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You are curently shown a brief presentation of the way people living in the Schela commune spend their spare time.               If you want to access other pages of this site double click one of the topics shown above this scrolling text.              

1965. Elderly people from Schela
TV Cable Network

People generally spend their spare time in their households.
The most common way of spending their time is in front of TV.
One in three families in Schela village is connected to the TV cable network.
This local TV cable network retrasmits the main national TV stations in Romania.
There's no TV network cable in Negrea village.
People out there can only receive "Romania " TV national station.

The Health Unit in Schela
The Cultural Club

The Mayoralty occasionally organises shows and cultural evening parties in the Schela commune Cultural Club.
The Cultural Club has its own group of folklore dances that is "Florile Lozovei" (the "Flowers of Lozova").
One of the traditional dances in Schela village is "gianparelele", a dance oddly conserved here which appears to have tartar or turkish roots.

Other activities

There is a very active association of war veterans in Schela. They gather and spin memories of their youth.
Inside the Cultural Club there's a library.
Majority of its clients are pupils who prepare themselves for admission exams in high schools outside the commune. Schela village posesses a foot-ball pitch and a foot-ball team which plays for the districtual division.

The Cultural Club in Schela
People's appearance

Most people in Schela are brown-haired and hazel-eyed.
If we take, for example, a class of pupils in the Primary School in Schela, 9 are brown-haired, 7 are dark-haired and 4 are fair-haired.
In the same class, 11 of these kids are hazel-eyed, 6-blue-eyed, 2-dark-eyed and just a green-eyed kid. Compared to other Romanian communities, inhabitants in Schela are generally taller and stouter. Men are over 1,70 meters height and women over 1,60 meters height.

Petrolul Schela football team in 1968

At sledging

Performance in the Cultural Club

The football finalist teams of the School Championship in 2003

Evening party in the Cultural Club

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