Bryony Price

As Jules Jelly...

Jules Jelly is 17 and pretty as a picture. She could easily be a magazine cover girl - and of course she knows it. She is physically as adept as Craig but mindful to restrict herself to more 'attractive' activities like dancing and netball. She has 'best friends' galore, and was voted the most popular girl in the school but in reality many voted for her because they wanted her to like them, not because they liked her.

As Bryony Price...

Bryony has seen both sides of the camera. She started her career in modelling but has established a strong acting career and is presently studying to be a photographer.

She started modelling at the age of 11. In 1995, at 16, she was chosen as Australian Super Model from 72 other young hopefuls aged between 13 and 25 years. She won a trip to New York and met with Stuart Cameron (Elle McPherson's agent). Bryony was given the opportunity to model in the States but she felt she was too young to pursue her career there and so returned to Australia to finish her schooling.

At about the same time she joined an acting agency and began her career in earnest. Her screen credits include Ocean Girl, Skytrackers, Neighbours and Blue Heelers. Nowadays she prefers to be on the other side of a stills camera and to have the opportunity to create the images, rather than model. However, she does not find the film camera so intimidating and enjoys acting.

She would also love to travel and to work as a photographer overseas.

Meantime, Bryony is enjoying the challenge of playing different characters. "Jules is great - but she is not all niceness and sweetness. She can be utterly uncompromising in her views. If you don't wear the right clothes, participate in the right activities, talk about the right things and have a mobile phone you don't fit into Jules' teenage mould of what's cool. I like her but I also like to think that I am not like her."


| Sigrid Thornton | Cassandra Magrath | Kane McNay | Patrick Dickson | David Wenham | William McInnes |

| John Howard | Kerry Armstrong | Cameron Nugent | Bryony Price | Jill Forster | Alan Cassell | Tom Long |

| Kate Atkinson | Kevin Harrington | Christopher Lyons | Alice Garner | Bruce Alexander | Georgina Naidu |

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