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You are curently shown a brief presentation of the population living in the Schela commune.               If you want to access other pages of this site double click one of the topics shown above this scrolling text.              


The Schela commune has a population which amounts up to 2800 inhabitants. About 2000 people live in the Schela village and about 800 people live in the Negrea village.
Late history with villagers' migration to cities raised the homogeneousness of remaining people in the villages.
Almost all the inhabitants in these two communities are relative among themselves.

1965. Wednesday, market day in Schela village

The average life duration in the commune is 67,5 years old.
The oldest inhabitants are Stroia Iordache- 97 years old and Marioara Enache- 96 years old.
Statistics say that in Schela women generally live longer than men.
Despite that, the ratio between the two sexes is well-balanced: in the commune live 52% women and 48% men.

The Health Unit in Schela

Girls in Schela wearing traditional dresses
Average age

Since they are 14 years old, more than 60% of the teen-agers leave the commune for continuing their studies. The yearly number of girls leaving the villages for studies is bigger then the boys' number. Most of these young people never come back to live and settle down in the commune.
This may be a reason that explains why over 65% of the nowaday population consists of people who is more than 40 years old. Nevertheless women in Schela are famous for their beauty.

Pupils in Schela primary school
People's appearance

Most people in Schela are brown-haired and hazel-eyed.
If we take, for example, a class of pupils in the Primary School in Schela, 9 are brown-haired, 7 are dark-haired and 4 are fair-haired.
In the same class, 11 of these kids are hazel-eyed, 6-blue-eyed, 2-dark-eyed and just a green-eyed kid.
Compared to other Romanian communities, inhabitants in Schela are generally taller and stouter. Men have over 1,70 meters hight and women over 1,60 meters hight.

Pupils in Negrea primary school

Children in Schela in 1969

Stroia Andone in front of his house in 1957

Children from Schela

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