Graphic of Bear

If They Were Going to Kill My Brother

By Standing Deer

If they were going to kill my brother I would raise him...rescue him steal him away from the murderous thugs of the state.

They don't need his life nohow! They can't sell it for twice what it's worth 'cause there ain't that much money in the world.

So what for do they want it?!?

He don't mean nothin' no way 'cept to those who love him and need him and can't do without him.

I always wonder why we let freedom fighters rot their lives away in some jail or go down in a murder-for-hire plot rigged by the state.

Folks be marching and hollering and carrying signs carrying his name demanding his freedom, but if signs and words could free him he woulda been free a long time ago.

This is not about revolution and we don't need the masses to rise up and wrest away the means of production from the criminal class.

This is about our brother's life.His life!!! and it only takes a few of us who don't want him dead.

There is no magic in a uniform and badge even if the State, Nation and World Rulers are behind those symbols so if somebody wants him free...

there he is over there in that dungeon guarded by folks that bleed when they're hurt just like you and me.

Jonathan, the child/man had the idea and the brains and the courage... he just didn't have the understanding that the state will throw away functionaries within their apparatus like they were dirty toilet tissue, and never look back.

Frederick Douglas said: "Power concedes nothing without a Demand. It never has and never will."

Carlos said: "You do things with bullets because bullets are real." It has to start somewhere and sometime...

What better place than here?

What better time than now?

Free Mumia Abu Jamal!!!

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This poem waas read by Standing Deer's then wife, Anna, at "Millions for Mumia" in Philadelphia, PA on April 26,1999
If you would like to write Standing Deer, his address appears below:

Standing Deer Wilson
977 Bunker Hill Rd. #113
Houston, TX 77024

Peace pipe

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