling had begun, the elves had made their presence felt with a few confrontations.

Even though the elven people had not forgotten the old war and humans' part in demolishing their Empire, and hence could not trust humans, the two races managed to live in relative peace. As a matter of fact they both benefit from the exchange of habits, science and religion, which came as a side product with trade. This, from its own part speedied the process of cultural separation of the human race. The first settlers in Brimlan adopted much from the elves (and vice-versa) as the their bonds to their old motherland weakened. One day these people were to be known as Gweireans or Gverdonians.

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Edited by Seandr
April 19, 2001