Hand-made Items
Patchwork Tops
Patchwork Skirts
Hats & Head Coverings
Bags & Pouches
Knit Items
Crocheted Winter Hat
Bargain Items
Women's Tops
Women's Bottoms
Strange Finds
Other Listings
Amazon Markplace Listings
eBay Listings
eBay Express
Half.com Store
PBS Bookshelf
Trading Cards Store

Other Info
Meet Sailor Figment
Buying and Shipping Info
Happy Customers

Women's Bottoms

Most everything listed on this page has been worn and was found hiding in a drawer or closet. We've been in this house for almost 3 years and if this is the 1st time I've seen it in that long, it is time for a new home. Some items are listed as a lot, but if you really only want 1 or 2, email me [email protected] and we can talk. Don't hesitate to ask questions or for more pictures.

Sorry, guys, nothing at the moment. That's good, right? It means everything is being used and nothing is in need of a new home.

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