rules.gif (6001 bytes)

These rules exist for the integrity of the game, and to keep the game as enjoyable as possible. They are not meant to take away from any fun, but instead to allow all players to enjoy themselves. Please obey the following rules:

1. Do not question immortal decisions.

2. You may play only one character on-line at the time.

3. Harrassment is illegal.

4. Abuse a bug and you'll die. Instead report it to imms.

5. Please use an appropriate name, This is a medieval mud.

Rules of Pkilling

Pkilling or Player Killing means that you can kill other players legally. In order to do that you must register as a PK player, which can be done by paying a fee in the Grand City Bank. After you have your pk status.

Killing a non-pk player will set you with a killer flag that makes your life seriously difficult! In order to get rid of killer flag, you need to CONFESS, this command however makes you lose some of your Hp's/Mana/Moves, along with some cash. Permanently. KILLERs may be attacked or stolen from LEGALLY by ANYONE regardless of PKILL status or level.

You can PKill if and only if both of you are registered to PK.

Rules of Pstealing

Pstealing or "player stealing" means attempting to steal coins, or an object from another player. Certain classes can learn the art of stealing, without this skill chances of getting caught are much greater!

Same guidelines apply to psteal as in pkill. Illegal psteals (non PK characters) will be marked with (THIEF) flag and are open pray to anyone, ie they can be attacked or stolen from LEGALLY by ANYONE regardless of PKILL status or level. In order to get rid of killer flag, you need to CONFESS, this command however makes you lose some of your Hp's/Mana/Moves, along with some cash. Permanently.

Stealing, of any type, is ILLEGAL in safe rooms.

Character Names

Adventures for Ancient Wisdom is a mud that takes place in an original fantasy world and names which do not fit with the world background distract from the theme and confuse other players. As such, we have a strict name policy: names must be medieval sounding or derived from an appropriate fantasy setting.

Need some help in creating an acceptable name? In general, pick a name which you can imagine your character's parents naming him or her. Or combine syllables to form a name that sounds good, but create one uncomplicated to spell. If your name is deemed unacceptable by any Immortal, it will be changed. Arguments over the name policy are not tolerated by Immortals, they alone have final say.

         <><><><>The Following Names Are Not Appropriate<><><><>

Silly names:         such as Gumbo, NIN, Fairymeow, Punk, or Cheezze  
Names with titles:   such as LordAragon, MasterHyru, SuperTed  
Philosophical names: such as Honesty, Death, Apathy, Hate, Evil 
Superlative names:   such as BlueFire, SwordDancer, CuteLady or DeathBringer
Names and CAPS:      such as GARTH, HiRaL, LeToDe 
Unpronouncable:      such as Yzzzyg, Ziffffy or Kikikik

A good reference to old names:

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Edited by Seandr
November 23, 2004

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