Mumia Abu-Jamal

If they were going to kill my Brother....

(version I)

"If we are to vent our riotous anger let it be before
they try to murder Mumia Abu-Jamal, not after."
    --Michael Parenti, Martin Luther King
      High School, Berkeley, June 25, 1995

"We are at a point beyond candle vigils that reflect
little besides moral indignation."
    --Ray Luc Levasseur

"Think of sister Assata. We don't need another martyr.
We need our brother Mumia breathing, smiling, laughing,
alive and well among us, talking that talk and writing
those words as only he can do it."
    --Standing Deer

If they were going to kill my brother
I would raise him .. rescue him
steal him away from the murderous
thugs of the state.
They don't need his life nohow!
They can't sell it for twice what it's worth
'cause there ain't that much money in the world.
So what for do they want it ? ! ?
He don't mean nothin' no way
'cept to those who love him
and need him
and can't do without him.
I always wonder why we let freedom fighters
rot their lives away in some jail
or go down in a murder for hire plot
rigged by the state.
Folks be marching and hollering
and carrying signs crying his name
demanding his freedom, but
if signs and words could free him
he woulda been free a long time ago.
This is not about revolution and we don't need
the masses to rise up and wrest away
the means of production
from the criminal class. This is about
our brother's life. His LIFE!
and it only takes a few of us
There is no magic in a uniform and badge
even if the State, Nation and World Rulers
are behind those symbols
so if somebody wants him free, there he is
over there in that dungeon
guarded by folks who bleed when they're hurt
just like you and me.
Jonathan the man / child had the idea
and the brains
and the courage
he just didn't have the understanding that
the state will throw away
functionaries within their apparatus
as if they were dirty toilet tissue
and never look back.
Frederick Douglass said: "Power concedes nothing
without a demand. It never has and
it never will."
Carlos said: "you do things with bullets
because bullets are real."
It has to start somewhere and sometime,
what better place than here?
What better time than now?
                    FREE MUMIA ABU-JAMAL ! ! !


Short of a miracle the State of Pennsylvania will murder Mumia in 1999.
What can we do to stop it?

Standing Deer

This poem was read by Standing Deer's then wife, Anna, at "Millions for Mumia" in Philadelphia, PA on April 26,1999

  • Return to Homepage
  • Emergency Response Network, Bonnie Kerness and Anna Standing Deer
  • Writings by Ronald Del Raine, Prison Activist
  • Writings by Bonnie Kerness of the American Friends Service Committee (Prison Watch)
  • Preface to Bobby Garcia's Poetry
  • The Purple Prose and Poetry Pages by Anna Standing Deer
  • Expressions of Sundiata Acoli, BLA Political Prisoner and Activist
  • The Prisoners Defense Committee (San Antonio, Texas), John V. Martinez, Director
  • Issues Surrounding Mumia Abu-Jamal, Voice of the Voiceless
  • Friends of Move Updates
  • Writings by and about Standing Deer, Native American Political Prisoner and Spiritual Activist
    1. Welcome to the Standing Deer Pages
    2. STANDING DEER--WHO Is THIS Man? written by Anna Standing Deer, May 2001
    3. Standing Deer and his "Fall" Partners
    4. On Being in the Marion Control Unit
    5. A MESSAGE FROM THE HOLE TO THE PEOPLE From Standing Deer, Nov 24, 1979
    7. Standing Deer's Statement for benefit March 24,1985 at Da Walt Studios
    9. Photo of Standing Deer during his Texas Extradition Case coupled with Writing: Rehabilitation Marion Style
    10. Pictorial History
    11. Photograph of Standing Deer at Lompoc
    12. Poetry by Anna Standing Deer written during the Huntsville, Texas Crisis, 1998
    13. A MESSAGE TO THE PEOPLE FROM STANDING DEER RE: Leonard Peltier and Anna Standing Deer, Nov 10,1994
    14. Step Into the Nightmare
    15. Jericho '98: Anna Standing Deer Speaks of Standing Deer as a Political Prisoner, March 10, 1998 (Photo of Standing Deer and Leonard at Marion)
    16. Religious Freedom Restoration Act Under Attack
    17. What is in Your Heart They Cannot Take (March '98)
    18. If They Were Going To Kill My Brother
    19. Leonard Peltier
    20. Mumia Abu-Jamal
    21. Native American Religious Rights
    22. Standing Deer's Book: "Coming Home"
    23. The Ironic
    24. The Death Penalty
    25. The Texas Prison Reports
    26. Related Subjects
    27. Drums of Thunder: May You Return!

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