Elven History

Book of Ages, Chapter 1:6
Elves he made in the image of himself, dwarves to labor in the slave pits and man to live outside and clean the land of diseased animals, eat dirt and live in misery.. many other races were created as well..

The following stories are based on the intensive studies of wandering monk legend Wolverine.

| Collapse of Elven Empire | Promised Land |

Collapse of Elven Empire

After the last of the dragon-mounted Guardians disappeared into the iky black portal, found inhabitants of Aaweura suddenly themselves without guidance. As the elves were created in image of Guardians themselves, the leading post somewhat naturally passed on to them. This is the story of once-so-great Elven Empire.

Elves, who generally liked meditating on spiritual matters and exploring The Guardian's world, left all the "insignificant" tasks that ran their empire up to the humans and dwarves. In order to fulfill their tasks they learned how to make tools, especially the dwarves who toiled their whole lives in the earth. From this the humans and dwarves became the framework of the elves empire.

The humans quickly began to outnumber the other two races for two reasons. They found strength in numbers for their tasks and loved to continue their life spans for as long as was possible, which meant they were willing to kill in order to perserve their own life and enjoyed having families. For elves, who live much longer than humans, the importance of big family was never so important. While not as long as the elven one, Dwarven life span exceeds human one by much. Their relatively small population growth, however, was mainly affected by the birth ratio of boys and firls, which is about two to one (or even worse!).

At this time all the elves worshipped Cernunnos. Then the high priests of the second greatest Elven temple did the forbidden and began exploring meditations on Sadhakas. The resulting corruption spread to many souls. As the corrupted elves spread their evilness into the surrounding city-state.

Worshipping evilness twisted the corrupted elves' beautiful forms to that of their spirit, and this is how drows came into realm. Their formerly elvish prejudice turned to hatred, and they killed, tortured, and cast out anything not drow from the city-state.

At hearing this the elves were apalled and ordered their human underlings to protect them from the drow as they had when animals or monster races threatened them. So the elven's army of humans set out and decimated the corrupted city-state, from which the survived drows evacuated to the surrounding mountains and forests.

Thorkell, who had seen the fighting, was facinated by the act, and looked favourable upon the humans, and his spirit descended amongst them. Leaders rose up from the human ranks making up the elves' army and they rebelled and killed their elven superiors. Then they marched against the capital city-state. At first the elves thought the army was returning to continue their tasks, so the humans were able to surprise the elves with their first attack. Understand that walls were not used for protection in those days but rather for ornamentation or to hold up the ceiling, so the fighting was soon in the streets. Fierce it was, and finally the humans broke into the temple-throne room of the Avatar, slaying all who they met.

Just before the great Avatar died, the she called on Cernunnos to curse the humans. Cernunnos sought to change the humans, but Thorkell's spirit was still with the humans and reversed the curse, thus changing the impact and extent of it. Only the humans in the temple-throne room where the Avatar was slain were affected and each split into two new races: giants and hobbits. Imagine the surprise on the humans' faces when they saw their fellows go into the room and these huge and tiny fellows exit the room!

The resulting confussion allowed for some elves flee from the capital. Taking refuge in a nearby wooded valley, they were approached by an oracle of Gaea, the goddess of the earth, and was told that he and his fellow refugees could be given sanctuary from the humans in a distant land. Many of the refugees entered their sky-sails with the oracle and flew over a vast ocean finally ending up in place that is now called Brimlan.

Promised Land

For a long time, the Elven people lived quite happily in the Central parts of Brimlan, until one day man found his way to their safe haven. Distrustful, as he was and full of hate, he raised his sword against the Elven blood and chased him from his home.

The Elves, having been driven out of the plains and into the forests south of Grand River by the humans, travelled into uncharted territory. To the best of their knowledge trolls and the giants hadnt yet came into this land and thus weren't prepared for the monsters that camp out of the nearby swamp, now known as Miasma. Nearly half of the destitute refugees died in a horrible ambush. Oh, if they only hadnt left the safety of their mother lands south of the sea of Bacera! But the story of there pilgrimage across the sea is another story for the ages.

Battle weary, the remaining few barely held the hill from the roving bands of trolls that came across them. Their plight looked bleak, especially when a scout mentioned a evil god to the south had commanded the trolls to destroy them. In fact at the time a army of giants and trolls were moving towards their very position. Just as the army of dread came through the hills and began their mad rush towards the desperate elves, out of a grove of large mushrooms came a fantastic number of small winged creatures casting magic into the midst of the trolls and giants.

The armies of evil Corloch were not the brightest bunch, so had no clear way to battle the ancient and good magic of these mysterious creatures. Being confused and frigthened to their stinky wool socks, the army scattered and fled in all directions, even though they out numbered these creatures and the elves combined. Great was the rejoicing of the refugees at their unexpected salavation, so much so they named they hill Malathar, meaning 'light's salvation', and immediately sought to honor their rescuers. The leader of the of these creatures was exceptionally beautiful and called itself 'Queen of the Faeries'. Faeries?!? And they had thought that they were only myths dregged up by drunken humans! Faery tales had some how saved them! Thus were faeries brought into the light of the known world..

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Edited by Seandr
October 23, 2000