Cassandra Magrath

As Miranda Gibson...

At 16, Miranda's life was already precarious - and then everything fell apart. She was coping with her own existential crisis when her father got his surprise comeuppance, her mother dropped her bundle and they moved from her home town to some backwater.

She has wisdom beyond her years and is sensitive and highly aware of others' feelings. At school she achieves good grades but just doesn't fit in. The trivial things that excite her classmates do not excite her.

Miranda enjoys her own company although deep down she is searching for something to give her direction.

As Cassandra Magrath...

Cassandra is currently studying year 12. She aims to finish VCE, live in Nimbin and then travel around Australia and the world but she certainly wants to continue acting.

Cassandra comes from a long line of performers and dancers. She commenced acting at the age of 11 but had the desire long before. She recalls in grade four being asked by her teacher what she wanted to do when she grew up. She also remembers being laughed at by the teacher and students when she responded that her dream was to be an actress.

It was only a short time later that Cassandra encouraged her mother to register her with an acting agency. She was successful in her first television audition and played the role of Zoe in the children's program, Ocean Girl. For the role Cassandra was required to adopt a very weird short haircut but it was a small price to pay for what was to be the beginning of her acting career. Cassandra loved it and knew acting was her destiny.

Ocean Girl 2 followed, then a part in the feature film Hotel De Love with Aden Young. Cassandra played the lead role of Charlene, Wayne's sister, in the award winning children's series, The Wayne Manifesto. She recently appeared in the TV series The Crash Zone. In addition to acting, Cassandra is a keen photographer and particularly enjoys catching unsuspecting faces and contrasts of nature versus man made structures.

She has infused her character with incredible sincerity and authenticity. "Miranda is similar in some ways to me and quite different in others which makes her all the more interesting to portray. But we both strive to find answers," says Cassandra.


| Sigrid Thornton | Cassandra Magrath | Kane McNay | Patrick Dickson | David Wenham | William McInnes |

| John Howard | Kerry Armstrong | Cameron Nugent | Bryony Price | Jill Forster | Alan Cassell | Tom Long |

| Kate Atkinson | Kevin Harrington | Christopher Lyons | Alice Garner | Bruce Alexander | Georgina Naidu |

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