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From : [email protected] Date : Thu, 21 Feb 2002 20:40:57 EST OnaMOVE! We are trying to increse the efforts to get information about the events for Mumia in April out over the internet. Please forward the following announcement to as many people as possible and get it posted on any sites that will. OnaMOVE Kevin ************************************************************************************************** THE EVIDENCE MUST BE HEARD! DEMAND FREEDOM FOR MUMIA ABU-JAMAL! April 4th, 2002 will begin a weekend of actions to secure freedom for death row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Mumia has been on Pennsylvania's death row for over 20 years for a crime that another man has confessed to! Please join us to demand justice for this freedom fighter! Thursday, APRIL 4TH (anniversary of the murder of MLK Jr.)- World Wide local outreach International "Honk for Mumia!" demos - make the connection between the political assassination of MLK Jr. and this government's attempt to murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal Friday APRIL 5TH Youth activities and a Hip-Hop show for Mumia in Philly! Saturday, April 6th - Massive march and rally at noon followed by a teach in -"Let the Evidence be Heard" at 2pm in Philly (location TBA) Monday April 8th -Stand in court with or demonstrate for the Mumia supporters who were unjustly arrested at a demo on Dec. 8th 2001 Please organize events in your area and help organize to bring thousands to Philadelphia to demand FREEDOM!

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