Kane McNay

As Rupert Gibson...

Rupert Gibson is Laura and Jack Gibson's 12-year-old son. He is very much his father's son, trying a bit too hard to fulfil everyone else's expectations of him - especially his mother's. He is bright, imaginative and nobody's fool. He can see through the bullshit and has a confronting way of informing people of his perceptions.

After the move, Rupert misses his father and, like Miranda, he's not quite sure how to adjust to the newfound attentions of his mother but is willing to give her a go.

Rupert's a likable kid. However he never did quite cut it with the scene in the city and moving north has given him the opportunity to reinvent himself.

As Kane McNay...

During his short acting career, Kane has already scored numerous lead roles and awards for his performances and is much in demand as a young actor.

Kane had his first taste of acting, playing the Wizard in The Wizard of Oz, in a school play and he loved it.

In 1996, at the age of 12, he began his professional acting career when he played the role of Tim, a street kid in the short film, It Never Rains. Kane was awarded Best Male Actor at the International Short Film Festival for this role.

His other credits include a guest role in State Coroner, a cast role in The Last of the Ryan's and a lead role in Blabbermouth and Stickybeak, a program filmed for the UK.

Kane is a good student and enjoys most sports, particularly football, basketball, baseball and cricket.

Kane says of his character in SeaChange: "Rupert is close to his sister and is learning to come to terms with not having his Dad around and having to live with his mum!"

Kane, like Cassandra, has taken on his character in an uncanny way. "I feel a bit like him in some ways. Rupert is self-sufficient and funny. I like to think that I am. I also like the way Rupert avoids conflict, can diffuse an argument and is thoughtful of others. I only wish he was a bit better at sport!"


| Sigrid Thornton | Cassandra Magrath | Kane McNay | Patrick Dickson | David Wenham | William McInnes |

| John Howard | Kerry Armstrong | Cameron Nugent | Bryony Price | Jill Forster | Alan Cassell | Tom Long |

| Kate Atkinson | Kevin Harrington | Christopher Lyons | Alice Garner | Bruce Alexander | Georgina Naidu |

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