Ger Staefe Herigean

"Book Of Ages"
written by Priests of Bel

     Lo I the man, whose Muse whilome did maske,
     As time her taught, to meet gods needs,
     Am now enforst a far vnfitter taske,
     And memorize of Knights and Kings deeds.
- Brother Scyld -

| Birth | Exile | Omens | Kings | Cynefrid |


1 In the beginning, the earth was barren and empty; and the spirit of Guardian moved over the darkness. His origin was unknown and he was powerful far beyond any other there was.

2 Guardian named this planet Aaweura, and made it a lush garden of paradise, full of life and promise.

3 Guardian was the first of his kind, and later came more.

4 They called themselves Guardians, Eldars or Dragon Riders for they mounted enormous winged beasts on whom they journeyed through the space and time conquering realms wherever they roamed.

5 Guardian created all the lesser races to populate this realm and molded them to his pleasure.

6 Elves he made in the image of himself, dwarves to labor in the slave pits and man to live outside and clean the land of diseased animals, eat dirt and live in misery.. many other races were created as well..

7 When the Guardians were forced to leave this place, consciousness was given to the lesser races and powers to protect this world.

8 And man plagued the grasslands only in a relatively small region of land, that Guardian had named Vetrandus. Man bred like rabbits and their population grew ever larger.

9 The grasslands could not support so many and so they spread forth, slaying other races as they advanced.

10 Man learned to master fire and invented bronze and iron, from which he made sharp tools to kill other races and his own brethen alike.

11 Later he made huge wooden long boats and sailed through the deep waters, found another land which he called Brimlan.

12 There too he rose up against the other races, as it was part of his nature, and took the best parts of it.

13 Having his throne in Grand City, west he went, taking everything that lies north from Grand River. East he went, and north, where only the formiddable chain of mountains stopped him. This he named the Mythos Mountains. We, his descendants now live in all those lands, enjoying the bloody harvest.

14 Few are the places where man could not tread his foot upon; south from Grand River lies the Faerie Melville Hills where the ancient Elven home of Malathar is. West from that lies Dark Forest and Castle Tawnos, the power-base of Dark elves or Drow as they are also known..

15 Beyond the Mythos Mountains hunt clans of ogres, trolls, giants and further still beyond them are those who serve the evil forces.

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Edited by Seandr
January 5, 2001

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