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Bonnie Kerness and Anna Standing Deer are co-coordinators of the Emergency Response Network, which is a component of Prison Watch.

PERTINENT AND EMERGENCY ISSUES at this moment are those of:

yellow star bulletJalil Muntaqim
yellow star bulletLeonard Peltier
yellow star bulletMumia Abu-Jamal

Before reading our description of the Emergency Response Network which appears below, please click on the above links to read on: background information on Leonard Peltier; the case for Mumia Abu-Jamal; Standing Deer Updates

P.O. Box 5464
TACOMA, WA 98415-0464
Voice Mail: (253) 593-9631
E-Mail: [email protected] & [email protected]

Leonard Peltier Defense Committee
P.O. Box 583
Lawrence, Kansas 66044
Phone: 785-842-5774
Fax: 785-842-5796
E-Mail: [email protected]


Subj: !*Stop Wrongful Executions!
From: [email protected] (Marpessa Kupendua)
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;;

----- Original Message -----
From: "Compa�ero"

TO: ACLU Action Network
FR: Jared Feuer, Internet Organizer
DT: July 28, 2003

As the number of innocent people freed from death row continues to grow, public support for a moratorium on the death penalty remains high. Since the reinstatement of the death penalty, 95 people sentenced to death have been freed because they were later proven innocent. And a recent study found that two out of every three death penalty cases contain errors so severe that the death sentences and convictions were overturned.

Seeking to make sure that no innocent person is put to death, Senator Russell Feingold (D-WI) has introduced the "National Death Penalty Moratorium Act" (S. 233). Sen. Feingold's legislation would impose a moratorium on federal executions while creating a National Commission on the Death Penalty to review fairness in the administration of capital punishment at all levels of government.

TAKE ACTION! Before one more federal execution is carried out, the federal government has an obligation to ensure that the sentence of death will be imposed with justice, fairness and due process. You can read more about the legislation and send a FREE FAX to your Senators from our action alert at: ACLU Action Network

Innocence Project at Cardozo Law School


Innocence Project

One effort to spearhead the plight of the innocent imprisoned was started by NACDL members, Barry Scheck and Peter Neufeld, co-chairs of the NACDL DNA Task Force and founders of the Innocence Project at the Cardozo Law School in New York. Scheck and Neufeld utilize volunteer law students and attorneys to review hundreds of cases of people who say they have been falsely convicted, usually of rape or murder, and, when appropriate, arrange for DNA tests that may support their claim of innocence. Over the last few years the Innocence Project has helped to obtain the release of more than eight innocent prisoners with new DNA tests and evidence which excluded them as participants in the crimes for which they had been convicted.

If you know of a case where the innocence of a wrongly convicted citizen can be proven through DNA testing, contact:

The Innocence Network is currently expanding efforts to establish satellite Innocence Projects at law schools across the country. These projects will handle cases in which factual innocence can be proven through means other than DNA. For more information on these satellite projects, or to find out about establishing such a program, contact NACDL.

Indigent Defense Main Page

National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL)
1025 Connecticut Ave. NW, Ste. 901, Washington DC 20036 /
(202) 872-8600 / FAX(202) 872-8690 / [email protected]

We thank you very much. We cannot stress enough to what degree you are needed in these and other pressing cases.

Anna Standing Deer / Bonnie Kerness


972 Broad Street, 6th Floor
Newark, New Jersey 07102
973/643-3079 FAX 973/643-8924

July 28, 2003

Dear Friend:

The Emergency Response System: An AFSC Prison Watch Component

My name is Ana SD Wilson, and I am working in conjunction with Bonnie Kerness, of the American Friends Service Committee. We have as our express purpose the monitoring of human rights abuses taking place within US prisons, along with your help, hopefully.
Bonnie and I feel that it is of extreme importance that the many men and women incarcerated in American prisons have some recourse to the violence that is perpetuated upon them by the US penal system. As a consequence, we are calling on like-minded people to join us in being there when there are issues of isolation, torture, brutality, medical denial and ill treatment of the mentally ill within US prisons.
We recognize, that sometimes there are special issues with our Puerto Rican, Native, militant white and revolutionary brothers and sisters of African descent that may differ in scope and need from other prisoners. Often these brothers and sisters are targeted for extended isolation because of their political beliefs. We want to be able to call on you to be of assistance with them as well. In short, we would like to ask you to give us the best of yourself for all our prisoners that are going through unnecessary suffering, whether it be for belief, or just because men and women who are incarcerated are easy targets for individuals who may not have any respect for human rights and dignity.
At the present moment Bonnie and I are trying to compile a list of activists that would be willing to be of support to the incarcerated via an Emergency Response Network (ERN). POW's and political prisoners are not our sole interest as the level of brutality and use of devices of torture increase on prisoners throughout the country. Therefore, we are asking you to assist us in forming a regional and national emergency response system.
Our vision is to gather at least one contact from each state. That contact could then reach out to form a telephone tree in their own state. The ERN could be activated by calling Bonnie, Anna or three others who would be selected at a future date. We need touchpoint people in Western, Southwestern and Southern States. It is our sense that Standing Deer would not be alive today if it hadn't been for a telephone campaign which was conducted on his behalf a couple of years ago. It is also our belief that New Jersey prisoner Hatari wa-Haki (who died of medical neglect) wouldn't have died on July 4th if such a network existed. Sometimes even just 50 telephone calls or e-mails can make an enormous difference. We can no longer allow corrections to operate with impunity. We hope, eventually, to push a "zero tolerance brutality" policy in each state.
If you can be of support to us in this endeavor, or know of any activists that may be of service, would you please send names and addresses, e-mails and faxes to the following address. If you want to help organize the Network or act as touchpoints, please email Anna SD Wilson at [email protected] or email Bonnie Kerness at [email protected] or call her at 973-643-3192.

We cannot leave the incarcerated unprotected and in fear for their lives. Feel free to contact us also at:

NOTE NEW ADDRESS as of July 28, 2003
Emergency Response Network
c/o Anna Standing DeerBR> Capitol Street Station P0 Box 5108
Washington, DC 20001

Thank you,

Bonnie and Anna






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