
'I Know'


'I Rule'

The Unique Synthesis of the
Western Aquarius and the Chinese Rat signs.

Aquarius Constellation Aquarius
, Air,
Saturn &
is Yin

Aquarius"Onward and upward" should be the motto of this completely idealistic and experimental character. Aquarius the individualist married to the aggressive and charming Rat character affords us a being of immense personal magnetism and derring-do. �On the ONE hand, the Aquarian born Rat seeks to accumulate material possessions. �On the OTHER hand, this person cares less about tangibles than I do about Eskimo fertility rites. �She's a bohemian with a bourgeois streak. �A hippie sophisticate. �She wants to be free and unencumbered. �But she cannot stand to be alone. �She wants to ride a black stallion on the beach in the wind, but she's not mad about horses. �A contradictory nature full of excellent intentions causes the Aquarius/Rat to somersault through life, always talking, rarely listening.

RatAquarians want to be different. �They have vision and are tolerant. �Rats have lots of personal appeal and long to wield power. �Of course, in this duo, the Rat is neutralized by the altruistic Aquarian, who tells her to get her mitts off the power switch until such time as man will love man and no wars will be fought. The effect is startling. �Real force emanates from within this person. Watch her try to take over the reins in a given situation. �She can strike a deal, even a slightly shady deal. �Then, suddenly out of nowhere, she may back down. �Under the influence of Aquarius, the Rat's cupidity deflates. �Good-bye, trickery. �Hello, freedom and love.

AquariusAs the Aquarius/Rat thinks she wants to see around corners toward a better world, she will frequently become involved in spiritual searches for truth and equilibrium. The Aquarian is first a thinker. �The Rat, too, is cerebral. Both signs are a bit neurotic. �So, rather than looking for stability on traveled paths, they become easily attracted by the cosmic, the extrasensory and supernatural methods of mind control. �Aquarius/Rats are forever taking courses in ESP, est, Hatha, Mudra and Zen. �They want to depart from the humdrum bourgeois living inside them. �They long to find peace through spiritual enlightenment.

RatNo matter the degree of clear thinking attained by this character, she is nonetheless always a Rat. �Rats must cleave to the middle-class life. �Rats are acquisitive and driven by a thirst for power. �Aquarius may force the Rat to a clear mountain stream but she cannot make her drink. �This essential disagreement causes further loss of security for our native. �She makes rash moves and grows moody and distant. �Emotions are not her favorite province, so how can she say she's sorry? �How can she adapt to the workaday world with its stringent and inhuman demands? Why is life so stultifyingly boring?

AquariusWell, as this offbeat subject will be the first to tell you, "The answer is blowing in the wind." �Trouble is, people never live up to the Aquarius/Rat's high standards. �She is often disappointed by the failure of group efforts and hurt by the selfishness of intimates. �Yet she watches even herself fall short of the mark. �Then she is really desolate and confused. �Where did she go wrong?

RatAlthough "application of derriere to seat of chair" is one of my stock bits of advice, I dare advance it here more particularly. Aquarius/Rats must learn to slow down, to feel their way instead of trying to "think" their way, to sit still long enough for the lead to set between those ears. �They mustn't dabble in mind-altering substances or freaky movements unless there is a concrete and earthbound reason to do so. �Sailing off into space without a seatbelt is a very dangerous business.


AquariusAs the Aquarius/Rat mixes fancy with charisma and neurosis with nervousness, you can imagine the troubled waters of emotion at work here. �This person will be both attractive and vulnerable. �The attractiveness shows. The vulnerability hides. �Her emotional needs will be best met by coupling with solid citizen types who are willing to tether their Aquarius/Rat firmly to earth. �Of course, square drudges hardly excite this rabid metaphysicist. �It's a dilemma.

RatIf you love an Aquarius/Rat, don't fence her in. �But do tie your loved one down. �I know this sounds contradictory, but think of Aquarius/Rats as morning glories. �For morning glories to thrive, their feet must be firmly planted in the shade and their heads constantly exposed to the brightest sunlight. �That's how you have to treat your Aquarius/Rat. �Let her feel as free as a Montgolfiere, but keep the lines drawn taut and don't take any nonsense. �Your Aquarius/Rat will love you all the more for caring.


AquariusOxen like to be with you. �They are inspired by your rapacity and swift dispatch. �Choose an Ox from Gemini, Libra, or Sagittarius if you want to be sure of compatibil-
ity. �The same western astrological signs lend you their Dragons on a silver platter. �This time it's you doing the admiring. �Aries, Libra and Sagittarius bestow Monkeys on your lifestyle. �They too bring you joy and good advice. �Don't be led down the aisle by Taurus/, Leo/ or Scorpio/Horses, and get out of the way of Leo/Cats and Scorpio/Roosters.

Home And Family

RatAlthough erratic when flying loose in the world, the Aquarius/
Rat somehow does not display this eccentricity at home. Here, in the privacy of her abode, the Aquarius/Rat decorates tastefully, simply and with a spareness that hints at her penchant for Oriental thought. �Too much material wealth makes the Aquarius/Rat nervous. �If she is flashy or showy, it will be in her dress. At home, things will be kept simple and elegant.

AquariusThis person is a remarkably good parent. �You see, kids have a tethering influence on Aquarius/Rats. �For that security the Aquarius/Rat parent is grateful, and in her turn stretches the parental role as far as it will go. �She gets very involved with kids' activities and feelings. �The Aquarius/Rat discusses everything in greatest detail with her children, and imparts a world view of broad scope to her kids long before they are old enough to leave the nest.

RatThe Aquarius/Rat child is, most of all, interesting. �She may be slightly daredevil and will surely be drawn to the unusual. Again, the role of intimates (in this case parents) is to focus the terrestrial aspects of this subject. �Never allow her attraction to the other-worldly to overcome the attachment felt for family. �The talented and intelligent Aquarius/Rat child must be hitched to a solid post but never hobbled.


AquariusOf course, as for all Aquarians who struggle with the emotional side of life, work is health. �If this sometimes cranky and irrepressible Rat subject is able to fix her attention on one professional passion, authentically ingenious projects can be realized. �The Rat/Aquarian has such a unique perception and is so close to madness and extraterrestrial thought at all times that if these qualities are applied to earthly pursuits, the result is unbeatable. �But watch that freaky side. �This person can go bonkers in a wink if allowed too much leeway.

RatThe Aquarius/Rat is more of a creative than a bossy type. She will be glad to try to run an office or shop. �But the result will never be spectacular -- competent, but not fabulous. �The same goes for employment. �This person's strength is in her individuality and personal approach to problems of at least cinemascopic proportion. �Punching time clocks just won't do.

AquariusSome possible professions for the Aquarius/Rat are: politician, artist (all sorts), journalist, genius, designer.

RatFamous Aquarian Rats: �Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Jules Verne, Adlai Stevenson, Alan Alda, John Belushi and Jean-
Jacques Servan Schreiber.

The New Astrology -
A Unique Synthesis of the World's
Two Great Astrological Systems:
The Chinese and Western

by Suzanne White

Western Astrology Chinese Astrology Western/Chinese Synthesis
Aries | Taurus | Gemini
Cancer | Leo | Virgo
Libra | Scorpio | Sagittarius
Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces
Rat | Ox | Tiger
Cat | Dragon | Snake
Horse | Goat | Monkey
Rooster | Dog | Pig
Aquarius/Rat | Cancer/Dog
Cancer/Snake | Leo/Horse | Leo/Snake Pisces/Dragon | Sagittarius/Rooster
Taurus/Pig | Virgo/Monkey

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