U.S. Airforce

I am fasting and praying August 6-9, for all the peoples of this world, for all the little animals of the woods, for the gilled people of the waters, for the winged creatures of the air and for all living things such as the flowers, trees, and grasses. I pray that our Mother will not be destroyed as was Hiroshima and Nagasaki. I pray for the victims of those atrocities both living and dead. I pray that the politicians of this world will discontinue building these lifetaking weapons of destruction, and instead begin dismantling them so that our unborn generations may know a life in harmony with our Mother. I pray for all of my brothers and sisters throughout the world who daily suffer the knowledge of hunger not because they choose to fast as a small token of their dissatisfaction or resistance to the insanity of their politicians, but because they cannot find even a crust of bread to feed themselves and their starving children. I especially pray for the little ones who in their innocence have inherited a world intent on destroying itself because of the greed of a tiny minority of folks who think its cool to kill in order to protect their privilege. I pray that I will not entertain thoughts of hatred against those who destroy us because of their stupidity, but rather I pray that my motives may remain steadfast out of love for our Mother.
All my relations,
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse
Standing Deer

feathers feathers
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