Kerry Armstrong

As Heather Jelly...

Heather Jelly, Bob's wife, fulfils her role as First Lady of Pearl Bay. Like Bob, she has a hand in everything. Nothing business orientated of course but all things that require a bit of niceness are the First Lady's domain.

Beautifully presented, she is the miracle of makeovers, manicures and mannequin poise a la Pearl Bay. She is the perfect complement to Bob and he owes a great deal of his success to her super-hostess skills and unerring support.

As Kerry Armstrong...

Kerry Armstrong brings her extensive experience in theatre, film and television to SeaChange. Her first television performance was on the multi-award-winning ABC TV drama series Marion. She was 12-years-old. At 14 she performed in the JC Williamson production of The Mating Season and at 16 she starred in her first feature film, The Getting of Wisdom, directed by Bruce Beresford, which also starred Sigrid Thornton. Kerry then created the role of Lyn Warner in Prisoner and starred in Skyways and The Sullivans.

At the age of 20 Kerry travelled to the USA to study at the Herbert Bergof Studios, to which she received a scholarship. She studied under Uta Hagen the creator of Martha in Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf.

Kerry was invited to join the Arena Stage in Washington, regarded as the most prestigious theatre in the States. She appeared on stage in Los Angeles, New York and Washington and worked with leading actors and directors including playwright Tom Stoppard, who directed her in the New York premiere of Dalliance, and Anthony Hopkins with whom she performed in Hamlet.

Contracted by Universal Studios, Kerry's overseas credits include Murder She Wrote with Angela Lansbury, The Lingrens, Land Of Little Rain, Tales From The Darkside and a season with Dynasty.

A highlight in Kerry's career was an invitation by Tim Robbins (The Player) to form a theatre company. Joined by a core group of actors including Helen Hunt, John Cusack and Anthony Edwards they formed The Actors Gang. Kerry returned to Australia in 1988 but retains her connections and continues to visit the States and work with The Actors Gang and other companies.

On her return to Australia, the feature Grievous Bodily Harm with Colin Friels added to Kerry's prolific body of work. She has also starred in the award winning ABC series Come In Spinner, Altogether Now and will soon be seen in the mini-series, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea with Brian Brown and Michael Caine. Kerry's love of the theatre continued with roles in Talley's Folly at the Victorian Arts Centre, Dostoyevsky's Idiot, at Theatre Works and I'm Not Rappaport with Warren Mitchell at the Melbourne Theatre Company.

Her recent screen credits include Amy with Ben Mendelsohn and Rachel Griffiths and Justice with Marcus Graham.


| Sigrid Thornton | Cassandra Magrath | Kane McNay | Patrick Dickson | David Wenham | William McInnes |

| John Howard | Kerry Armstrong | Cameron Nugent | Bryony Price | Jill Forster | Alan Cassell | Tom Long |

| Kate Atkinson | Kevin Harrington | Christopher Lyons | Alice Garner | Bruce Alexander | Georgina Naidu |

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